Desperate men do desperate things, and when you’ve got nothing but a handful of fecal matter, you might as well throw some on the wall and see if it sticks.

Such is the case in Johnson County, Kansas, where four young members of America’s criminal class stormed into a gun store, knocked the proprietor out, and then engaged in a gun battle with the owner’s husband who emerged from the rear of the store to repel the invaders.

The store’s owner and her husband managed to wound nearly all of the invaders, but one of the thugs, De’Anthony A. Wiley is claiming that he killed the Mr. Store Owner in self-defense.

Good luck, De’Anthony.  You’re going to need it.



Base photo by KC Star.


She’s a Pistol shooter claims self-defense

JOHNSON COUNTY, KS (KCTV)One of the men accused of murdering a Shawnee gun shop owner said he had no choice but to shoot.

Four young men face murder charges for the deadly robbery attempt at She’s a Pistol. Becky Bieker lost her husband in the violent Jan. 9 shootout with armed gunmen.


Thursday, lawyers for De’Anthony A. Wiley insisted his involvement wasn’t murder, but self-defense.

Friday Wiley made a brief court appearance.

…Now, Wiley’s defense lawyers filed the bombshell motion calling the killing of Jon Bieker self-defense.

The basis for the claim reads “…Wiley, withdrew from any physical confrontation with the Biekers and he specifically communicated his intent to surrender to Jon Bieker. Despite that communication, Mr. Bieker continued to advance and/or fire upon the defendant and the co-defendants. The defendant was shot in the spine and paralyzed, herefore unable to further escape. As such, the defendant was entitled to use force to protect himself…”

They went on to write, “The degree of force used by Jon Bieker and/or Becky Bieker exceed that which was lawfully necessary to protect property and a place of business in the face of the retreating defendants, all of whom were shot in the back. As the use of force by both Jon and Becky Bieker was unlawful, the defendant was justified in using deadly force in defense of himself and/or another.”

They interview a highly regarded attorney for his take on the unique claim of self-defense.

…Former Kansas Attorney General and Johnson County District Attorney Paul Morrison agrees and says claiming self-defense in a case like this is unusual.

“That’s a very unorthodox defense,” he said. “You can’t embark on a felony and begin to commit the crime and then say, ‘Wait a minute, this was more than I bargained for,’” he said.

…Wiley’s next court date is set for Jan. 27 at 10:30 a.m.

Copyright 2015 KCTV (Meredith Corp.) All rights reserved.

Anyone wanna bet this is an effort at a more favorable plea deal?

19 thoughts on “CHUTZPAH: Armed robber claims self-defense for killing store owner”
  1. The is the messed up backwards world our Potus and the media has created, where the police are the enemy and pieces of excrement like this thug has the balls to even come up with this travesty. We need to take back our country from this idiot Muslim president and the thugs he loves so much. Time stand up and say no more of this ass backwards bull. He needs to be stopped before be totally destroys law enforcement and brings thousands of his terrorist people to this country. Not a fan of Trump but he is the only one making sense right now.

    1. Actually, Cruz is making a whole lot of sense as well, and he is definitely a conservative. Just not so sure about Trump on the conservative part.

    2. Man! Seriously?!?!

      How did I know that the first comment would be from an intellectual simpleton blaming the President for everything?!?!?!

      I greatly dislike our President, however, I respect reason and intelligence more. As well as the office which partisans liberal or conservative never understand.

      Too many are sounding exactly like the liberals throughout the 8 years of Bush’s Presidency.

      The one man, who happens to be the head of the Executive branch, did not create this world or this climate. That is intellectually lazy as well as contradictory to the reality of American governance. It is just as intellectually lazy to caste the blame for everything onto the President because he is the most visual part of our government as it is to cast the blame on guns for mass shootings because they are the tool that is used!

      And, did you really just call the President a Muslim? Ask yourself why you feel the need to do that. I fight everyday against Jihadism and Islamism in this country through education and reason. I assure you Barack Obama is in no way a Muslim. And so what if he was? What’s your fucking point?

      Conservatives need more intelligent and reasoned intellectuals. We need more people who care about the facts instead of conspiracies and hyperbole that are so easily believed by simple minds because of their partisanship!

      We need William F Buckley’s, or hopefully better. We need Thomas Paine’s. WE need people who aren’t so wrapped up in evangelical nonsense that they don’t recognize or understand the enlightenment values that created this country. The enlightenment values that motivated our Founders to fight the divine right of kings in order to turn it into the consent of the governed!

