
Can you imagine the petulant man-child B. Hussein Obama advocating this:  “Deterring violence is far better than dealing with the aftermath of an act of terror. Less blood, more security.”?

I don’t think there’s enough anti-psychotic drugs in the world to make Obama come that close to reality.

America will be great again.

And it will start the day this Obama regime has vacated the White House.


From Breitbart:

There are nearly 13 million concealed carry permit holders in the United States who are part of the 100 million gun owners who defend the Constitutional right to “keep and bear arms.” This fundamental liberty is held closest by those who have gone through the process of vetting required to be entrusted with the ability to defend themselves, their families and their property with concealed weapons.

The concept of concealed carry is as much intended to deter criminal activity as it is to provide direct defense of those who have those permits. Not all concealed carry permit holders “carry” all the time. Thus, the deterrent value is that those who might contemplate criminal behavior will think twice when that doubt exists.

Carrying a weapon is not always feasible or appropriate. However, given the increased tensions that are the result of continued, escalating terrorism around the world, more legitimately armed individuals on the streets is a positive outcome. Each permit holder must make the decision to carry or not carry. I will carry more often than I have in the past, and I am sure other concealed permit holders will do the same. Do we have an obligation to carry? The answer is “yes,” but we must do it in such a way as to raise serious doubts in the minds of those who might be considering violence in America. Deterring violence is far better than dealing with the aftermath of an act of terror. Less blood, more security. That is what will make America great again.

9 thoughts on “LESS BLOOD, MORE SECURITY: Donald Trump urges CCWers to carry to “Help Make America Great Again””
  1. I wonder how many people trapped in that theater in Paris were wishing they could carry. I wonder how many dead Christians at Umpqua College were wishing they were carrying. I wonder how many movie goers in Aurora Colorado….

  2. If this pending invasion of Islam into the U.S. where Sharia law and death to “unbelievers” (that’s us) doesn’t scare the crap out of all of you…and cause you fear for your family, your daughters, granddaughters, sons, your country and you. Well, take a look at this footage. This is the stuff that mainstream media and your president do not want you to know because it exposes their agenda. Yeah let’s let the poor widows and 3 year olds into this country because they’d NEVER become terrorists, not to mention all the 18-35 year old “children” slipping in with fake passports. Just enjoy the future.

  3. I pray our nation develops a spine real soon.

    Maybe Donald Trump is just the guy to inspire that. He has my vote.


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