“Cocks not glocks: Dildos to replace guns at UT-Austin campus carry protest”
That’s the headline at the Houston Chronicle.
It continues:
AUSTIN – Hundreds of students at the University of Texas at Austin will protest a new law that will allow more guns on campus not with signs or sit-ins, but by “strapping gigantic swinging dildos to our backpacks.”
Their mantra? #CocksNotGlocks
Hundreds will protest?
Out of over 1.5 million college students in Texas, “hundreds” will protest? Even if they get two hundred to show up and protest, that will represent .013% of the total college student population in Texas. To put that into perspective, 5% of Americans think their health insurance costs will go down under Obamacare. Yes, these are some extra special snowflakes.
And their manner of protest? Strapping giant sex toys to their backpacks for use to stop violent attack?
That might be good for a laugh. Would striking someone with a rubber phallus be considered a microaggression? It will not be effective against a bad man though. See, bad people are not afraid to break the law. They could care less about a victim’s “feelings” and they aren’t afraid to use macroaggression – violence – to get what they want.
Jessica Jin doesn’t get that.

Jessica Jin, who set up the “Campus (DILDO) Carry” event on Facebook…
“‘You’re carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I’m carrying a HUGE DILDO,'” Jin says in the group’s description. “Just about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters, but much safer for recreational play.”
…More than 330 people had signed up to participate by Saturday morning. The “strap in” will occur on Aug. 24, 2016, the first day of next year’s fall semester.
I’m rolling on the floor laughing.
These college kids can’t even make it to class reliably, and clicking a pledge to attend an event of Facebook is about as indicative of future performance as a homeless man’s stock picks. Even if the pledged attendees mean well, are really going to remember, let alone attend some event ten months down the road?
Jin’s little publicity campaign is entertaining in its shock value, but it’s of little more substance than the pledges of some professors to quit teaching next fall rather than risk a law-abiding good-guy student might have a gun in his or her classroom. We’ll see just how many brave professors surrender their paychecks, pensions, and tenure to follow through on their pledges.
Talk is cheap, after all.
Yes, one professor claims he has quit over the new law. Sort of. He’ll be teaching in Australia next fall. Nowhere did it mention he’s leaving the Texas permanently.
I’ve heard of some stupid stuff from gun haters – tongue depressors, hair pins, keys…
But carrying a sex toy?
Well now. That’s one I didn’t expect to see.
I surely hope her attacker doesn’t use it on her.
I guess ” they ” are too over educated to bend over and kiss their A@@ GOOD BYE like everyone else in a TARGET ZONE (gun free zone).
Better she carry it than choke on it.
Idiot savant with Aspberger’s she must be. Good at violins and dildos, not so brilliant in about everything else.
Hope this gets rid of all the commie/liberal/progressive indoctrinating these poor children
Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m embarrassed these damn liberals have taken over the university I graduated from. I hope they leave in droves because of the new campus carry laws.
Now that’s a start—-if all the schools. Allowed. Concealed carry. This bullshit would stop !!!
Wait until a member of Team Dildo gets robbed, beaten and-or raped…
Here’s a girl that takes cock everywhere she goes. No, literally.
They better watch out….I know one of you gun nuts will be there to open fire. Small penis boys that you are.
You live in a sad, paranoid little world.
See gun owners support and protect the CONSTITUTION (google it if you’ve never heard of it before). That includes this young lady’s FIRST amendment rights to freedom of speech, which unfortunately includes things like carrying a sex toy around to gain attention.
We may not like what she does with that right, but we would still fight to protect it.
That’s the difference between us and intolerant bigots like you. We’re ok with open dialogue, people being different, and others engaging in things we simply wouldn’t.
They had better be careful, during an attack the dildo could be taken from them and used against them.