Special snowflake


The war against women is never over…

When they marched for the women’s right to vote 100 years ago, they were imprisoned, put into straight jackets and force fed until they vomited blood. They fought for your right to own property, to have access to birth control and your right to an education. This video is fun and clever and hits on some hard truths. And it makes you ask yourself…what I am willing to do today to fight back and protect our rights as women and citizens?

“Cynatnite”, a prodigious poster (28,072 posts) at the Democrat Underground website, is right:  The war against women is not over.

People like “Cynatnite” promote racist, classist and sexist gun control schemes.  People like her want to take the right to keep and bear arms away from law-abiding men and women in America.   Yes, she wants to take away the ability for women today to own the greatest equalizer ever invented.

What happens when civilian good guys no longer have guns?

Mankind has lived in such a time.  It was called the “Medieval Times”.  I don’t imagine many people today want to return to that time where the common man was debarred from ownership of weapons.

What happened in that time?   Was there equality between men and women?  Hardly.  Men were men and women were property.  The strong dominated the week.  Young, healthy males at the peak of their physical strength imposed tyranny upon the weak, the very young, the old, and the disabled.

Does that sound like a nice place to live and raise your daughters and your family?

It’s not a place I want to live with my family.

Why are gun control advocates such control freaks?

Here’s the post written by “Cynatnite” over at Democratic Underground, a story of how she was scared to the point of near physical collapse at the sight of a holstered handgun on the side of an otherwise non-threatening person.

Rattled and shaken after seeing open carry in a grocery store

(DUh) – It’s been a long time since I’ve been to DU, but I needed a place to talk about something that happened tonight when I was getting a few items to finish out our Christmas dinner.

My area recently got a new Walmart Neighborhood Market. I know many here aren’t fans of Walmart as a whole for understandable reasons. I remained a shopper nonetheless.

That all changed as of a few minutes ago.

While I was shopping I passed by a gentleman in the store and happened to glance down. He had a handgun strapped to his belt. He was not a police officer. I know what those holsters look like and this had elastic bands. Not only that, the man was extremely overweight and he wasn’t wearing anything to signify he was any part of law enforcement.

The further I got from him, the more upset I got. I brought my grandchildren to the store. I spoke with a young woman who said she was a manager. She shrugged off my concerns as if it was nothing. I decided to not finish the shopping and went to check out. The cashier saw how upset I was and I told her about it. She wanted to know what the man looked like because it upset her as well. As I was leaving, she spoke to another person who looked more like a manager than the young woman from before.

I got to my car and I was pretty near crying. I came home and called corporate about this only to find out they have practically zero policy when it comes to open carry. I was still pretty upset on the phone with the woman I spoke with. She said she was sending my concerns up to the higher ups which I doubt will do any good.

We’re in the South and have been here for a while now. As conservative, rebel flag waving and Obama hating as they get around here, I’ve never seen anyone blatantly open carry like this before. My sister is like that and she has enough common sense not to do something like this.

I’m an Army veteran. I’ve been around guns for much of my life. My husband is a hunter. We have a hunting rifle in the house. I’m not a woman that rattles easy, but this shook me to my core and I’m still quite upset.

All I can think of is my grandchildren and all the shootings that are now so common. I just can’t bring myself to take my grandchildren to any Walmart store knowing they allow this.

Anyway, I’ve been gone quite a while and I could use some hand-holding or something right now. This shook me more than I ever imagined it would.



28,070 posts since she joined in 2004.

Assuming five minutes were spent crafting each post (and the one above obviously took MUCH more than five minutes to create), that’s 292 days, at eight hours a day, she has spent crafting literary turdlets like the one above for others to read.  That’s a year and several months of 40-hour work weeks.

I don’t know how she finds time to go to her local Walmart Neighborhood Market.

18 thoughts on “IRRATIONAL FEARS: “Rattled and shaken after seeing open carry in grocery store””
  1. I would love to tell the woman very simply, “If you see it in a holster on his hip he is not a criminal. Worry more about the guy with it in his hand with a hoodie pulled tight around his face. Then you will pray the guy with a holster is around.”

