On Friday eight ISIS linked terrorists slaughtered 132 people in Paris. At least one of the Islamists posed as a refugee to enter Europe – in October.
The headlines today are mind boggling:

1. I’m going to apologize to America for our far-left moonbat Rep. Jan Schakowsky. Her ignorance of history is astounding.
Dem Lawmaker Schakowsky: ISIS Paris Attacks “Chilling Reminder” that US Needs Stricter Gun Laws
Wow– More insanity from the American left.
Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky from Illinois told SiriuxXM radio that the Paris terrorist attacks last week were a “chilling reminder” that the U.S. needs more restrictive gun laws.
France has some of the strictest gun laws in the West.
Only terrorists and criminals are packing heat.
Everything to these would-be tyrants is a “reminder” that we need less freedom for law-abiding Americans.
2. Our Demagoguer in Chief B. Hussein Obama is on his game.
Disgraceful! Obama in Manila: Republicans Are Afraid of Widows and Orphans – Won’t Take in Refugees
Barack Obama slammed Republicans during his press conference at the APEC Summit in Manila today.
President Obama is furious that Republicans will not accept his Syrian “refugees.”
Interestingly enough, Donald Trump, in his campaign to Make America Great Again, suggests there’s a method to Obama’s madness when it comes to Syrians settlement in the USA:
(Politico) – The Obama administration is deliberately sending Syrian refugees to states led by Republican governors, Donald Trump alleged Tuesday.
Trump, who was speaking to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, said of the refugees, “They send them to the Republicans, not to the Democrats, you know because they know the problem … why would we want to bother the Democrats?”
3. As I’ve written before, these Muslim fanatics are savages.
British survivor of Eagles of Death Metal concert tells how ISIS terrorists ‘tortured wounded victims by slitting their stomachs with knives’
(Mirror) – ISIS gunmen used knives to torture their mortally wounded victims by slitting their stomachs as they lay on the floor, it has been claimed.
An eyewitness who hid in a cellar for three hours as the armed murderers rampaged through the packed Bataclan Theatre in Paris said she knew people were being tortured because she could hear their screams.
Mariesha Payne, from Perthshire, told the Daily Mail: “We knew people were being tortured in the theatre because we heard people screaming, but they were not being shot and these were singular screams.
4. Suicide watch. Far left French president renews pledge to take tens of thousands of more Muslims. What could possibly go wrong?
Suicide Watch: President Hollande Says France Will Welcome 30,000 More “Refugees”
(Gateway Pundit) – On Friday eight ISIS linked terrorists slaughtered 132 people in Paris.
At least one of the Islamists posed as a refugee to enter Europe – in October.
The Islamic terrorists gutted their victims on the floor of the Bataclan concert hall.
But this won’t stop French President Francois Hollande cutting the flow of Islamists into France.
The Socialist president announced Wednesday France will accept another 30,000 “refugees” from the Middle East and North Africa.
French President Francois Hollande today promised that “France will remain a country of freedom,” defending his decision to honor a commitment to accept migrants and refugees despite Friday’s deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.
“Life should resume fully,” Hollande told a gathering of the country’s mayors, who gave him a standing ovation. “What would France be without its museums, without its terraces, its concerts, its sports competitions?
5. Meanwhile, in Paris, a city with 224,000 Muslims, only 30 could be troubled to show up and condemn the Paris attacks last week.
Of almost a quarter million.
The question we should ask: Are those 224,000 Muslims compatible with Western Civilization? Are any of those Muslims who won’t renounce ISIS-style jihad and violence compatible with our way of life?
Only 30 Paris Muslims in City of 224,000 Muslims Turn Out to Protest Bloody ISIS Attacks
It’s a religion of peace—
Only 30 Muslims turned out to protest the bloody ISIS attacks in Paris last week.
A small group of around 30 French Muslims from Bangladesh joined mourners in the Place de la Republique in Paris to protest the bloody ISIS attacks.
Approximately 10-15% of Paris is Muslim or at least 224,000 people.
Only 30 felt moved enough to protest the ISIS massacre.
Watch the Mosques.
If there is ANY support for terrorism, any fund raising for terrorism or any recruiting for terrorist organizations, then shut the Mosque down.
There is precedence for this. Our government is going after Christian churches that won’t toe the line on gay rights.
I think my sympathy for France just dropped a bit.
Same here.
I will never vote for someone from either party that wants to bring more muslims into our country. Call me a hater, I don’t care because I love our country, why would I do it harm by supporting a muzzi lover?
Time for talking must end; time for action must begin…..immediately.
Thank God I don’t live in Europe!
I don’t see myself jetting off to France anytime soon if their idea for handling this is to import more military age male muslims.
Stupid libs.