Not dance troupes of half-dressed tween girls naively singing and dancing about that which they do not understand.
Not bossy college coeds waving a giant, rubber dildos around shouting “Cocks not Glocks”.
No, what stops bad guys with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun.
Check this out:
Deputies: Robbery victim shoots, kills suspect in north Harris County
A group of bad men tried to rob a single male. They didn’t know he had a gun and knew how to use it. Two of the group of predators sprung leaks, one expiring from his wounds. Darn shame… he didn’t get them all before they ran out of their shoes trying to run away, leaving behind a trail of turds rolling forth from their pant legs.
HOUSTON, TX (KTRK) –One person is dead and another is injured after they allegedly attempted to rob a man carrying a concealed handgun early this morning.
The suspects approached the man with a gun as he was walking on the 600 block Cypress Station Drive around 1am.
That’s when deputies say the man surprised the would-be robbers by pulling his own handgun. He fired the gun at both suspects, killing one of them.
“The shots sounded like they were fired by somebody who knew what they were doing; very distinct and deliberate,” said Marcel Smith, who lives just feet away from where the shooting took place. He added, “From my balcony, I could hear the deputies and the robbery victim talking about it all.”
And then there was one that happened in San Antonio… A young punk and an older punk thought they would break into a nice house in their neighborhood. It didn’t work out so well for them.
You would think bad guys would think twice before committing crimes in Texas where there are more guns than people.
SAPD: Homeowner blasts burglar with shotgun
SAN ANTONIO (KENS) — Two suspected burglars have two problems following an overnight break-in: injuries and criminal charges.
San Antonio Police said the two unnamed suspects broke into a man’s home in the 500 block of Cumberland Road. He met his intruders with a shotgun.
Investigators said the man hit one of the suspect’s over the head with a shotgun, then shot the other suspect after he claimed he had a gun.
Police said both suspects escaped on foot, but were picked up by family members and taken to a local hospital. One man was being treated at the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio for a head injury from the victim’s shotgun. The other suspect was taken to SAMMC with a shotgun wound.
Now, having read these stories, do you believe for an instant that the violent criminal predators would have been deterred or repelled by this bunch of naive tween girls articulating for something they know precious little about?
B-b-b-but! “We deserve to be safe!”
Good luck with that.
Published on Oct 7, 2015
We are a group of teen dancers. We got together with our teachers/choreographers to create a statement piece about gun violence in America. After 45 school shootings in 2015 as of October 1st, we wanted to express both sadness and hope. We grew up like this. We hope America can find a peaceful way to address this problem. So there are no more shattered innocent lives. No more broken hearts. No more possibilities cut short. We deserve to be safe in our schools, our homes and our neighborhoods. Please do something.
You are a group of naive teen girls. You should avoid getting together with your leftist teachers/choreographers to discuss political issues. Dance class is not brainwashing class. You cite incidents of violence on school properties.
Pop quiz, girls:
Q: How many students have lost their lives to fires at school in the last sixty years?
A: Zero.
Why? Do we pretend the threat doesn’t exist or do we do our level best to keep our kids safe from fire? Do we not make sure we have fire drills, fire exits, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, regulations relating to flammability and combustibility of materials used in schools?
We’ve had hundreds of deaths over these same years from spree killings in schools. Do we have armed teachers, administrators and staff properly licensed and trained? Do we have firearms available in the school to thwart violent attack? Do we harden our school properties from violent attack? We have hardened a little bit, but overall, many in our society cling to the misguided belief that a “gun free zone” sign offers some sort of magic talisman protection from lunatics, criminals and terrorists preying on our children.
So quit acting like airheads, girls, and try thinking logically and scientifically, not emotionally when it comes to guns.
5 thoughts on “CAUSE, EFFECT: Bad guys spring leaks after preying on good guys with guns”
I love happy endings.
The girls at the end though? I hope they practice their dancing and get really good, because none of them will be eligible to join MENSA at this rate.
If that was my girl, I’d be pretty pissed off at the adult leaders using those girls as useless idiots to advance the teachers’ leftist tendencies. How sad.
I still remember the movie Fleshdance.
I don’t see the average hood rat or white trash dirtbag turning his life around from that Youtube video.
If they see the muzzle of a gun though, they usually get religion pretty expeditiously.
I’ll go with gun over dancing girls. Every time.
I love Texas!
I didn’t know shots have different sounding bangs.
I love happy endings.
The girls at the end though? I hope they practice their dancing and get really good, because none of them will be eligible to join MENSA at this rate.
If that was my girl, I’d be pretty pissed off at the adult leaders using those girls as useless idiots to advance the teachers’ leftist tendencies. How sad.
I still remember the movie Fleshdance.
I don’t see the average hood rat or white trash dirtbag turning his life around from that Youtube video.
If they see the muzzle of a gun though, they usually get religion pretty expeditiously.
I’ll go with gun over dancing girls. Every time.
I love Texas!
I didn’t know shots have different sounding bangs.
Good job ol boy.