That’s a word that many don’t want associated with Bossy Hillary Clinton.
Hillary’s campaign has been floundering for months now, a complete disaster for a woman who was the presumptive nominee a year ago. She seems to have found a hot button issue that’s resonating in the far-Left echo chamber: gun control.
She is even boldly advocating “mandatory gun buybacks” – liberal-speak for gun confiscations – while ignoring the widespread support Americans have for gun ownership and self-defense. What’s more, American’s aren’t just telling pollsters they support gun rights, they are busy buying guns in record numbers – and crime is gently trending downward.

Meanwhile the mainstream media is trying to carry her water. You may have seen the Time Magazine report online:
More Americans Want Stricter Gun Laws, Poll Finds
Gun control has become a major issue on the 2016 campaign trail
More than half of all Americans say they believe gun laws should be stricter than they are now, a significant rise over previous years as gun safety becomes a central issue in the 2016 presidential race in the wake of a string of mass shootings.According to a Gallup poll, 55% of Americans say gun laws should be stricter, a rise of eight percentage points over last year and the highest since immediately after the Sandy Hook shooting when 58% wanted stricter gun laws. One-third, or 33% say that gun laws should be kept as they are.
Over a third (36%) of gun owners want stricter gun control. Three in four Democrats (77%) agree, while just 27% of Republicans favor stricter gun laws.
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Now, notice that last line: 77% of Dems surveyed want stricter gun laws. Could that explain Hillary’s sudden infatuation with gun control, when her efforts at trying to find consensus on a host of other hot button issues have failed?
Gun grabber Democrats have tried to gin up some sort of jihad against guns, a topic they have pretty much left dormant since the shellacking they received in 2014. Why did Democrats fare poorly in 2014? A whole lot of Americans were upset over the anti-gun measures that were passed following Newtown spree killings.
There are millions of new gun owners in America since Barack Obama took office – almost 600,000 in Illinois alone.
Analysts believe that Hillary might be striking a positive chord with the far Left constituencies, but to everyday Americans, her message of confiscation (she calls it “mandatory gun buybacks“) and gun control might not be so well received:
Some Eye-Popping Poll Numbers on Guns and Self-Defense
by Jim Garaghty
(National Review Online) – Let’s take a look at one vivid indicator of just how much Hillary Clinton is pushing her luck on the issue of gun control, as Charlie writes…
OnMessage Inc., a GOP consulting firm that includes the NRA among its clients, commissioned a national survey of 1000 likely voters from July 19-21. The margin for error was 3.1 percent. The pollster asked, “Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Every American has a fundamental right to self-defense and a right to choose the home defense firearm that is best for them.” The survey found that overall, 76 percent agreed, only 21 percent disagreed. Across the board, respondents agreed with the statement, although in slightly less lopsided margins than the previous question.
Among Republicans, the split was 90-10; independents 71-25; among Democrats, 53-43. Men agreed 73 percent to 23 percent; women agreed 63 percent to 34 percent. African-Americans agreed 65 percent to 25 percent. Hispanics agreed, 80 percent to 18 percent.
Even a majority of Democrats agreed with that statement… the very people Hillary is courting with talk of “mandatory gun buybacks” aka confiscation.
They also asked a fascinating question in light of the “war on women” rhetoric. OnMessage asked respondents if they agreed, “The right to firearm ownership is essential to self-defense for women.” Overall, 68 percent agreed, 29 percent disagreed.
Among Republicans, the split was 82-15; independents 79-21; among Democrats, 62-33. Men agreed 82 percent to 16 percent; women agreed 71 percent to 26 percent. The gang at OnMessage contended that opposing self-defense for women was akin to “liberal Kryptonite”, concluding that 56 percent of African Americans agreed’ that the right to firearm ownership is essential to self-defense for women; 65 percent of Hispanics agreed; 41 percent of self described liberals agree and 64 percent of union members agreed.
OnMessage calculated that 51 million Americans own a firearm.
Please, please, please run on a platform of national gun confiscation, Mrs. Clinton.
We concur.
But don’t limit it to Mrs. Clinton. Let them all run on an extremist platform of Australian-like gun confiscation.
Go ahead and let it all hang out! No more hiding behind such euphemisms as “common sense gun control” and “sensible gun safety legislation”. Be loud and be proud!
Let them embrace racist, classist and sexist gun control!
No money to build a border fence, but all kinds of money to buy guns.
LOL! Come take.
Stay vigilant, don’t think Hillary is finished or weak. Bernie is fading a bit and Crazy Joe isn’t running so the Democrat machine is putting a fresh coat of paint on her. Aided by the leftist media singing her praises about how she showed those nasty Republican witch hunters during the Benghazi hearings. Now is not the time to gloat, now is the time to keep the heat on her.
She talks with intensive Force. Kinda like Hitler. How about Hitler Hillary. Well that sounds pretty damn good to me. ⁉️ O. HITLER HILLARY
Hillary’s spent too much time in the echo chamber.