Ol’ Jug Ears Barack Obama never misses a chance to exploit tragedy for political gain.


There’s not a peep from him about the prolific black-on-black violence in his Democrat-controlled hometown of Chicago.   There’s not a syllable of grief or meetings with families who have lost loved ones to criminal acts by illegal aliens.

But if he can exploit a tragedy like the college massacre in Oregon to promote his failed gun control agenda – especially if there’s a decent golf course nearby – he’s Johnny-on-the-Spot, feigning concern for the cameras for a few minutes and then it’s off to play a round of golf.

Can you spell, “The worst president ever?”

I thought you could.

Obama wants to visit with the victims of the college spree killing last week to score some political points as part of a four-day tour of West Coast golf courses.  The residents of Roseburg, Oregon aren’t dim-bulbs.  They know Obama couldn’t care less about them.  They understand he’s merely trying to use them to advance his failed and unpopular agenda – and they aren’t interested.

The victims’ families, local politicians, and the local newspaper are united in their opposition to Obama coming to town to “visit”, according to the local newspaper’s publisher.

It must be terribly frustrating for President Obama, who is used to people bowing before him.

David Jacques, the publisher of the local paper, said this on O’Reilly:

Well I think the president will not be welcomed into the community. And that is not just my opinion. We talked to dozens upon dozens of citizens, some family members of the victims, our elected officials. And you may have a copy, if you don’t I’d be glad to read from it on the air that our Douglas County commissioners along with our Douglas County sheriff, who is very popular, and our chief of police all came to consensus language about him not being welcome here to grandstand for political purposes.


5 thoughts on “OBAMA’S NOT WELCOME: Oregon town doesn’t want Obama’s insincere visit to pimp gun control”
  1. We are coming into the last year of Obama’s term. This is where he will be the most dangerous and where he will be most willing to flout the law/Constitution.

    He clearly doesn’t care what the American people want. Lynch is moving aggressively with nationalizing local police departments. Illegals and criminals are flowing in. He has destabilized the middle east and handed our mortal enemy the atomic bomb. He has destabilized the economy and set up up for hyperinflation and economic collapse. He has decapitated the military. All of this has been done over the objections of the American people.

    One way or another, Obama will ban guns before he leaves office. If he can’t trick the people into doing it willingly, then he will do it by fiat.

    We must be very vigilant.

  2. I applaud the people of Roseburg for standing up for their beliefs and being vocal about him not coming there. Let’s hope many more cities will follow their lead.

  3. Actually, the one part is backwards. It is the Communist in Chief that is used to bowing before others. What is the tally now of all the foreign leaders he was bowing down to?
    Or was he just trying to get a better look at their shoes, to see if they needed a shine?

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