AZ Central photo

by John Boch

The latest would-be gun free zone massacre was averted last week at Northern Arizona University thanks to those nearby swarming the would-be spree killer before he could continue his rampage.

You probably didn’t read that in the New York Times or elsewhere in the mainstream media.

Here’s a little more detail, from the Independent Journal:

After a post-party confrontation between two groups of students, Jones reportedly fired multiple shots, wounding three male students and killing Colin Brough, a junior business major.

All of the victims were members of the Delta Chi Fraternity, but Jones was not.

Here’s one witness’ account:

“We had just left a party and were standing in the street getting ready to walk home when a guy walked up with a pistol and just started shooting. I heard five or six shots and then my friends just tackled him. They got him really quick…”

Ben Carson has sure been taking ginned-up righteous indignation from the social justice warriors of the progressive left for saying last week that people should swarm a spree killer, not line up and wait to be shot in the head.

During a Tuesday interview on “Fox & Friends,” Carson was asked what he would have done had he been in that classroom during the incident:

“I’m glad you asked that question. Because not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me… I would say, ‘Hey guys! Everybody attack him! He may shoot me but he can’t get us all!’”

The fringe leftists claim Carson was blaming the victims for their own deaths.

Well, guess what?  Sheep get slaughtered. 

For too long, the left has programmed Americans to “just give them what they want” when it comes to interacting with monsters who have already violated the social contract of decency.  Anyone who suggests that victims should do more than that are attacked as “blaming the victim”.

If you look like a sheep, act like a sheep and bleat like a sheep don’t be suprised if you get yourself fleeced and/or slaughtered like a sheep.

Look what happened when three plane-loads of sheep did just that on 9/11.

And look what happened on the fourth plane, where courageous sheep-dogs tried to wrest control of a hijacked airliner.  Those passengers died in their heroic attempt to thwart the hijacking, but in the process saved countless lives.

If you don’t want to get slaughtered, don’t act like a sheep.  RESIST!  Don’t give bullies what they want.

The story at the Independent Journal closed with this.

…if not for the decisive behavior of the students who “tackled” Jones, the carnage may have been much worse.


One more thing:  Mara Zebest at Gateway Pundit wrote this:

It should also be noted that everyone should stop allowing the Liberal media to define the PC language by referring to these misfits of society as “shooters.”  Rahm Emanuel once said he wanted to nudge society into a direction in which we demonize guns. The Liberal term “shooter” helps blur that line and homogenize a connection to guns with little distinction between those who are killers… and those that are law-abiding citizens who respect their 2nd amendment rights and the responsibilities that come with it. Those with evil in their hearts are not “shooters“—they are “murderers.” Let’s start using the appropriate terms to describe their deeds, not their tools.




One thought on “BIAS: NAU incident details emerge: killer tackled, held for police before he could kill more people.”
  1. I’m shocked.

    But I shouldn’t be.

    I’m listening to Rush right now and he just said “in this day of manufactured news”.

    That’s what the media take is on this would-be mass “killing”… it’s all manufactured.


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