
To think, some leftist kook who goes by 43north actually spent days if not weeks (years?) to think this stuff up and then countless more hours more to type it all out and format it.  Frankly, he could have spent more time making it look better.

Here’s what he wants, as it’s posted over at granolaville, otherwise known as the Daily Kos, by a man so brave he won’t even sign his (or her) real name to it:


Effective Gun Control – A National Semi-Auto Ban

by 43north

Let’s get serious about what it will take, for “meaningful steps” to actually BE, meaningful steps.

Otherwise, let’s skip to the chase and admit: “It’s all just window-dressing, and political payback to the NRA.”

What has to go?
All magazine fed, self-loading firearms.
Yes, that means handguns too.
Yes, that includes your 4 shot Remington hunting rifle.

Yes, that includes rigid controls on police firearms.
Your 5 shot revolver can go home with you officer, your 17 shot handgun stays inside the armory of the police station.  Armory, not your locker.  Signed-in, signed-out, via proximity card reader, with real-time computer controls at the State and Federal levels.
Did you, officer, have a domestic violence incident at home?  Shoot a fleeing person of color over a tail light violation?  Get served divorce papers?
Huh, your proximity card no longer works… and that 17 round death machine stays IN the armory.

How-to, over the cheese doodle…


Why not just legislate that it’s illegal to shoot a “person of color” for any reason!  Why not just legislate us into the North Korean gulags?

I’m sure this nitwit would if he could.  But he can’t, so he’ll just sit around conducting mental masturbation dreaming of gun control schemes.  It’s nice to see the Left in this country so unhinged that they drop all pretense of “common sense” and come out for what they really want.

After all, remember this?  Back when the Left had to hide their real desires.

2008-10-14-aflcio 2008-10-14-aflback

For the record, Mike Day, you are a tool.

So, back to this barking moonbat 43north…   What does this his proposal boil down to?

If we have to come for it?
It will be with lethal force.  Suicide-by-Cop.
It’s a price, it’s paid once.

Does the author of this tripe, 43north, volunteer to come take my guns or yours?

Why, of course not.  He won’t even put his name to his writing!  Do you think he would ever get his hands dirty?  That’s what tools like Mike Day are for.

43north has, for him, really put a lot of thought into his planning:

Eventually in the year 2061, when many of the affected citizens are dead, Congress passes a Resolution offering “an official apology for the so-called unconstitutional gun confiscation, coincidental loss and damages”.

It gets better.

43north‘s scientific research in his echo chamber reveals:

~10% of replies are for some form of drastic action, just not whole hog.
~10% are for “get ‘er done” and go for ALL of the semi-automatics, and maybe more.
A further ~10% is for a total gun confiscation.  Every. Single. One.
That’s 29% in true numbers.
1-in-5 respondents are willing to kick doors in, and get it done today.

Last time I checked, 29% isn’t one in five.

Sounds like math joins logic and intelligence as not being 43north‘s strong suits.  Maybe the “43” in 43north refers to his IQ and not his golf handicap?  Or, maybe it’s both.

Tell you what, Mr. 43north:  Why don’t you start right here, and now today.  Don’t do it half-assed.   Carpe diem, baby!  Take “drastic action” to “get ‘er done” and come and start your little jihad against guns with me.

If you need directions, shoot me an email or call.

I’ll be waiting for you.




18 thoughts on “EXTRA SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES: Daily Kos embraces sweeping gun bans, confiscation, summary execution of gun owners”
  1. Mr. Day appears to be a no-nonsense kind of guy. Clearly he has had the union wool pulled over his eyes by the administration (small “a”) that shall remain nameless.
    Makes me wonder if a follow-up piece would find Mr. Day happy about how it all turned out.
    Re: 43north: Milwaukee, Wisconsin is at 43 Deg N Latitude – maybe he is there! Hope Sheriff Clark gets him.

    1. Reading through the comments leads me to believe 43north is actually pro-gun and is trolling the antis, fleshing out how untenable their positions are.

  2. Afraid of hormones in milk,is a cum dumpster for aids ridden…

    (Edited by jboch. We don’t use that word in this house.)

  3. What I find amusing is that people like this think they would be permitted to live if they were to get their way of gun confiscation.

    1. Yep. Do they think 1/3rd of the US population is going to roll over and play dead?

      Even if only three one-hundredth of one percent of gun owners decided to play Cowboys and Liberals, 43north and those like him would be an endangered species.

      Good thing we’re all law-abiding.

  4. Wait, a cop can’t have access to his duty gun if he gets served divorce papers? I have seen an overwhelmingly huge number of stupid things from the anti-gun cretins, but W.T.F? Wow, we really don’t have anything to worry about if we just keep letting them “brainstorm”

  5. What a wonderful example of psychological projection. 43north is clearly full of hatred and willing to execute those they disagree with if given a risk-free chance. Hence all the adults in the room must be the same and, therefore, should not be allowed firearms.

  6. I know of people that still support Obama think he is pro-gun and yes they are union members.

    Sad part is this I just talked to my state reps office in Springfield and I was told they have only gotten a couple of calls on HB4359.

    The reps name is David Reis, will you guys help by calling his office and letting them no that real Americans want this fake gun ban list nonsense stopped. Its a “watch list” and not a “guilty list” and will do nothing to stop terrorism.

    After all it didn’t stop the jihad bride from flying into the country. Obama let her and 40,000 of her friends in every year

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