
Last week, the far leftist online blog “” published a piece promoting pedophilia – in essence trying to mainstream the perverted sexual exploitation of children.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster

This week, doubled down on their support of sorts for pedophilia.

I’m a pedophile, you’re the monsters: My week inside the vile right-wing hate machine

“Right-wing hate machine”?  That’s leftist-speak for not playing nice with admitted would-be child molesters.

The author of these pedophilia-loving stories is a walking, talking, ticking time bomb if he is what he says he is.   You want your kid around this sick bastard at school, church, or social settings?

This same magazine that welcomes articles supporting the normalization of child molestation has a whole segment dedicated to denigrating your Second Amendment rights.

With headlines like these, you can probably guess how the contents will read:

  • Donald Trump’s 2nd amendment insanity: Does the billionaire’s gun-rights platform out-crazy his immigration plan?
  • Senator powerfully indicts colleagues for gun control cowardice: “We are essentially sending a message of quiet endorsement of these murders”
  • Gun crazy: America’s love of guns is deeply coded in our national myth — and we can’t change until we face that
  • The American religion of guns & money has blinded us to an epidemic of death
  • The terrifying reality of the Virginia shooting: The NRA’s vise-grip on Congress means nothing at all will change





8 thoughts on “SEWER: Salon Mag okay promoting pedophilia, but not your gun rights”
  1. That’s it! I’m buyin’ another gun. It’s the only way to be sure. Either that, or blast off and nuke the site from orbit.

  2. While the publisher of Salon and other leftist rags may hold these beliefs to some extent, I caution you to remember that they are a money-making operation first and foremost and such ridiculous headlines are meant mostly to get clicks. That being said, they should still be strung up for endangering our children and Civil Rights.

  3. They support child molesters and hate gun owners, huh?

    What is their target audience anyway? Surely not anyone I or anyone I know would have anything to do with.

    Sickos. Pure sickos.


  4. After “normalization” of queer marriage, it’s the next thing for the left. Have you ever heard of any of them condemning NAMBLA?

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