You’re likely going to want to get a few tissues before reading this story.
Meet Azikiwe D. Presley: a feral monster who terrorized a women with two of his low-life buddies while they committed a home invasion. It most likely was not their first foray into violent robberies, but this one was the last one for Azikiwe D. Presley. Tragically, he ran into a hot slug as he and his fellow cowardly compatriots abandoned their criminal enterprise.
His “brothers” abandoned poor Azikiwe in their effort to run out of their shoes from the terrorized victim who grabbed her handgun and opened fire on the trio of invaders.
Poor Azikiwe D. Presley stumbled out of the house and made it a short distance before collapsing and dying out in the cold. He was all alone as he took his last painful gasps. He didn’t even have time to say goodbye to his mommy. Pardon me while I reach for a tissue.
Life is full of choices and with decisions come consequences. Yes, Azikiwe D. Presley and his fellow thugs picked the wrong home… and suffered the consequences.
The women who lived in the home made decisions as well. She didn’t listen to Moms Demand Action and their siren song. No, she owned a gun and knew how to use it. Instead of being raped and killed by feral home invaders, she fought back and put the hurt on the bastards. Good for her.
Of course, the “women” over at Moms Demand Action will chalk this up as “gun violence” even though this was a righteous use of deadly force against a felonious attack. But what else do you expect from people who claim that the San Bernardino Muslim terror attack was more “gun violence”.
Trotwood, OH (WHIO) – A woman said she shot at three men who kicked in her back door and tried to steal a safe and one of those men died during the shooting, according to police.
The suspect who died has been identified as Azikiwe D. Presley, 47, of Dayton, according to the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office.
He wasn’t 47.
The woman reported to emergency dispatchers that the three men were dressed in masks, black jackets and jeans when they broke into her home in the 3200 block of Atlas Drive around 5:50 a.m.
The woman claimed she the men hit her in the head with a gun while she was doing laundry.
The woman said all three suspects appeared to be armed.
According to the woman, she had two 14-year-old boys who were home at the time of the home invasion, but neither of them were reportedly injured.
The woman said the men were trying to drag her husband’s safe out of the house, when she grabbed a gun and began firing at the suspects.
Too bad she missed the other two. However, if I was a bettin’ man, I’d just about bet the other two home invaders were “friends” with Azikiwe D. Presley on Facebook. Of course, I’m sure five-oh is already all over that.
Some folks have been baiting and trolling the friends and relatives of the dead perp in comments.
Please stop.
Very good story.
Mfs hunkey.crackers,europeans..ya’ll are the rats of this earth quick to talk down on any body of another race…But europeans commit mass murders ,rapes create weapons of mas destruction..Talk bad on a dead man ,yea he was wrong but damn he dont deserve this shit..put ur address on here, a pic so i can see who im talking too, Pussies…
Thugs die from slugs. Lowlife deserved what he got. I’d put my address on here for you to pay a house call, but the bus doesn’t run out here, so I guess it wouldn’t do you any good.
@william parham We talk shit about all garbage ass criminals regardless of color. You’re the racist.
English. Do you write it, bitch?
Grow up. This the world we live in. Can’t put blame on any race for stupidity
Jebsus lubs you two…
Maybe violent acts are considered an accepted behavior among certain people, but not in civilized society. Now, I know some kids generally don’t have the benefit of fathers to teach them right and wrong, which is the core problem here, as the state has attempted to replace their role with a welfare check. But mothers, have a serious discussion w/your kids — you get violent, and you risk your life PERIOD. Bust into a home, and there’s a good chance their victims may be armed. It’s a matter of respect, show some. Oh, and by God! DO NOT attack/threaten the po-po, because they are ALL ARMED. Teach your kids this basic tenet, “God gave you a brain, use it”.
U mad bro? Y U so damn mad?
You’re just mad a White woman killed his black azz lol. I guess that Melanin aint all its hyped up to be eh?
I spit on his grave.
UR brutha got what he deserved. Mo betta U learn a lesson from him, ya racist.
I like how you call us honkeys (you spelled it wrong,not surprised), crackers and quick to talk down on anybody of another race. Didn’t you just talk down people of another race? Blacks commit 45% of violent crimes and only consist of 11% of the population in the U.S. One look at Africa,Haiti,Jamaica and ghettos in the U.S. will show that blacks are the true rats. I’m not saying there aren’t White crimes, but there is definitely more black crime per capita.
Where is your pic and address tough guy? Let’s see who we are laughing at. Condemning other people for what you are doing…Your last name wouldn’t be Obama by chance.
I bet it was a white boy who wrote this article.What’s about all the sick in the head white boys who got children’s bodies stacked up in there basement as we speak?
Black and proud? Proud of what? A “rich and vibrant culture”, right?
LOL…proud of what exactly? Your filthy neighborhoods? Your low IQs? Your sky high abortion rates and unemployment?
Go eat a banana and a bullet you ignorant monkey.
Btfo You Bitches Said This Shit So Disrespectful Fucking Crackers
Disrespectful? Give an intelligent argument as to how assaulting a person (black, brown, white or any color) in their own home and trying to steal their property is respectful. I dare you, give a well articulated argument. I’m waiting…..
You’re going to need to write really slowly in very short words for these illiterate but proud idiots to understand what you’re writing.
Oh yeah, and keep it short so they don’t run out of ObamaInternet time.
How can anyone respect this piece of garbage?
Anyone who defends a violent criminal is a worthless turd.
“Dey am bees disrepecful fo dissin a black man while he be tryin’ to jack sum whitey.”
“He dindu nuffins. He bees turnin’ he turnin’ he life around and sheeit. Nomesayin’?”
That’s my brother blood same mommy u bitch get ya facts right that’s what you want is a monster fuck u
That’s it, Monique: Use all caps. I’m SURE he VOLUNTEERED a lot… robbing his neighbors and bullying others.
You’re correct. We only have her side of the story. But what could his side possibly be? How can someone explain away how he was shot multiple times in her house? Did she and her kids abduct him from his home and shoot him as he was escaping? He may have had some good qualities but those good ones didn’t make up for the bad ones that he used to invade this woman’s home, take her prisoner, put her children in danger, threaten her, and attempt to rob her. May God have mercy on all of those involved.
He’s DEAD Ronnie….DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh look, a Hillary voter escaped the cage and decided to drop its betters a note. What a convincing missive! Lol
That broke my ebonics translator. Can you direct me to the closest repair shop, please?
Wow, with these people defending their thugs… you’d think this woman shot a bunch of Christmas carolers! Break into a home and threaten people, your apt to get killed. Get violent, you’ve increased your chances exponentially. Is it sad, yes, but this woman was well within her rights to prevent this from playing out to a brutal end on her, or her kids part. What’s a real tragedy is that the behavior will continue until people take responsibility to raise their kids to respect others and work for what they now feel entitled to.
