Erick Erickson needs to work on tighter groups, but we love his unusual response to the NY Times’ whining demand for gun confiscations of America’s favorite rifle.

The NRA responded as well.  A little less provocatively, but nicely.


Piss off a gun-hating liberal.

Join the NRA today.


5 thoughts on “SUBTLE AS A 2X4 TO THE HEAD: Two responses to the NY Times’ call for mandatory gun confiscations”
  1. You first New Yankin’ times. Publish name and addresses of all media reporters without weapons at their home address.

  2. The NY Times and the NY Daily News’ meltdown on guns is epic.

    The delicious irony is that they are doing far more to get guns in the hands of Americans than they could imagine.

  3. Hey NYT, how about this, give up your right to free speech first and then us gun owners will think about our guns, but I wouldn’t count on it.

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