When scoundrels can’t make meritorious arguments based upon facts, they usually turn to name-calling and bigory, do they not?

And when the rule of law goes against them, they get really shrill!

Such is the case for a pair of University of Texas “professors” who penned a “manifesto” (cough, can you say communist manifesto, cough) with gems like this sprinkled among repeated use of the word “struggle”.

  • As professors, we don’t see classroom carry to be about our own personal security. We will most likely never be shot in our offices or classrooms, even if we were to piss off some white male students with sacrilegious ideas about race, empire, evolution, or god.

Image via photobucket user areapenguin

  • That guns instead increase the number of accidents, suicides, sexual assaults, and deaths.
  • Tech this country has been committed to the idea that to fight mass shooters (themselves the product of the pathologies of gun culture)
  • To fight crime in schools, to discipline the diseases of race and poverty, we need to deputize teachers as armed marshals.
  • We are witnessing the great ideological return of settler colonialism.
  • What has made America really  peculiar throughout has been the fiction of the triumph of the self over community
  • America has all along been about the sheer display of white male power (with guns): over Indians, over slaves, over females, over Mexicans, over Asians, over African Americans, and over Arabs, now
  • The return of the vigilante movement is a giant, collective white push  back against the Civil Rights Movement and against the unintended consequences of globalization, migration, and demography.

Photo via http://eyeonwilliamson.org

Those examples are just the first two paragraphs of a long, loony screed that would make Karl Marx proud.

The Daily Caller has more:

Two professors at the University of Texas (UT) have taken a new approach to resisting the impending legalization of concealed carry on Texas campuses: Gun rights are the new segregation.

A new Texas law, passed earlier this year and taking effect in 2016, will allow those with concealed carry permits to bring their weapons onto Texas college campuses and even into classrooms. There is a strong movement of students and professors opposed to the new law, and two such professors released a manifesto for the movement Tuesday that is remarkably open in its hostility toward white men.

“As professors, we don’t see classroom carry to be about our own personal security,” the manifesto says early on. “We will most likely never be shot in our offices or classrooms, even if we were to piss off some white male students with sacrilegious ideas about race, empire, evolution, or god.”

The new manifesto, authored by UT-Austin history professor Jorge Canizares-Esguerra and UT-El Paso political science professor Patrick Timmons, both leaders of Gun Free UT, was released in an email urging opponents of concealed carry to attend a Tuesday rally. In it, the authors argue that it’s misguided for opponents of concealed carry to focus on whether the new law will increase or decrease violent crime rates.

8 thoughts on “RACIAL BIGOTRY FROM LEFT: Univ. Texas professors pen bigoted rant against campus carry”
  1. Is the UT recruiting profs from Havana?

    Would I pay tuition for my kids to learn from those clowns? Not only no, but HELL NO!

  2. Smart and educated are not the same thing. In this case, I’m even wondering how well educated these two “professors” are.

    Their philosophy and vision for our society has already been implemented in Europe. It doesn’t work. Europe is being destroyed right before our eyes.

    The way to cure this is to kick these academics out of their ivory towers and force them to fend for themselves.

  3. I have met many intellectual people over the years, unfortunately some of them have absolutely no common sense. The UT-Austin history professor qualifies for this ranking.

  4. I am a retired college professor. Faculty culture is very left-wing and elitist. Professors believe they are the only ones smart enough to know what is best for the rest of us pathetic creatures. And I have known some very educated but stupid professors.

  5. If they can’t wrap their fragile little minds around the truth about guns, then can we trust anything they teach or their “research” findings? Aren’t those just as likely to be (badly) tainted by their warped view on the world?

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