If you believe we’re different races because we have different skin tones then YOU’re an ignorant racist. Don’t matter what color your skin, you go up in somebody’s house to rob and get shot it’s your own damn fault.
Y’all claim he was ruthless and no good what about this fraudulent article posted about someone you knew nothing about.This article is defamation of character. You can’t define a person based.off one bad decision…. Have you never made a bad decision for the sake of your family???? We were all born in sin. The sin he committed is is no worse or better than the one your committing by writing a ruthless and fraudulent article. Your facts are here say if not present the time of the crime you can’t say what’s true or false
God bless this lady! I am so glad she was ready and able to defend herself. The liberals are the party of murderers and terrorists so I know they are sorry that this animal was put down, but all moral human beings including this lady and her children have benefited.
I guess we could try “workplace violence”, since Mr Presley assumed room temperature while plying his craft….
If the professional apologists for the urban youth crowd gave a legitimate damn about these “good kids”, there would be all sorts of public service announcements to not rob or break into honest people’s homes…. But I guess these lives don’t matter….
Sounds like an occupational hazard to me. How dare someone protect themselves from these hardworking men. Do you know how dangerous it is for a young man just to make a decent living?? We need more gun control, these fine, upstanding youths need a safer working environment.
As an added benefit, she help save tax dollars. Imagine, no expense to investigate, apprehend, release on bail, allow to commit more crimes, face trial, be sentenced to 5 years, spend 6 months in jail, eating food we pay for, watching sports on Big screen TV.
Your name even sounds racist.John you probly touch little boys like white dudes do
WTF do you have to be proud of man? Can you name even one real thing?
Black and proud…
Ignorance is bliss, isn’t it?
Hint: Try to write a sentence without any misspelled words and proper punctuation.
Not to mention no more hoodrats for the taxpayers to look after their whole lives that would’ve been made by this Baby-Daddy.
We should take a collection up to replace the woman’s gun that was no doubt taken as evidence by the police.
Nice shooting, ma’am. Keep up the good work.
Surely beats being raped and then executed like they did with that unarmed pastor’s wife in Indianapolis a month ago.
I’m with Rocky. I’ll kick in $20. Just say how much our goal is and who’ll collect the dough til it’s reached.
Can we get contact info for this young lady and find out what firearm she lost. It would be nice to replace it with, at least, something similar.
Can we use the gun you buy to shoot both of you in the face.?
J… nope but if you could go gargle some razorblades that would be helpful to the rest of the world. Just please tell me you didn’t bread so there are more little idiots running around like you.
Death couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
I guess we’ll never find a cure for cancer though. I can live with that.
This was a cancer, and the woman found a cure for it.
You people are ridiculous with this nonsense we as BLACK PEOPLE and as people who knew him aren’t defending his crime we are defending his character so how dare you or anyone define him by his crime or call him cancer. Racism is cancerous and is deadlier than any gun or home invasion. Wonder what will be said about you or your character when you pass away hope your not judged on your response to this blog. But everyone is entitled to an opinion it’s just a shame your opinions perceives you as a ignorant human being.
Tissue? Maybe toilet tissue as I wipe my ass of the last vestiges of this shitbird.
Glad he died cold and in pain. A crappy ending for a turd’s life.
And I’m sure he was just flushing his life down the crapper when it happened. Or turning his life around or some such nonsense.
Your a sad individual. Pray your life has more meaning and pray you never need to make a harsh decision for the sake of your families well being
For the sake of his family’s wellbeing?
What, was there no more crack in the house? Was his Momz going through withdrawal?
Is is wrong to hope it was a slow, lingering death?
Am I probably going to hell for laughing at this ghetto thug’s death? I don’t care.
I hope you and your whole family go to hell you piece of shit!
LOL @ j….he dead mutherfukker HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gettin’ mad aint gonna bring the dead bitch back….nahm’ sayin’?!
Chill bro. He’ll be waiting for you , when you get there.
By the way… where is the Black Lives Matter crowd?
Doesn’t this Azeekiwi guy’s life matter?
His life did matter. Bad choices do lead to consequences and his choice led to this one. Your sarcasm is not appreciated on this matter.
John 8:7
I hope your slate is squeaky clean my friend
His live didn’t matter to him!
The black lives matter crowd is somewhere fucking yo mama dick face LOL
LOL. The BLM crowd would need more than viagra to get it up after his mom introduces a load of buckshot to the chest of the first ones to pay her a visit. Ditto for mine.
Ooook Oooook, Eeeeek, Eeeeek! Muh Dik mang!!! Ooooga Booooga Ungawa!!!!
My momma has one leg,, 400lbs. and 3 teeth. Sounds like the Blackliesmatter has good taste. LOL
Workplace violence, indeed.
Lets not run the black lives matter crap. All lives matter!!!That doesnt have anything to do with the situation at hand. Wrong is wrong regardless of race or color!!! But you have xlearly demonstrated the type of person you are.
Lets not run the black lives matter crap. All lives matter!!!That doesnt have anything to do with the situation at hand. Wrong is wrong regardless of race or color!!! But you have clearly demonstrated the type of person you are.
John 8:7
Who are you to judge? Before casting stones, check your own slate. I’m sure you’ve made choices in life that coud have and/or should have gotten you killed, but you’re still here. No one deserves death in this way. Instead of talking down on the dead, why not pray for his soul? Smh
I didnt recall passing judgement. I stated “All lives matter.” In addition wrong is wrong”regardless of race color etc. Thank you.
They have a lot of workplace violence on the streets of Chiraq.
I wonder if a white person did this crime would you dirty red neck origin from the caves ass mfs have all this terrible shit to say
U mad…..hahahaha cuz you so mad.
My ebonics translator got shorted out by the other homie. Can’t figure that one out. Try again in English, please.
I’m going to guess the reason that he broke into her home is that he wanted money.
What I want to know is why would a single mother living with her two kids have a lot of money in a safe? The trio came in looking for money. They KNEW she had money.
She also had a gun that wasn’t locked up and was pretty handy with it.
What exactly does she do for a living?
The local news interviewed this woman’s ex-husband who said he ran a business from this address (landscaping? construction?) and that is why the house had surveillance because a lot of expensive equipment was stored on the property.
“Club Picture”? That must be unique to a different “culture” then I come from. As far as why he made theses choices that day? Money, valuables, guns. What do you think are kept in safes?
Unreadable, unintelligible run-on sentence.
Typing in all caps doesn’t make you right…just ignorant.
