From time to time we run across examples of how pathetic our mainstream media really has become and think to ourselves, “And they wonder why they are struggling economically”.
The latest: Karyn Greer, a crack “investigative reporter” with a CBS46 in Atlanta went “undercover” to report on porn at the local grocery store.

ATLANTA (CBS46) –The next time you are in a grocery or convenience store, check out the magazine aisle. As CBS46 investigative reporter Karyn Greer found out, gun porn appears to be more popular than travel and cooking magazines and in plain sight of impressionable children.
Sexually explicit and tabloid magazines are kept on the top shelves of stores to keep them out of sight of precious young children, but gun magazines are in plain sight and easy reach for anyone to grab and take a peek.
“It just proliferates the spread of guns and glamourizes guns and everything that goes along with it,” said Glenn Sutton.
Who is Glenn Sutton and why should we give his opinion any more credibility than say disgraced televangelist Robert Tilton?
Gun porn is described as photos of guns that display them in the same carefully posed and lighted manner as the models in traditional pornography. The magazines include glossy covers with sexy young women armed and ready to shoot.
Described by whom? Sexy young women armed with guns, ready to shoot? Does that make Oleg Volk a pimp-daddy?
CBS46 went undercover to Publix, Kroger and Walmart to find the magazines. In one Publix, we found 15 gun magazines, more than travel, cooking and beauty magazines, at eye level, easily accessible to young children. A Dr. Seuss display was directly in front of rifle and gun magazines.
And now, for a happier note: some gun “pron”, as Karyn interprets it from our friend Oleg Volk.

Is Karyn’s bigger problem is that she doesn’t see herself as all that attractive and she’s denigrating prettier women to make herself feel better?
What’s next? Is she going to go after Cosmo with her delicate sensibilities?

Gun porn?
Is that like an extra soft-core version of the porn I tried to keep away from my kids?
All that squawking about those terrible gun mags being porn yet, I bet that “woman” has a carry license. Anyone wanna bet against me?
Trying to equate gun ownership with pornography? Is that the best they can do?
I wonder if she does “investigative reporting” on the Hollywood movies by fools such as Quentin Tarantino. What’s worse, all of the wanton violence in that crap, or a few magazines in a rack?
Why doesn’t she go undercover in the black community to find out why black people won’t take responsibility for the extraordinary level of violent behavior within their group. That would actually be a real story. Gun porn, what a joke.
What is next? Food porn at Hooters? Won’t that be a big story!
Or junior high cheerleader porn…
I work in a hospital. We sell gun magazines in our lobby. Why? They are popular, and we make money. Ha ha ha ha. I think its great!
These people need to shut up or get off the planet. What a bunch of hacks. But- this IS how the left works. Redefine the terms so unsuspecting, everyday, NORMAL people are reclassified into a new category of which THEY don’t approve. Don’t let THEM define YOU. And show some backbone- start laughing them into shame. They’re jokes not reporters.