  2. Really? An Army Vet? Did you actually finish basic training?
    You nearly had a breakdown because of a holstered pistol? You need to stay in your house, load up on the anti-anxiety meds, shutter your windows, lock your doors, and hire 24/7 “Unarmed” security. If you were that rattled then you were in no condition to drive and were/are a much greater risk to the innocent people around you than the man with a holstered pistol.
    Time to put on the big-girl panties and, at least, act like a rational adult and realize inanimate objects can’t hurt anyone unless used by a person and those with a license to carry a weapon have passed checks and have had some training as opposed to the thugs that carry weapons illegally and don’t care about you and your offspring. That man with the gun would have probably defended you and yours against a threat if it had materialized, or would you rather cower on the floor in the fetal position and let them do what ever they want to you and your kids?
    I’m sure you learned cowardice in the Army…NOT!

    1. I highly doubt she finished basic, if she was ever in. Or maybe she is confusing the Girl Scout uniform with the Army. Wait, never mind, I met Girl Scouts braver than this! She is just a Liberal that runs from her shadow. It’s easier to be a coward than to display courage for Liberals!

  3. Perhaps the author should move to a country that doesn’t allow citizens to own guns. She has many countries to choose from. This is America, we have the 2nd amendment!

  4. An army vet? Paralyzed with fear seeing some guy with a gun in a grocery store?

    Maybe the Salvation Army?

    Christ. What a goddamn twit. Sam Whittemore has more courage in his bowel movement than this chick has ever had.

  5. This woman is so delusional she needs help! Maybe she’d be more comfortable attending a Christmas party with Syed Farook and his wife. Does she realize that walking back to her car she probably passed 50 of the weapons that Lakeisha Holloway used to kill her innocent victim? Peolpe like this that are allowed to vote are destroying this country at record speed. Buy, learn, practice and carry my friends.

  6. Guys!!! Guys!!!! GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you all so stupid and gullible???????????

    Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your comments above are ABSURD in the extreme.


    That was a PAID year that she was sitting at a desk being paid by George Soros or Blumenthal to write anti-gun bull-puckey from the “poor lil Grandma” UNASSAILABLE SPOKESPERSON booklet!

    Get it?

    She’s no army vet. SHe’s not even married. She’s got no hubby. In fact, she likely prefers the fairer sex. She is PAID to do this.

    So loosen your undies, guys. Nobody’s coming for our guns.


  7. My question is , Why did you join the army. If you are afraid of guns. I assume you joined up voluntarily. And wasn’t. Drafted. I was drafted but I think you weren’t. Drafted. And you never lost your fear of GUNS.??? Must have been a different army than I was in. The first day at the base they gave me a gun and I loved it. I damn sure. Learned. Not to fear it…. But to love it. —— still do !!!

  8. She couldn’t hack a visit to a recruiting station, much less a week of basic training.

    If I was inclined to wager, I’d put my money on the whole thing being fiction.

  9. “We’re in the South and have been here for a while now. As conservative, rebel flag waving and Obama hating as they get around here, I’ve never seen anyone blatantly open carry like this before. My sister is like that and she has enough common sense not to do something like this.”
    That quote tells us a lot about her mindset.

  10. ” As conservative, rebel flag waving and Obama hating as they get around here, I’ve never seen anyone blatantly open carry like this before.”

    Maybe you just had your head too far up Obama’s ass to notice before?

  11. I am unable to see this person’s point. Is she claiming that we should run the country according to the whims of emotionally-disturbed children?

  12. I wonder how shaken up she would be if she saw a terrorist with a rifle in the store blowing parts of her family’s bodies off. To sheep like her this is more acceptable than being prepared and fighting back. Please ask her to post where she lives so the terrorists know where willing victims are.

  13. I call complete B.S. on this story, there is no way in hell that someone who was in the Army, and gets mandatory firearms training would be this shaken up over open carry. This is such a crock of shit. Also its clear that this piece was written by a man pretending to be a woman to spread propoganda. You really need to question everything you read online these days, its public knowledge that there are paid trolls that write shit like this for a living to move public perception. Its obvious the person who wrote this is a paid lying troll.

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