Sorry Latoyia He is a monster full of hate… To pistol whip a Female that’s low and heartless (some punk SH@T..)Dude got what he deserved Karma came quick and fast…. Way to go Mom on protecting yourself and your family JOB WELL DONE!!!! Hands Clap!!!
Please kill yourself.! Your a monster for talking shit about a deceased man.
“man” is a far stretch. He is not a deceased man, but rather a dead animal.
That wasn’t a man…just a boy 🙂
C’mon homes. It’s “you’re”. You know, like “they’re” and “their” and “there”. Practice it.
To insist that you are not a racist yet you continue with the stereotypical “black names” reveals your pearly white sheet me thinks though protests too much. You are not even intelligent or sensitive enough to simply drop this. I imagine it brings you pleasure to cause others pain. What kind v of hateful person are you? No I don’t think he deserved more than he got but the thing you are spewing. Your hateful rhetoric is falling on DEAD ears. You can only hurt the people who are already hurting. Find an ounce of humanity in that empty soul and simply walk away.
Speaking of someone NOT just dropping the subject …
I hope you get “Culturally Enriched” someday by one of these things like the dead boy…since you love them so damn much.
To whomever wrote this! You are the real monster. You dont know this man personally and everyone makes mistakes.! Every single human being in this world has done wrong some more than others… for the real story he was a very happy person, the light of the party, always a smile on his face, a beautiful voice he gained from singing in the church. Dont slander him like hes a piece of dirt while he still has family members alive and watching…. your a piece of shit. And I hope someone shoots you and you die ALONE!
Yeah, I’ve made mistakes too.
Like one time I forgot to return a book to the library on time. I even forgot my anniversary date one time.
I made a mistake marrying my first wife, too, but that’s another story.
I haven’t made any mistakes like robbing people, beating people with my gun or threatening to kill innocent people like a feral animal that needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
Kiwi fruit got put down with a shot. I too am glad he suffered as he took his final breaths.
Shitbird gonna die in the ditch just like he deserved.
Well I hope you, your children, your new wife (if you have one) all die a slow cold death alone. You are being a judgmental ass hole, and for that I feel you deserve to die.
So what about all the lil crazy white boys that go in schools and movie theaters and kill multiple people. White trash motherfuckers. Nobody’s defending what he did but what right do YOU have to taught his family. To u he may be an animal but to someone else he was a son brother cousin or friend. I’m sure you yourself or family or friends have done some ill things. It may not be as extreme but that doesn’t make anybody better than him and in Gods eyes no sin is greater than the next. Hopefully your not raising your children to be as ignorant as you. It would be wrong for me to hope your daughters fall in love and get pregnant by the same type of Man U call an animal.
I wrote this.
I’m not a monster. I’m a monster-slayer.
“And I hope someone shoots you and you die ALONE!”… You want to come on over and give it your best try? I’ll leave the light on. Call if you need directions.
Lol, I wouldnt give you the pleasure.. like I said SLOW, painful death. Just like the rest of you racist bitches
Talk is cheap, “j”. For the record, I am putting my money on JBoch. I hope you share when you’re coming. I’ll bring the popcorn.
the Blowbama phone won’t go that far, so they won’t be able to make it.
LOL…stay mad, the boy is still dead 😉
This website appears to be just another avenue for racists to express their pleasure at hearing of the death of another person of color. Yes, he was wrong for the home invasion and for attempting to steal, but why ould you publish it in such a disrespectful manner. This is no different from the postcards of the early 20th century displying the mutilated bodies of black men, women, and children surrounded by crowds of happy whites saying “he got wat he deserved.” All I can pray is that God has mercy on his soul as well as all the hateful commentators’.
If you can’t see the difference, then there is no hope for you.
Differences, yes, but if you can’t see the similarities you’re already lost.
Why dance a jig about a thug getting a bullet? Because way to many of us are sick and tired if being set upon by criminals and being blamed for their activities. that we should forsake our rights, because they think they can prey on others.
Everyone of them who gets cut down doing their thing, is just one more who got justice in a swift and deliberate manner. In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of people fed up with the coddling of criminals these days. and people are fighting back
Yes. It sure is racist to complain about negros doing a home invasion and pistol whipping a mother in her own home and then getting shot.
We should be more considerate to the negros sensitive feelings. They are relentless victims of racism and the evil White woman deserved to be pistol whipped and “muh diked” in the process for her White privilege.
How can people be so insensitive to poor negros who are just trying to make a dishonest living because of slavery, institutional racism, profiling or something? You stupid baboon.
Hey dumbass learn to spell. It’s spelled “REALIST” not “RACIST” come on get it right!
he was good heared person cought up in a fucked emvorment but the hunky who wrote this will never show there face bc real ppl will come to saginaw mi its poping
Thank you, gent. Did you take time out from your doctoral thesis in English to visit us?
LMAO!!! I seriously spit out my Redbull! That wasn’t even a language! Nice reply.
LOL, good one John!
LOL niqqer babble
Wow. English is good. Try it sometime. Maybe you can retake 3rd grade.
For u mf that think this is funny needs to be murderd yourself now my family has to cry what he did was not right but didn’t deserve to die
He was someone that was robbing a person using the threat of deadly force (he used a handgun.)
That is the practically THE DEFINITION of someone who deserves to die.
No actually that’s the definition of someone who deserves to do time… nobody deserves to die… if thats the case. Fuck your whole family. All of them need to die.
He obviously thought his victim deserved to die, which is what would have happened if they were successful. It’s pretty obvious this was not likely his first foray into thug life. Sooner or later it catches up to you. With him, it was a little sooner. Society is not at a loss.
Maybe violent acts are considered an accepted behavior among certain people, but not in civilized society. Now, I know your kids generally don’t have the benefit of fathers to teach them right and wrong, which is the core problem here, as the state has attempted to replace their role with a welfare check. But mothers, have a serious discussion w/your kids — you get violent, and you risk your life PERIOD. Bust into a home, and there’s a good chance their victims may be armed. It’s a matter of respect, show some. Oh, and by God! DO NOT attack/threaten the po-po, because they are ALL ARMED. Teach your kids this basic tenet, “God gave you a brain, use it”.
Zuri don’t be so ignorant….you do know it’s a lot of you white motherfuckers on welfare too right. It’s a lot of you white motherfuckers strung out on drugs and it’s your crazy ass white kids that’s doing a lot of foul shit. So where the fuck was u at when u shoulda been teaching him some respect.
Hell yes he deserved to die, and I hope he burns in hell! As for all you Scummy parasites that are defending zeek, you all can go to hell! Sooner the better!
Dprealey, your family wouldn’t have to cry, if you didn’t have a thug ass, woman attacking, criminal for a brother. Oh well, now he is really chilling like a villain in the morgue!
