

Chris Cox of NRA-ILA pushes back against Obama’s lunacy.

No, Mr. President, the NRA is not to blame

(NRA-ILA) – Just when we think that politics can’t sink any lower, President Obama once again proves us wrong by politicizing the tragedy in San Bernardino before the facts were even known. What we do know is that the American people are heartbroken by these horrific crimes — and despite what the president would have us believe — America’s law-abiding gun owners are heartbroken by these horrific crimes as well. At the same time, we are sick and tired of this president suggesting the men and women of the National Rifle Association are somehow to blame.

The National Rifle Association is not to blame. Neither is our Second Amendment freedom. An act of evil unfolded in California. President Obama used it not as a moment to inform or calm the American people; rather, he exploited it to push his gun control agenda. Policy discussions should be intellectually honest and based on facts, not politics. And the fact remains that California has already adoptedPresident Obama’s gun control wish list: “universal” background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, magazine bans and an expansion of prohibited gun categories. But those laws did nothing to prevent this horrific crime from taking place. Nothing.

Here’s another fact: the president’s failed foreign policy has made us less safe. And his domestic gun control agenda would jeopardize our safety even further. In California, President Obama had what he wanted — the strictest gun control in the country — and it did not prevent this evil act. The plain truth is that the president cannot keep us safe. And his policies would leave us defenseless. That’s why our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves must be protected. It’s not just a constitutionally guaranteed freedom. It’s a natural, God-given, human right.

Unlike the president, regular citizens are not surrounded by armed secret service agents wherever they go. When we find ourselves under attack, no one is there to protect us. That responsibility is ours and ours alone. The American people — including law-abiding gun owners — are scared these days, and for good reason. As a nation, we sit helpless and watch as innocent and defenseless people are slaughtered. President Obama’s response is not one of unity, but rather a condescending lecture that we need more laws to restrict us from defending ourselves. Enough is enough with the self-righteous and self-serving demagoguery.

The NRA is calling on the president to stop exploiting tragedies to push his failed political agenda. It’s shameful. Given the reality that he’s unlikely to listen, however, we will continue to stand and fight for law-abiding gun owners who are both disgusted and heartbroken by these heinous acts — whether committed by madmen, gang members or terrorists. The NRA will neither accept the blame for the acts of murderers, nor apologize for fighting for our right to defend ourselves against them.

Chris Cox is the executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action.


There’s plenty of shameful actions from the Left.



Is this a case of “The best defense is a good offense”?  Or is this a case of the NY Daily News cutting staff so deeply that all of the adults have been fired to save money, leaving the kids behind?

While the latest strategy of the Left has been to denigrate those who offer prayers for the victims of this terror attack, some are quick to pray with Muslims – at a radical mosque tied to the 9/11 hijackers.

Democrats to Attend Prayer Service at Radical Mosque

Former home of terror leader who mentored 9/11 hijackers


Meanwhile, the NewSpeak continues without slacking off.

CAIR Leader: America Bears Some Of Blame For Terror Attacks

Via Fox:

America bears some of the blame for the bloody wave of Islamic extremism that has brought terrorism to San Bernardino, Paris and locations around the world, according to a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

In a Friday CNN interview, Hussam Ayloush, of the group’s Los Angeles chapter, said American foreign policy has helped fuel the rage that drives Muslim radicals to kill in the name of their faith.

You read that right:  The Council on American-Islamic Relations blames America for the Muslim Terror attack in San Bernardino.

And there’s plenty more:

Lawyers And Family Of Syed Farook Try To Blame Victims He Killed, Claim They ‘Teased’ Him About Muslim Appearance

And let’s not forget America’s Attorney General pledges to go after anyone using extreme anti-Muslim speech, instead of using the Department of Justice to protect us from Muslims.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Vows To Prosecute Those Who Use “Anti-Muslim” Speech That “Edges Toward Violence”…

Just when you think it’s positively crazy, here comes the attorney for the Muslim terror family claiming that Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Lawyer For San Bernardino Gunman Syed Farook Thinks Sandy Hook Massacre Was A Hoax…

Via Daily Mail:

“There were a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not”

And then our President puts the cherry on top.

Double Down: Obama Says Muslims Turning To Terrorism Because of Climate Change…

And then there’s the anti-gun Democrat who thought Guam would tip over if we put too many people on one side of the island.  Nobody ever accused him of being a Mensa member.

Dem Rep. Hank Johnson: Obama Critics Are Helping The Terrorists Win…

And Muslims are complaining that running pictures of the terrorist woman without her burka is disrespectful.

Al Jazeera America Producer Complains After Media Shows Female Terrorist Without Burka


And Obama’s solution?

More gun control to disarm Joe and Jane Sixpack

Settle more Syrian Muslim “refugees” in Redlands, California.

(Breitbart) – Californian Tea Party members in the San Bernardino area are urging President Barack Obama to back away from his plan to send Syrian refugees into the tragedy-scarred city.

State Department documents reveal that San Bernardino was chosen as one of 180 settlement sites in the United States for the Syrian refugees. Specifically, the Catholic Charities office in San Bernardino was chosen to broker the program. The Catholic Charities office is located only 4.3 miles (a 12-minute drive) from the Inland Regional Center, where Wednesday’s shooting took place. The refugees are going to be dispersed within a 100-mile radius of the Catholic Charities office.


Lastly, a happy ending.

TMZ photo.


13 thoughts on “STAND AND FIGHT: NRA pushes back at Obama and the gun-grabbing Democrats (Graphic dead tango photo at bottom)”
  1. This isn’t about guns.It’s about enabling terrorism.It’s about the islamomarxist obamaite regimes political agenda.

  2. “American foreign policy has helped fuel the rage that drives Muslim radicals to kill in the name of their faith”.

    Wouldn’t that be the policy of the head Muslim in charge?

    Have to wonder, when is he going to start wearing a towel on his head?

  3. Would someone tell me when the NRA boogyman was given the power of executive order? It seems the Democat media say’s that every gun owner in America is controlled by the NRA,That’s the tail wagging the dog folks it doesn’t happen that way the American people are the NRA, That’s the dog wagging the tail and we have much more trust in us the NRA than we do in Congress and if you don’t believe that then vote against our 2ND.Amendment rights and see if we don’t send you home next election. We are the NRA!

  4. Getting a boatload of “Syrian Refugees” is like getting a dumptruck load of snakes in your front yard. You can hope, but you know in your heart that there’s gonna be a few RATTLERS in that bunch.

  5. Gun control is about people control. It’s what the Democrat party is all about… controlling people through government “entitlements”, regulation and law-making. Oh, yeah. And picking winners and losers like Obama did with the carmakers.

    Go get them, NRA.

    And for the rest of the liberal lunacy we’ve heard: The American voters are watching and listening… next year’s elections are going to be our chance to screw them for the screwing they’ve been giving us.

  6. Yes, I too agree that violent Muslims need to be met with violence and destroyed. Islam is evil, pure and simple.

  7. Ah, I like that last picture the best.

    Praise Jesus.

    It’s going to be a hot, hot place where that fanatic is headed. Proven fact: It’s hard to molest virgins when you’re on fire.

  8. Have you seen Hillary lately. That bi— wants to control. Control control. We absolutely cannot have her for a president

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