The Democrat Sheriff of San Francisco failed a range qualification for his “duty” gun. Repeatedly, even after remedial training.
When the department’s firearms trainer looked into the matter, things got interesting when he discovered the sheriff’s conviction for a battery where his wife was the victim:
(Gateway Pundit) – Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi ran for office claiming to be qualified.
Turns out that he lied about his qualifications, and according to California law, he is not allowed to possess a firearm, which in itself is grounds for termination from the Sheriff’s department. The Sheriff decided to skirt the law and attempted to gain qualification according to range standards. He failed the test and the range officer attempted to find out if it was even ethical to test the Sheriff due to a past domestic violence conviction. The Range Officer was demoted and transferred for attempting to find answers regarding these concerns.
As a side note, Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi is the same Sheriff who blames everyone except himself after releasing the illegal murderer Francisco Sanchez who later took the life of Kate Steinle. A video of the Sheriff here defending sanctuary city policy.
Below audio is from KSFO 560 Morning Show out of San Francisco in which two officers from the Sheriff’s department call in to offer more background details of the serious consequences of this Sheriff’s lack of ethics on the job.
Ethics? Who needs ethics? After all, he’s a big-city Democrat who hates guns and loves illegal aliens!
The SFGate reports the following:
A sergeant under San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi who oversaw the department’s shooting range was transferred after he questioned whether the sheriff could take a marksmanship test in light of his domestic violence case, The Chronicle has learned.
Mirkarimi then took the test and failed it, preventing him from carrying a gun, department employees said.
Sheriff’s Department officials strongly denied Thursday night that the sergeant had been transferred because he potentially stood in the way of Mirkarimi’s being granted permission to carry a gun. They described his transfer as a budgetary move and said Mirkarimi had nothing to do with it.
For much of his term as sheriff, Mirkarimi was on criminal probation after pleading guilty in 2012 to a misdemeanor charge of false imprisonment stemming from an incident in which he bruised his wife’s arm during an argument.
In April, Mirkarimi had the conviction expunged after he completed his probation. Left unresolved was whether he could carry a gun on duty.
State law bars someone convicted of a domestic-violence-related offense from possessing a gun, even if the conviction is expunged. Nonetheless, soon after his case was expunged, Mirkarimi asked the Sheriff’s Department shooting-range master to schedule a marksmanship test, said Capt. Lisette Adams, head of the department association that represents supervisors and managers.
Nice try, sheriff. There are no “expungements” of domestic violence convictions upon completion of the sentence.
Guns for me, but not for y’all.
What is surprising about this POS attempting to skirt the law. He is a disaster as a sheriff or a man. Typical scumbag demonrat politician who sees himself as above the law he enforces on others. Also part of the corrupt city cabal who managed to shutdown the last gun shop in San Fran. He must have his head up under the skirt of Gavin Newsome and Diane Frankenstein as well as Barbra Butterface Boxer.
Another scumbag (and would-be tyrant) Democrat.
Typical politician, above the law. Did he get his driver’s license back yet? Surprising what happens when you leave the scene of an accident.
I think a fair question for the sheriff is: “HAVE YOU QUIT BEATING YOUR WIFE?”
lol I love that joke
Unf*@#ing Believable!