Fuck you racist white trash sibling fucking bitches!!!! I hope all you bitches die in your sleep. I am not condoning his actions but you bitches comments I hope all you bitches choak and die!
I’d like to know your definition of a racist please.
If we all die, where will you get all your free food, money, housing, affirmative action, electricity, heat, free everything you take advantage of all the time? You would ALL die of starvation or exposure very quickly.
LOLOL! Stay mad bitch!!!!
Lol, you should have stayed in school, what is “choak”? Hahaha SMH
Yes. It sure is racist to complain about negros doing a home invasion and pistol whipping a mother in her own home and then getting shot.
We should be more considerate to the negros sensitive feelings. They are relentless victims of racism and the evil White woman deserved to be pistol whipped and “muh diked” in the process for her White privilege.
How can people be so insensitive to poor negros who are just trying to make a dishonest living because of slavery, institutional racism, profiling or something? You stupid baboon.
Yeah, Yeah we know. He was a goot boi that dindu nuffins. He was just about to turn his life around.
feelings, nothing be feelings, some facts are never true against feelings . . . . . .
U know what u sick bitchez ..that was like my little brother and he was a kind ,sweet, very talented,funny,strong young man. My bro had been having a hard time after multiple joint replacements and surgeries .. He couldn’t work . This was a mistake he made one one in a life of good deeds and joy he bought others..he didn’t deserve to die for it. He deserved jail time 2 to 5 like any other person committing a B&E ..I’m sure alot of u have done wrong I on some lever to someone or just wrong period..did u feel u deserved to die for it…have respect for his family ..the same way we respectfully acknowledge that he was wrong. Get it togeather..and may God have mercy on your judgemental souls.
Sooo sorry for your loss!! He was an awesome person! Dont listen to what these fucks have to say!!
Thankyou and I’m not cause unlike these dummies I knew him and God knew him best.
Yes he was awesome. So awesome that he pistol whipped a woman in front of her children. WOW just awesome.
Your little brother was a big, bad monster and little red riding hood took care of his sorry ass after he kicked her door down.
You obviously need to learn the difference between breaking and entering and ARMED ROBBERY. Live by the gun, die by the gun.
Who really cares if he was “kind, sweet, talented?”
What he was in this instance was a monster, and he died the death of a monster.
Oh brother! Please, get a clue.
Well…the boys joints aint hurtin’ no mo’ lol…she fixed him real good nahmsayin?!
Couldn’t work, but he could pistol whip a snow queen like it’s nobodies business, am I right? You brother’s death was probably a long time overdue, I am sure this women was not the first person he has assaulted, but thankfully it will be the last.
Negro, please. He be taking a dirt nap, compliments of the intended victim, and White privilege, yo. Ya feel me, homes?
Black people don’t say “homes”….Mexicans do u fucking dummy smh
Just want to say I have had the chance to spend time with this young man recently!! He was the most caring, heart felt, generous human beings I’ve had the pleasure of meeting!! I understand he did wrong but where does any of that give anyone to talk down on him. He was still someone’s son,brother,cousin,uncle and my friend!! Take your judgmental, racist ass somewhere with all that negative shit!! His family are great people! So shit the fuck up and get a life! Remember tho if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all!! R.I.P you will always be loved!!
And the black bipedal primates take another step backwards, as they make every effort to devolve.
He was so caring, he broke into a woman’s home and pistol whipped her you fucking low life piece of shit.
Let me tell you this thats my older brother my mommy son libk up with me and u will see he was
Never what u paper pushing ass bitches want a dollar guarantee that
LOL. You graduate first grade before dropping out?
Did you ever finish High School?
All these comments about him being a sweet, caring, loving individual is totally bullshit. He was incarcerated previously on Aggravated Robbery w/ a deadly weapon. How many other people has he harmed and hurt. This piece of shit got what he deserves.
File Date: 22-SEP-10
Status: CLOSED
1 AGGRAVATED ROBBERY (deadly weapon) CONVICTED 15-DEC-10 2
Disposition Comment
So what, are fucking serious? He WAS a threat to the community and to the people that live in it. This wasn’t his first act of violence, he was a repeat offender. Wait wait, please post his grade school picture of him when he was 10 years of age online, so we can all think he was what you think of him as.
He was a thug criminal and I suspect most of you guys in here with your talk of “great guy” “nice and friendly” are his criminal friends. You reap what you sow.
Lol criminal friends…. you judgemental fucks are hilarious… actually we are his family whom knew him for who he was and not the bad choices he made… which all humans have… no one said he was right for those choices but that doesnt make it ok to slander and talk down upon him now that hes gone!
He was a sweet, caring, loving, talented young man?
Yeah, I can tell that from his picture. He’s just a ray of sunshine.
If we all die, where will you get all your free food, money, housing, affirmative action, electricity, heat, free everything you take advantage of all the time? You would ALL die of starvation or exposure very quickly.
And how exactly you gonna make them shut up?!
How many people did he victimize and not get caught?
Hurting people hurt people,God said you can murder people with yourmouth and you just did you didnt know this you man, you people were taught racisum from your parents or who ever let you live that way, its hatred look at all the cold heart murders in your race you not only hate black, you hate your own race when you pass this down to the next generation. All will pay for all the things they did wrong in this life if they dont be sorry from their heart, you bitter hatful and yourdeath will be way worst then his, go get yo momas and daddy out the nursing home and take care them like they did you. Your horrible inside and you hide in secret and do your dirt, but you cant make me a racist because I know the truth, the devil is your father if if I would have had to shot anyone because of there bad choice in life it would break my heart, so to all the black people on here just know this is raised wrong left over hate so dont take it out on the good caring whites that know God created and love all. And if his last breath was im sorry lord, you dont know. So cut these fools off cause they have a date to meet God whether they believe it or not. Sorry for you loss, may God comfort you, and every man has a date to die, only God know that time. Dont let them make you like them, they will die alone and afraid if they dont stop this hate.
This is practically illegible.
Pat, I’d like to buy a period, please.
Buy a goddam brain is more like it.
Kids: this is what happens when you eschew educational opportunities… you get to live on welfare all your life.
At this very moment Sherrell “mama couldn’t spell Cheryl” Shepard is being charged with murdering the English language.
First of all, with composition skills, such as yours, how did you graduate from junior high? Reading your comment, gave me visions of walking, unarmed, through a dark alley, in Chiraq. More importantly, who granted the black population of America, the ability to label anything and everything “racist”? Just because something is anti-black doesn’t automatically make it racist. The same goes for not liking the same things as the majority of blacks, such as rap music, flashy clothes, loud stereos, or gangsta mentalities. Just because I don’t like rap music, that doesn’t make me a racist. I, often, wonder if blacks are familiar with “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” because the lesson of that story seems to have a special relation, in regards to, blacks crying racism. Already, I find myself disregarding blacks claims of racism, until I can review the facts of the matter, myself. One day, something racist may happen, and because the term is thrown around way too often, no one will react.
