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A well-intentioned, but horribly misguided event put on by do-gooders in Greensboro, South Carolina fell just short of a complete failure, but that didn’t stop organizers from spinning failure as success.

One “gun” – a cheap, BB-firing pellet gun – and “ammunition” were turned in, along with a fine, “made in China” hunting knife were surrendered at a gun turn-in event.  Both items looked as though event coordinators might have run out to Walmart mid-event and bought them so their “boxes of weapons surrendered” wouldn’t be empty.


Time Warner Cable News certainly spun the event to be far more than it really was.  It was almost as if the event sponsors wrote a propaganda-laced press release and Time Warner Cable News ran it as their own “reporting”:

GREENSBORO — Almost 1000 people took “A Pledge of Non-Violence” Saturday at Destiny Christian Center in Greensboro.

This was to show their commitment to safety across the Gate City.

Gun owners also turned in unwanted firearms and ammunition at the event.

Signing the pledge and turning in weapons was spurred, in part, by an increase in gun violence across the city.

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