Photo via Fox News

Fox News reports:

DEVELOPING: Multiple people were reportedly killed Wednesday at a San Bernardino, Calif., facility for treating the developmentally disabled, and police were hunting three suspects who may have escaped in an SUV.

As many as 30 hostages were seen coming out of the building where the event occurred minutes after the first call went in to police around 11 a.m. local time. Witnesses said three men in masks and body armor stormed the crowded building and opened fire, with one shooting people in a conference room, according to reports. Local Fox affiliate KTTV initially reported that at least 12 fatalities may have occurred inside the building, which was surrounded by authorities, just before noon local time. The FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were responding to the scene, some 60 miles east of Los Angeles.


Gateway Pundit reports a tweet identifying “Farooq Saaed”  as a suspect.

15 thoughts on “BREAKING: Spree killing attack in San Bernardino, CA. Muslim terror?”
  1. gun free zones strike again…

    countdown to the jackass-in-chief calling for gun bans in 5…4…3……

  2. Reported and unconfirmed to be 3 men, masked, dressed in black, body armor and with long guns, shoot, attain casualties and go MIA in a few minutes. Police arrive, do not encounter them.

    Sound like the average moron? How about a well planned and probably rehearsed objective done by trained and motivated individuals?

  3. Seems to me I received a “time-out” from dear John for less-offensive statements.

    You may feel it, but are you now allowed to say it?


  4. I remember you, ken.

    Glad to have you back without the “all cops are scum” verbiage.

    I think so long as you don’t use the n-word or constantly cause probs, pretty much anything reasonable goes.

    1. Forgot to add the Drudge report has a link to a story that says ISIS is claiming that they are proud of these 3 shooters.

      Guys this is a Sleeper cell gone active

  5. Yup. Multiple attackers, dress to kill. Yeah, this is no social misfit looking to make a name for himself, going out in a blaze of glory like it’s a real-life game of Grand Theft Auto.

    This was Muslim terror. This is war on Western Civilization.

    1. It is so obvious to everyone else, yet lefty agenda-pushing media is baffled by the motive of Sayed Farook and Saudi Arabian wife Tasfeen Malik. The elected Muslim in charge is pushing for more gun control when more legal gun ownership is the solution. Police identified this as islamic terrorism in the first hour, but of course we would never hear this. His father, in a CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)press conference said he had no idea why his son would do this. Americans know what’s going on and are sick of it.

  6. Sayed and Tasfeen. To keep the democraps agenda going, their names liberally translate as American as Billy Bob and Peggy Sue.

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