
Don’t do this at home, folks.

Posting will be few and far between until I master Windows Speech Recognition or I regain some use of my support hand again.

29 thoughts on “SLOWING DOWN: A bad, bad day at Krav.”
  1. That looks… uncomfortable.

    Best wishes foe a speedy recovery.

    Does this mean you’re gonna carry your reloads on your strong side for a while?

    1. John,

      1. You’re not in your twenties any more. Really.

      2. I didn’t think you were so old that you had started to misplace things (Now where did I put that finger? It’s not where it’s supposed to be!)

      3. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Here’s hoping you have a speedy recovery.

  2. Damn, John. Hope it gets better soon, good as new.

    I just got back from ER myself – several stitches in my support hand index finger (was leaking pretty good). Had to de-holster and stow, one handed, before heading to ER. Now’s the time to practice all those one-handed skills!

    On the plus side, guess Wendy will have to do the dishes herself 🙂

    Best Regards

    1. That is what they have dishwahers for.

      The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.

      Recover quickly, John.

  3. Some years ago I quit martial arts. A broken finger, a broken faot, and cracked ribs helped convince me that I was too old for unarmed combat. Like JS often says, “don’t attack an older person because they will simply kill you.” A few more injuries and you’ll know you have arrived.

  4. John – at least it was your left hand! No reverse Chapman for a while…

    I trust they reduced it OK.

    Get well soon.

    1. Nothing a couple of vicotin, aleve and a Jack n Coke cant fix. With an emptry trash can close by for the nausea.

  5. That certainly does look uncomfortable. I hope that you are completely healed again by shooting season (Spring) and that you are only moderately distressed during reloading season (Winter). Best wishes and stay close to the painkillers for a while. GP

  6. Come on, man! You get a badass injury with a vivid picture yet you don’t explain what happened? I’m dying to know what did that.

  7. I laughed out loud at “(Now where did I put that finger? It’s not where it’s supposed to be!)”.

  8. At least it isn’t as knarley as when my thumb ran amuck with my table saw.
    I’m sure it hurts just as bad.

  9. He is fine. No surgery needed, thank God! Splinted and some therapy for a few weeks. Was “sparring” in his Krav Maga class, other dude won!!!

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