      We certainly don’t need intellectual simpletons who say things like “obumma” or accentuate his middle name as if you’re making a point! Read John Locke, read Ayn Rand (in a skeptical manner mind you), read Thomas Pain, read Spinoza, most of all READ!!!!

      Stop making the people who care about the Bill of Rights and the Constitution look like absolute fools. There aren’t enough intellectuals on the conservative side anymore. As a matter of fact too many in conservatism feel the need to mock intellectuals as if it is a bad thing to be intelligent. This has to stop. Whether you are conservative or libertarian, we need to step up intellectually and repudiate morons who say ridiculous things like, “our muslim president” or “go back to Kenya”. It may feel good to a partisan idiot but it doesn’t help our defense of individual rights. Not only that, you sound exactly like the idiots who accepted any old criticism or calumny against George W. Bush.

      Get a grip!

      Thank you, unite or die. Shall not be infringed from 1 to 10!!!

    3. Have you not been paying attention? The Potus has acted as judge and jury during these high profile police involved incidents. Passing judgement to the nation even before be had all the facts. Then having his lapdog Holder act on his behalf to further vilify law enforcement. Yes, Mr. Mensa I do blame him because his actions have caused the racial divide to be become the worst it has been in decades. And as far as him being a Muslim, the problem isn’t that he is, the problem is why is he lying about it. Google the Potus saying in an interview that his “Muslim beliefs”, etc. There is reason to blame him, but your self righteous sycophantic nature won’t allow you to see it. See I can big words too. Let me know if you want me to suggest some reading materials too.

    4. I beg to differ. The president did in fact make this country if not the entire civilized world a more dangerous place. In order to get his agenda through which included gay rights the government had to push the church out of the picture. This country was founded on faith based morals and principles. In order to push his agenda morals as a basis of society couldn’t continue to be taught and passed on. You don’t hear about respect and doing the right thing anymore. Doing the right thing can get you killed or expelled from school. Being from Chicago the president truly knows new gun laws won’t work but its ok with the our commander because the only people at risk are the regular hard working people not the guarded elite nor their children. Reduce the military and then parade troops out in drag only causes others in the world to view us as a nation of sinners making things a little more dangerous for us all. I’ve also seen a former prisoner that our POTUS had released is back at recruiting people to kill us. Make no mistake if your not of the elite crowd you and your children are expendable.A dangerous corner has been turned and our children my have a very high price to pay in the future.They will have to live in a world where murder, bombs, and terrorists are part of the norm.

  2. “…Wiley, withdrew from any physical confrontation with the Biekers and he specifically communicated his intent to surrender to Jon Bieker. Despite that communication, Mr. Bieker continued to advance and/or fire upon the defendant and the co-defendants. The defendant was shot in the spine and paralyzed, herefore unable to further escape. As such, the defendant was entitled to use force to protect himself…”

    So do I have this straight, Counselor? Your client communicated his intent to surrender . . . with a gun in his hand?

    Your client would be better off begging for mercy on the grounds that he’ll be spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Personally, I don’t feel one bit sorry for him.

    1. Problem is, who do you think will be paying for all of his medical? Not that we wouldn’t be anyway, but just sayin’.

  3. “Stop shooting me so I can kill you!”

    Moral of the story, make sure you do unto them before they do unto you.

    1. If the owner had a 12 gauge handy, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

      Mr. 12 gauge would have gutted Mr. Mope. If you shoot an a-hole close enough with buckshot, there’s a rumor that you might briefly see a peek of daylight through the hole.

  4. With the courts the way they are, I wouldn’t be surprised if Duh’Anthony didn’t pull this off. He should ask for a change of venue to Chicago. Guaranteed he’d be rolling down Michigan Ave. in no time.

    1. Hell, even if he was charged, he’d get probation in Cook County.

      Or they’d sentence him to 45 years and he’d be out in time for the 2020 Olympic Games.

  5. Why is it that when garbage like this says things about “what happened” the sheep in the media and this country believes them? Here is a great truth that so many in this country don’t understand, CRIMINALS LIE, THEY LIE EVEN MORE WHEN THEY GET CAUGHT. THEY WILL EVEN MAKE THINGS UP TO CONFUSE THE LIBERALS AND MUDDY THE WATERS. This defense is pure fiction and they should receive the death penalty. Prepare yourself, the thugs in this country have been empowered by our leader, his minions and the media. They feel like they can get away with anything. I shudder to think what the violent crime numbers will like in the years to come.

  6. The lesson to be learned is don’t let a person like this guy live. I’ve been taught to keep shooting until the threat is no longer moving. If the threat is still moving then the threat is still a threat to you.

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