Photo via pearlsofprofundity Blog.

Base photo via YouTube.

Moms Demand Action – part of Mayor Bloomberg’s Everytown cabal of astroturf anti-gun organization – strenuously objects to teaching children about gun safety according to Deputy Director Jennifer Hoppe.

From Yahoo Parenting.

Jennifer Hoppe, deputy director of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a campaign of the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the best way to reduce gun deaths among children is to be keep the weapons out of children’s hands altogether. “It’s atrocious to put the onus of gun safety onto children — this is an adult problem,” Hoppe tells Yahoo Parenting.

Photo via  pearlsofprofundity Blog.

We’re not sure if Moms Demand Action are bigger advocates of putting their heads in the sand, or deep inside their rectal cavities.   In either event, with parenting advice like that, it really does take a village to raise a child (or an idiot).

With decisions come consequences.  Wise and prudent parents educate their children about dangers they may face in the home and outside as well.   Failing to do so may result in death or great bodily injury.

When it is appropriate to talk with your children about gun safety?

That’s a good question, but the answer isn’t that difficult.  When do you talk with your children about things that are hot?  When do you teach your children not to eat or play with razor blades?  When do you teach your kids not to drink bleach, play with matches or stick things in electrical outlets or light sockets?  When do you teach your kids not to drown themselves in the toilet?

Here’s simple, easy to understand firearm safety for you kids.  It’s nine words about what to do if you see a gun.  Nine words.

If you see a gun:

  • STOP.




See, is that difficult or an atrocious thing to teach your children or grandchildren?

Moms Demand Action sees those nine words and reflexively shouts “Nein!  We shouldn’t do have to do that!”

How shameful.


6 thoughts on “IGNORANCE IS BLISS? Moms Demand Action: It’s “atrocious” to teach children gun safety”
  1. What a perfect picture. Head in the said, ass up ready to be raped by criminal thugs. Perfect summary of the gun control advocates.

    I be that sorry ditz teaches her children not to touch a gun. Or maybe not.

    Pretending a hazard doesn’t exist is a pretty piss poor way of protecting people.

    Kind of like how they pretend there’s no violent crime, except for that of lunatics who go on spree killings of white folks. They make no mention of black on black crime, or crime with weapons other than guns.

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