Also, inanimate objects can not be racist. Recently, I saw a blurb by a black man, in a small newspaper, that stated computers were racist. Just because he found computers hard to operate does not make them racist. Also, a person’s unwillingness to change an established process or device to accommodate someone’s perceived inability to follow or learn them, does not automatically make that person racist.
Blacks act like spoiled children, wanting everything, immiediately, without vetting, earning, or deserving anything. Things, such as stereotypes, originate from repeated observations of details, actions, or traits. Unfortunately, black crime has left blacks, especially young black men, with the stereotype of being criminals. The crime rate in black neighborhoods has not fallen, to any extent, which could allow people to change their minds about black youths, yet, blacks demand that label be removed and forgotten. Anger insues, when it is not, even though it would be irrational, with no change in crime, to do so. Are blacks not taught, when young, about earning something through the display of positive change, sustained for a reasonable time, worthy of merit?
As for preaching with the intent to shame, humiliate, and/or retaliate, such as Sherrell Shepard’s pathetically written attempt, it is also written that the Lord hates hypocrites.
Although, anyone is welcome to contribute to this website, “zeek’s” supporters have come here looking to fight, name call, and defend(?) him and his actions but only succeeded in cementing the negative opinions, many have, of the black communitie’s lackadaisical views on crime.
I’ve read many of the comments. I don’t recall reading anybody defending his actions but more so his name. The racist word has been thrown around a lot and if you’ve read the comments then I don’t believe u can honestly say that some of these comments are not racist. The sad part about this is you all talk as if this could never be and has never been the story of a white man. Please correct me if I’m wrong, has no white man ever committed murder? Has no white man ever committed armed robbery?? I’ll wait….did u all post his pictures and drag his name through the dirt? Did u accuse his mother of being on drugs or welfare? Did u assume that his father must not have been in the home he was growing up?? You do know it’s a lot of little white boys running around with no daddy right. Should I assume that the little bastard motherfucker will grow up robbing people??? Or would I be racist for that??
Harmony (there is some irony in that name, given your comments), the thing you and so many other are missing is this. The people commenting about being glad Azikwe is dead would say the exact same thing about the “lil white boys” and “white MFs” you keep yapping about. They sure aren’t trying to defend the honor or reputation of these “lil white boys”. We would have been just as happy if James Holmes (Colorado theater shooter) or Dylan Roof (Charleston church shooter) were dead. We are equal opportunity haters of punks, thugs, and low lifes. You, on the other hand, curse and rant about racism, and talk about hoping our daughters wind up w/ a guy like Azikwe. Real classy Harmony. I’m sure your mother is proud of a mouth like that.
I did need a tissue as this story brought tears of joy to my eyes. And to all the “commenters” yaking about how it’s “disrespectful” to the friends and family of this piece of trash — those very friends and family are responsible as well for their failure to teach him basic human decency. A “mistake”? A mistake is when you back your car into a light post. This is something altogether different. Good riddance and put me down for $20 to get her a new gun.
As I sit here in listern to all the comments. Its very sad and am a black women its not racism to me… He could have been black white red or blue he had no right enter into that women home… Now for the sicko that don’t give two shits about what comes out of they mouth…Intelligence People you can’t go back in forth with them because they have no heart its made of black coal that have no soul neither let them keeping hiding behind they phones/computers etc. Cause they hate themselves so much they will do anything to trying to hurt someone else true fact….
The only mistake the lady made was in not killing the other two boys.
In to the family am so sorry for your loss…
I’m not.
I think I’ll open a bottle of Champagne. One less violent thug in the world.
Look up thug because are talking cause his black or he did a crime… That cost his life?
Looking at some of the comments posted by you and your pals, I would suggest that all of you be charged with murder for what you are doing to the English language!
Gotta love it when the illiterate idiots stumble onto GSL.
Especially when they sing the virtues of a criminal hoodlum.
I’m sure the residents of Ohio can breathe a sigh of relief that they don’t have to pay to incarcerate this mope for the next twenty years.
First off i’m not for burglarizing nor am I for ignorance and this story I feel was made by a racist mad man. Hold, before you come with any smart ass comments i’m here to say when we talk about crimes EVERY RACE fita the criteria. Whites made blacks slaves to do work they were too LAZY to do. What justifies a man beating,lynching, torturing, degrading, and FORCEABLY uneducating another race? If you can legitamitly answer the question without sarcasm and ignorance i’ll consider your response … but thats the thing there is no JUSTIFIABLE answer. Blacks sold their own race for money, Arabs degraded their women and committed mass murders, and so on and so forth so THEY were all wrong. You werent born in the slavery days ao your HATE towards blacks would have to be an internal moral that was instilled from the teaching of racist parents. But, regardless of your input many races have came to create and invent some of the best creations known to man so all the hate i could care less about. Know your facts. You can be mad i accept it and all the negative comments you might say cause your in your feelings but guess what i LOVE ALL RACES. I despise ignorance and pity and embrace any smart comments made because i know the real. Fuck you and this post though cause you dont know not ONE 0f the victims personally. Next time make a post about how a group of WHITE college kids GANGRAPED a stripper on campus, or how a group of WHITE people crated a mass genocide of any race they felt was inferior, or how WHITE people came and took over America. Speak up!!!
The only problem is those white guys didn’t rape her… and the prosecutor went to prison over the wrongful prosecution.
@Chase Dinero….Let the church say AMEN
Slavery? Really? Since I am part Native American I have more to complain about the you ever have. However, I don’t. Why? That all happened in the past and there’s nothing I can do to change it. I’m willing to bet the families of those who regularly post on here have never owned slaves. Enough with the victimization. Stand up for yourself, work hard, better yourself, and attempt to make something of your life other than a “victim of the white man”. That horse has been beat to death.
We don’t need to know the dead criminal personally, we are all judged on our actions and his action was to choose to break into a house and use armed force to try and steal what someone else had worked for instead of working for himself. Maybe “HE WAS A SWEET, CARING, LOVING, TALENTED YOUNG MAN” according to J. He was sweet to his mama by giving her part of the money he would steal, maybe he cared about his fellow criminals and would “pop a cap’ if one of them was “dissed”, maybe he loved the thug life since it required him to have no feelings for the people he hurt, and maybe he was talented, up until now, for never having been unlucky enough to encounter an armed potential victim who fought back.
