The State Journal-Register did a superlative job writing up much of the first full day of the 2015 HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes for nine current and former wounded soldiers and Marines.
It started with a police and fire escort from the Illinois State Police Academy to the enormous Scheels Sporting Goods store in Springfield.
Scheels treated the HOOAH heroes, and a few of the spouses, along with the HOOAH volunteers like family. The store fed us lunch, and donated the clothing and equipment to outfit the heroes from head to toe.
The media was there, too.
It was a little overwhelming at times.
Injured veterans get free shopping trip at Scheels before hunting trip in McLean County
Nine soldiers and veterans dealing with external and internal wounds from their military service were outfitted with free outdoors clothing and related gear Tuesday in Springfield as they began a hunting trip focused more on goodwill than game.
“Killing a deer or catching a fish is a tiny part of what we do,” said Matt Graden, a founder of HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes, which arranged Tuesday’s shopping trip to Scheels. “It’s about spending our time and showing our gratitude.”
The McLean County-based nonprofit, which formed in 2012 and is operated entirely by volunteers, provides outdoor activities and other all-expense-paid social events for wounded veterans to help them rehabilitate mentally and physically. The group can be reached at
The Scheels trip marked the first time a large corporate donor has partnered with HOOAH, which stands for Healing Outside of a Hospital.
The group works with the U.S. Army and other military organizations to identify wounded active-duty soldiers and veterans throughout the country who might benefit from the non-alcoholic outdoor trips HOOAH sets up in rural Illinois.
Six people — the group refers to them as “heroes” — took part in 2013, said Graden, 42, a Stanford resident and Illinois Air National Guard veteran.
That total increased in 2014 to 47 men and women who participated in hunting and fishing trips in McLean and Jefferson counties, and the group is on track to serve about the same number this year, Graden said. The average age of participants is 30, he said.
After the shopping trip, the nine heroes were scheduled to spend Wednesday pheasant hunting and shooting clay pigeons at a camp in McLean County, and then hunt deer in the same area Thursday through Sunday. A closing banquet is scheduled for Sunday at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Bloomington.
‘Awesome’ impact
The outing to Scheels began with the nine heroes, all men, driving to the store on Springfield’s south side as part of a caravan that included police vehicles, a fire truck and Springfield-area members of the Patriot Guard.
One of the heroes walked with a cane. One had a leg brace. Several had limbs missing and prostheses in their place. For others, the injuries weren’t obvious.
Once inside Scheels, the men were greeted by Gov. Bruce Rauner, who wore camouflage clothing and said he had been duck hunting that morning in Calhoun County. Rauer shook each man’s hand and talked with each one for a few minutes.
The men later tried on the hunting clothing that Sheels donated. Sheels officials wouldn’t say how much the store’s donation was worth, but Tom Huffington, 45, another founder of HOOAH, said the group funded similar shopping trips for soldiers on its own in the past. The typical cost to outfit each person is at least $400 or $500, he said.
3 thoughts on “HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes! Wounded vets treated to police escort. Scheels decks ’em out. A good day.”
That one picture… it must have been dusty in there.
Nice job looking after our wounded servicemen.
How is it not surprising Guns Save Life would be big supporters of that HOOAH group?
For the first time in months, I watched tonight’s 6:00 news on Channel 20. They featured a longer than normal report on the event! I saw some familiar GSL faces in the background as well.
You volunteers and supporters know who you are, thank you. Great job!
Kudos to Guns Save Life for supporting HOOAH.
Kudos and then some to HOOAH. Doing God’s work helping our veterans.
It makes me proud that we give veterans the respect and admiration they deserve. I’m old enough to remember leftist monsters spitting on veterans after Viet Nam. Do that today and we’ll stomp a mud puddle into your ass.
That one picture… it must have been dusty in there.
Nice job looking after our wounded servicemen.
How is it not surprising Guns Save Life would be big supporters of that HOOAH group?
For the first time in months, I watched tonight’s 6:00 news on Channel 20. They featured a longer than normal report on the event! I saw some familiar GSL faces in the background as well.
You volunteers and supporters know who you are, thank you. Great job!
Kudos to Guns Save Life for supporting HOOAH.
Kudos and then some to HOOAH. Doing God’s work helping our veterans.
It makes me proud that we give veterans the respect and admiration they deserve. I’m old enough to remember leftist monsters spitting on veterans after Viet Nam. Do that today and we’ll stomp a mud puddle into your ass.