Not everyone can be intelligent.
Take Michael Pusateri, for instance.
He heard President Barack Hussein Obama prattle on last week, politicizing a tragedy. He then decided to take his guns to the local police station and surrender them.
There’s some stupid that you can’t fix.
Firearms are no longer a hobby of mine
by Michael Pusateri
(medium.com) – Today I went to my local police station and asked for them to take my guns and have them destroyed.
…Last week, I sat in a hotel room and watched the President talk about the latest mass shooting and how they had become routine and the concern that nothing would change. I started to shrug it off and pretend in my mind that there was nothing I could do. But the idea that gun culture doesn’t bear some responsibility for these killings didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t want to be a part of gun culture anymore.
With that printed t-shirt, is he from UT – Austin group ?
I’m sure they were very happy to take all his Airsoft and Nerf guns and that one lone Daisy Red Rider BB gun.
Puss a terry, huh?
Lemme guess: He’s one of those NY Times “Modern Males”.
If he’s not gay, then I’m sure his wife and kids must be so very proud of the head of their household shirking his responsibility to keep them safe until the professionals arrive.
His wife’s probably sleeping with a real man right now.
Assuming he’s not practicing the alternative lifestyle… you know, “from behind”.
Gun culture? That guy?
Nice t-shirt, by the way.
I have no doubt the local cops enjoyed a hearty chuckle at the expense of Mr. Feelgood.
Dumb Ass
The other commenters are right on. This is not a gun guy and I question if real guns were turned over.
This is probably a fake story manufactured to spur some headlines and keep the media fire burning. Is there any confirmation that he actually submitted real guns to the police?
I know it is a strange concept, but I think the usual thing to do is sell valuable possessions, not surrender them to the government.
Our founding fathers would roll in their graves if they knew of this sorry excuse for an American.
This guy would know gun culture if it hit him upside the head with a 2×4.
Filed under “Things That Never Happened”