The only thing I am disappointed in about this story is the fact the “non-victim” fired 4 shots and only hit one of the thugs. I hope she gets some more practice time in at the range to improve her aim and hit percentage.
And just in case you and your homies try n jack my crib, they be plenty gats aroun to pop a cap in your punk ass and we finna send ya’ll back to mama in a bag.
Find some place else to spread your hate a bigotry. Want to see the biggest group of racists in this country…go to any ghetto. And just so you know I am using racist correctly:
a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist
Did they work for the women husband to know it was a safe in the home?
I think it very likely that the robbers were tipped off by somebody who worked for the guy, or somebody who did work on the house
“What justifies a man beating,lynching, torturing, degrading, and FORCEABLY uneducating another race?”
This sounds exactly like the Democrat Party, and the Ku Klux Klan that they spawned. Yet I’ll bet a weeks pay that they are the only ones you vote for.
No, this is not sarcasm.
What justifies condemning an entire race for the actions of a few?
How many Africans were sold into slavery by Africans?
The vast majority of Americans never owned any slaves. What about the Black slave owners? Have you hunted down their families and condemned them for the actions of their ancestors? Highly doubtful. I, frankly, don’t care what race you are, what religion you practice, what clothes you wear, or what country you are from. If you act like a decent, law-abiding citizen of this country then there is no problem. However, act like an entitled thug and try an take what I’ve worked hard for I will end you with out a second thought, although I will feel some remorse at taking a life. Even if that life was being wasted on some punk thug with no redeeming qualities.
The KKK was formed to defend against this sort of typical negro behavior.
Simply put if I run in your house and try to take your things shoot me. I decided that course of action… every one on here who is trying to put an honest opinion down because of this stupid race war that you idiots are adding fuel to need to look deep at your self. Whether they’re statement was offensive to the “bad guy” or not. The fact is I won’t have sympathy for some who was wrong and since you need to know…yes I’m black and I grew up on the east side of the 4 worst city in America Saginaw, MI. I’ve done enough wrong in my life to be put away just like many people of any race. Everyone must pay for their crimes and don’t shed a tear for the one’s that do get karmas slap. We’re are all humans start acting like it
“Simply put if I run in your house and try to take your things shoot me.”
I reserve the right to do just that prolifically. ‘Specially if you threaten to hurt me & mine.
@ Chase Dinero..Let the church say AMEN!!!
Who ever made this article your a sad excuss of a human being period str8 like that !!!!! To sit a try to down talk someone for how they seen life or whatever u wanna call it just know everyone isn’t perfect bitch
One less member of America’s non-productive criminal class ends up dead. That’s cause for celebration, regardless of his skin color.
I prefer to judge people by the content of their character than by skin color.
This loser had nothing redeeming in his character.
Good riddance.
Ok one thing i hate to do is stoop down to anothers level but obviously this fool dont get it … bottom line LIKE I SAID fool ass nigga I DONT condone burglarizing but check this ill give you my address and well talk face to face … on the contrary FOOL ASS NIGGAS get offended when the truth is spoken … i dont care if the “white horse” been beat to death or served for lunch when wrong is done WRONG is done fuck boy its WRONG i dont wish death on nobody but you reap what you sow … god called his name (regardless if he went to heaven or hell stupid nigga) he was called HOME wherewver that may be … dont think you gettin kudos for that bullshit cause let a WHITE man rape my daughter imma do his fool ass the same way (since that what yall known for) i stay in one of the most violent cities in america and more than half of our CHILD MOLESTERS are WHITE maybe yall should fit the criteria and every time you see a black mother she hold her child tight away from whites “blue eyed devil” aint come out mid air YOUR dumb ass race kept blacks uneducated and through the crack of time thats why ALOT of blacks are ignorant … from YALL ancestors dumb ass fool so stop trying to be smart and think about what the fuck you posting … yeah he shouldnt have done what he did i dislike ALL theives no matter the race but dont jump the bandwagon and try to be somethin you not cause if i knew you as a neighbor i bet you wouldnt say OVER HALF of the shit you talkin … boy this internet a fuckin joke fuck you and whoever dont like it bitch ass nigga yall funny lol WHITES REIGN SUPERIOR LETS BOW DOWN!!! sike … lol and yo mama a thot and love black wang fool … fire up that weed i need a puff these niggas trippin
No point in continuing then. You have embraced the “white victim” mentality and have no desire to engage in an actual conversation that doesn’t involve white people begging forgiveness for something we, as individuals, have not done.
Enjoy your hate filled existence until whatever creator you believe in calls you to judgement.
P.S. I really don’t know what a “thot” is and if my mother is getting her loving from a black man, good for her as long as she’s treated respectfully and she’s happy that’s her business and I’m happy for her.
Why is it that u justify everything he white people are saying??? Because really it’s not a race thing it’s an individual thing. We individually make our own decisions whether we black white Mexican Korean or Indian.
I think you should visit the Department of Justice’s website and review their stats on rape, before calling it a whiteman’s crime. There is a reason that you can’t spell rape without APE.
For all the illiterate posters here crying about racism, give it a rest. If Azikwe were white, or brown, or yellow, or purple, I’d be just as happy to see him dead. That is the part you seem to refuse to accept. Civilized people recognize that our country is under attack from within, and that rabid animals need to be put down if we are to survive. As for the comments about whites committing mass murders, same solution. They need to be eliminated just like Azikwe. It isn’t a race thing, it is a civilized vs monster thing. Some unsolicited advice. You need to stop crying wolf (racism) at everything, because nobody is listening. There are real examples of racism out there, and THAT is where you should channel your energies. Trying to defend a man killed while violently entering a home and attempting to rob a woman makes you sound ignorant at best, complicit at worst.
Only black folks go out of their way to defend the criminal behavior of their own kind…do you ever see Asians,Hispanics or Whites doing that nearly as often, or at all?
I think it was the comments of the originators of this post who made it a racist thing. Are you lol reading the comments from beginning to end?? Obviously not especially if your defending all of their comments
Maybe everyone here should stop defending a man who entered a home, masked and with firearms hit a woman. A woman who shot and killed one of her attackers. Do you expect the woman should have tried to reason with three armed men who have already escalated the situation with violence?
Now is a time you need to stop and think about life choices, and where those choices lead. If this woman had not killed him, someone else would have. Would you been just enraged if he was killed by a person of color for the same actions?
If you don’t want to end up dead, don’t do things that lead to that end. Don’t break into other people homes, don’t sell drugs or be gang members. These choices lead to death.
