Rahm’s ready.

CHICAGO (CBS) — Mayor Rahm Emanuel says officials are ready for activists who want to thwart the city’s gun buyback program, reports WBBM’s Political Editor Craig Dellimore.

Mayor Emanuel says officials and community leaders will make sure that gun rights advocates don’t scam the weapons buyback program by turning in worthless guns for gift cards. The Champaign-based group Guns Save Life has threatened to turn in worthless, inoperable guns.

“One of the things we did to redesign it is to work through our church leaders to make sure it’s exactly taking guns that we think need to get off the street off the streets,” Emanuel said.  “I know where I stand. I stand with the residents, yesterday as well as last night, who want to see police on the street and getting both guns and kids off the street.”

Rahm stands?  Yeah, he stands on a platform so he doesn’t seem so short.

He says they are only going to accept guns that are “operable”.

Here’s our answer Rahm:

Rahm's ready


The old expression comes to mind:  You can polish a turd, but it’s still a turd.

25 thoughts on “REALLY NOW? Mayor vows he’s ready to stop Guns Save Life from fleecing his gun buyback”
  1. His position would seem to be unconstitutional. JB, run it by GSL’s lawyers. Either the Commerce Clause or the Dormant Commerce Clause, or, heck, even equal protection!!!

    BUt he cannot exclude those of us whose tax dollars pay for his boondoggle programs.

  2. So, they’re going to make you wipe the rust off, huh?

    How mean of them.

    They must like the smell of Hoppes.

  3. This is gonna be a circus. I can’t help but imagine the grillin’ you will get if you are white, clean cut and have a confident bearing about yourself…

    If I was a little younger…

  4. In addition to selling them junk, it might be worthwhile to hang outside to see if anyone is wanting to get rid of nice guns, and give them more than the $100.

    1. Be careful of hanging outside. They would love to bust someone on a non-FFL transfer, no waiting period, or ISP FOID check.

  5. This is going to be fun to watch. So they’ll have people working the slides on semi’s or making sure revolvers function correctly? Will granny safety check that shotgun?

    Sounds like a Major Fail on many fronts LOL!

  6. If your turn in gun. Has rust it can be easily removed with a little toilet bowl cleaner. But don’t leave it on longer than you need to , it’s. Strong it’ll. Burn your fingers , and it will damn sure remove rust — rinse it off , dry it ,and oil it. Done deal !!!

  7. I can see Father Michael Pfleger looming about for this event. Would love to donate a few for the cause. Where are the funds going this year? Youth shooting events again? I’m happy to give for a benefit that is so perfect. It’s about time some good use can be made of these nonsensical wastes of funds by our elected officials.

  8. I thought this (as all) “buyback” was a “NO QUESTIONS ASKED” event, after all, don’t criminals use non-functioning “firearms” in their misdeeds? What about the holdups that occur with “look-alikes” (BB pistols, air-soft, etc.)?

  9. So, I googled how to make zip guns.

    You reckon I put those pipes in toilet bowl cleaner for a while and then some saltwater to make them look, “old” would be okay?

    It just has to function, right?


  10. I guess my question is who is the ffl that’s buying back all these guns and doing the pperwork on the transfers, also, in the state of Illinois all in possession of a firearm had to have an foid. So how many laws are being broken by Emanuel and his cronies on the handling and transfer of these firearms and our by the Sheeple turning actual firearms in.

  11. Hidden video cameras on GSL folks attempting to turn in guns? Posting GSL observers at each site?

    If they treat us differently from everyone else – it’s discrimination.

  12. Jon has the number on this issue.

    If you have truly a junk firearm (which means the receiver is damaged) then clean the firearm and maybe even re-blue it using a cheap cold blue product. If a few minutes of time and a little elbow grease gets a true Junker past Rahms boys its worth the effort


  13. If they are not accepting “non working” firearms, then how are they going to get that picture of the mountain of firearms that they do every year? They are only going to get maybe 20 or so, if the past pictures are any indication. Fail will be the only thing piled up in Chiraq. Oh well, I’m sure they can get a stock photo somewhere.

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