Instead of wasting your time insulting people, teach your children properly. Let them go to school free of gangs, drugs and you need to keep those things out of your schools. Teach them respect, for themselves and others. Then maybe they can distance themselves from the lives you have allowed to be created. They will be no less black for being educated. They can pursue the dreams of MLK, they can rise to great responsibilities in society, all with education. The end result will be less violence, less people in prison, less racism and less poverty.
Of course you could just continue the cycle that was started a few generations ago, blame others for your failures and see nothing better. End up dead, forgotten, and never make a real difference. Choice is yours.
Preach it, brother!
Based on their childlike grammar and spelling, I think its all the same degenerate defending the dead-boy. Either that, or there is alot of stupid MF’ers that rolled with that guy.
Aaah, do not underestimate thier stupidity.
This is a prime example of the racism of the friends and family of the dead perp.
He was from my tribe so no matter what you white honkeys don’t get to judge him for his violent criminal behavior.
He was nice to me and my tribe so it’s mean and untrue to say he was of poor character for beating, terrorizing and robbing some women and her kids who are not part of my tribe.
This is the thinking of racists along the same lines of hitler wasn’t all bad becuase he was nice to his dogs and close friends. Apparently his actions would only define him as a bad person if they had been directed at members of his own tribe. Outsiders are supposed to just die and like it.
Well how did we get so many of his friends fomenting on our website. It surely is an interesting happening. Maybe if we told them to teach their friends not to take things that don’t belong to them, they wouldn’t be hurt. Or. KILT !!!
What do u mean how did u get so many of his friends and family on your site???? U only posted it on his fb page u fucking dummy smh
I really think this article is awful. No matter what someone has or hasn’t done nor the color of their skin they DON’T DESERVE to “die in the cold alone”.
I have no doubt if that was your momma they victimized, you might feel differently.
I agree its awful!!! Instead of dying in the cold his 2 homeys shoulda been dying right next to his azz!
I see things have calmed down.
Our dead bad guy’s friends must be out working at their jobs.
The most natural human thing to do when being attacked is to fight to survive by any means necessary. The victim in this situation did exactly what I would have done … I wouldn’t expect anything less … I don’t, won’t, have not ever AND will NEVER defend wrong doing. WRONG is WRONG, no matter who’s doing it, what the color of their skin is, whether it’s you OR me … It is still … WRONG.
Having said all of that, I will neither try to defend nor justify my cousin’s (Azikiwe Presley) choice of actions on the last day of his life. It would be an ignorant stance for me to take … JUST AS IGNORANT as the statements and judgments made by anyone about another person’s life and/or their upbringing based on photos snatched off of their FB page and the action that was the result of their demise, used to try and validate something you couldn’t possibly know. If you can determine an individual’s entire life history from birth to death based on such a small amount of info, you should do something with that type of intelligence … something preventative rather than reactive maybe.
One thing I will say is that I THANK GOD that YOU’RE NOT GOD and I pray that YOU NEVER EVER GET WHAT YOU DESERVE, especially since in THIS blog alone you’ve positioned yourself above GOD HIMSELF and have decided to issue out what YOU BELIEVE to be what OTHERS deserve for THEIR wrong doing.
◄ Matthew 7:2 ►
New International Version
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Of course, if the Word isn’t something that is applicable to your way of living, then by all means please disregard ALL OF THE ABOVE and it would explain ALOT. But as for myself, I thank God everyday that because I’m NOT PERFECT that he’s NEVER given me what I deserve and that everyday of my life he has given me another chance to do better. I don’t know when my expiration date is, but I did MY BEST today and I’ll try to do better if given the chance tomorrow. So I pray the best for YOU and YOUR FAMILY and pray that you NEVER have to experience such pain on EITHER SIDE of this type of situation… You see, I’ve also suffered at the hands of another …
Just wanted to share some of WHAT I DO KNOW, not in any defense but simply in truth.
I will not resort to calling other’s out of their names, I do not/will not respond to defend myself or my family against lies and/or stupid remarks AND I do not respond to names that are not legally on my identification … I simply speak truth … and the TRUTH REMAINS TRUE whether YOU choose to believe it … OR repeat it … OR NOT … YOU CAN’T CHANGE IT
Good post Denise. I don’t agree with some parts but overall it’s a good post.
Tell me, Denise, about the full-time jobs your cousin has had, would you? Tell us about his education. Tell us about his charitable activities making his community a better place and fellow man better off.
Yes, tell me about the productive things he’s done to help make the world a better place, if you would be so kind.
Was he a married man, with a wife and children at home? Or did he merely sire children, with very little involvement in his children’s lives except when he wanted to share the bed with baby’s mama again. Did he just stand around all the time, drinking and smoking weed, and criminally victimizing other people in his spare time for spending money?
I don’t think that he was a very honorable, decent, loving or worthwhile human being. I think he was a blight on society, as evidenced by his criminal history, criminal behaviors and lack of decency.
As I mentioned below, we celebrate that his victim was armed and didn’t end up savagely raped and then murdered. We’re thankful the victim’s children were safe, and not murdered.
The fact that your cousin’s Facebook page looks like an illiterate criminal’s life speaks volumes to the (lack of) content of his character and reinforces my belief – and that of many others reading – that your cousin was a worthless piece of fecal matter. The fact that he spent at least one stint in prison and has who knows how many more arrests also speaks volumes for his lack of decency.
And why we say, “Good riddance”.
Well said.
Well written! Thank you for responding with intelligence and clarity regardless of the pain you are in at this moment.
I am sorry for your cousins demise as well as the woman who had to defend herself and her family. There is plenty of hurt all the way around.
This is not a racial issue and I do not understand why people insist on trying to make it one.
Very well said. I didn’t know the young man but my condolences to your family.
1 LESS FUCKKING [ edit by JBoch ]!!
We don’t use that word here. Thank you.
He made the wrong choices and lived with the consequences.
I don’t see nothing wrong with the ending and the story. These kids are brainwashed by a criminal lifestyle to think it’s cool or gangsta to do acts like these.
This is a great ending to a victim of home invasions. These kids and their people think nothing of it. They want the easy way out of life stealing and robbing instead of lowering their pride and just working a real slow job. They never think long term. Let this resonate through his family and friends for them to change their ways.
I’m sure there’s other black people (like me) happy with this ending. Speak up.
We celebrate the fact this woman was armed. We celebrate that she wasn’t a victim like the pastor’s pregnant wife in Indianapolis a few weeks before, raped by savage monsters, then killed.
We celebrate when victims are able to use the “great equalizer” against feral criminals, and it makes no matter what race the attacker was.
U say that now AFTER all the racist remarks you’ve made???? What sense does that make???
He got what he deserved they had no business doing what they did.Those ppl were in their own home not bothering nobody.it was their decision to break into that women’s home so that’s what he gets.
All of the disrespect being displayed towards a man that paid the ultimate price is enough to create what these white guys describe as an animal. Just dont become a victim of one of his family members. Rest Up Zeek
If calling out a criminal’s death from his risky, unlawful activities is enough to “create” an animal, then I’d say there’s a whole lot of people who need a better upbringing.
Are you stating that his family is so violent that people who disrespect “dead zeek” might be on the receiving end of violence? Talk about a family gone bad.
It’s bad enough that my family has to bury one of own due to such a stupid, STUPID act with the question of “He was not raised like this. Where the hell did it all go wrong?” in our heads, now we come here and read such vile things about a human being that none of you knew, written by someone who just read an article online and therefore thought that entitled them to an opinion.
I applaud the homeowner for what she did. In the same situation, I would’ve done the same thing. However, I would’ve had the decency to not speak ill of the dead like this. He paid the price for his dumbassery (I know it’s not a word, so don’t come for me). Let it go.
What about the feral monster and his bastard mother that was found in Mexico after violating probation for slaughtering those people? And the feral monster who decided to sit through a service and then proceed to execute 9 people in a house of worship? Oh I forgot, they’re “mentally ill”. I can go on here, if anyone would like. Now if those things were discussed on this site, accept my apologies and direct me to the articles.
I guess this is the long about version of saying that this “feral monster” had a family. A very loving family that has enough to deal with, questions that will always go unanswered and things of that nature. This hate here shouldn’t be one of them.
I love the way that blacks take the few and far between outrageous white crimes and try to equate them to the everyday, many times a day, acts of violence that not only happen but are applauded and supported by the black community,,in the black community.
BTW, dying doesn’t absolve one of his/her past so don’t pull that “respect the dead” crap on us.
Black and ashamed, eh? I literally snorted while laughing at your statement of “few and far between outregous White crimes”. Thank you for that laugh.
Where in the world do you live that applaud and support murder within tbeir community?
My comment got cut off…stupid phone.
Anyways, like I had asked, where do you live/who do you associate with that supports and applauds murder within their community? Or are you just going by what the media decides to portray? Stereotypes are dangerous, my friend. There are many outreach programs, mentorships, and people who don’t stand for that shit and are taking a stand and making a difference. However, because it doesn’t fit the media’s agenda, it will hardly ever be talked about or shown. Matter of fact, what are YOU doing to help combat this problem? Or did you just say to hell with it and bounce? You’re one of those people who are first in line to talk shit about the black community whenever something happens, aren’t you?
The reason why comparisons are made is because that clear difference is there and stressed every. single. time. Demarcus is a “thug”, (which we alllll know in 2015, what that word is the new substitue for, but I digress) but I’m willing to bet my paycheck that had he either been of a lighter hue, the word thug would not have been used, and this all out assault on his family and his life from birth to death would not be happening. So stop that BS right there. I loved my cousin, and his story will be told to my sons as a cautionary tale.
Kaye I’m laughing too…..smh FUCKING DUMMIES
Rip Zeek we go miss you
No, Damarcuse, no one, not even the bullets from the POTENTIAL victim’s gun misses “zeek”.
This black mentality of trying to glorify dead criminals is one of the many reason why the black race wallows at the bottom of society. “hands up, don’t shoot” lol try not to live a life of crime and you won’t have to worry about getting shot by anyone other than blacks.
What about the feral monster and his mother that escaped to Mexico? He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He should have been convicted of murder and will be lucky if he doesn’t get put down by one of the family members of those he killed and injured. I, for one, hope he does.
The feral monster who shot 9 people in their church should have been ventilated by one of the parishioners and possibly saved some lives. Why is it because of pictures of the little monster with a confederate flag that all who fly the flag are racist hateful bigots, but black youth who act like thugs and commit criminal acts are really just loving caring people with families? Double standards much?
a violent person, especially a criminal.
synonyms: ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal
He was a thug and deserved what he got. His actions had consequences and, unfortunately, these were not his first criminal actions, but fortunately for the rest of the community, they were his last.
Why is everybody missing the point that no one is defending his actions. But despite his actions he was still loved by somebody. It sucks that people commit these hannis acts but regardless they are still considered good people to somebody, they re still loved by somebody. Are u telling me that there’s no one in your family that has done something totally wrong and u thought ” I can’t believe hey would do something like that”. Everybody is capable. Just put yourself in the shoes of his family. They have to deal withh no longer being here on top of the back lash they’re getting from his poor decision making. His family didn’t commit the crime and they shouldn’t have to deal with all the mean things people are saying. They’re entitled to their opinions but was it really necessary to post it on his page???
If someone in my family did something as monumentally heinous as this and were rewarded with a dirt nap for their actions I would absolutely state they got what they deserved.
Being a choir boy on Sunday does not make up for being a heartless thug on Saturday. His was not an act on the spur of the moment, it was a poorly planned and even more poorly executed AB&E that resulted in his death. I seriously doubt his final thoughts were pure and good about how he’ll miss lighting candles in church, more along the lines of how he should have shot first. Thankfully he was too stupid to think of that first and this woman can keep on providing for her children. I’m sure he never gave a thought to them or even his own offspring. Except of course when he wanted to hook up with one of his baby mamas for a booty call and then he’d have to bring around some of the loot he had stolen to make her happy. Maybe that’s why you and the rest on here are so upset, no more free loot. Well, don’t worry, you still have most of a year to keep getting free handouts from the government. Of course, when the Republicans take office much of that will disappear and I’m sure crime rates go back up and more for your shrinking circle of friends get shot by those of use who have decided not to be victims of your kind.
This shit is stupid at the end of the day we reap what we sow.white or black the women had all the right in the world to protect her home and especially her children.i mean wich one of us wouldnt have done the same?Right is right and Wrong is wrong
But yall on here judging like y’all opinion matters but it doesnt.only one he has to answer to is God.so let him rest rather in peace or pain.Damn
Every single person who loved him is a victim of HIS BAD CHOICE. I am sad for the lady who had to kill to defend her house. I am sad for her scared kids. I am sad for the family and friends of this man who was obviously well-loved, who strayed down the wrong path. He did deserve what he got because of what he did. However, he already paid for it. The people who were with him need to pay for it too. This article is insensitive to ALL the survivors. This hate begets hate. Let his death be an EXAMPLE to all the CHILDREN. LIVE in LOVE kids. LIVE IN THE LOVE. Don’t do what he did, or you’ll end up like he did. Broken hearts and life wasted.
Everyone has a right to defend they’re family and home, but I have never read an article that sounded so racist in my life that man is already gone can’t come back from that…BLACK MEN TIME TO STOP KILLING YOURSELF OFF there is a movement starting if any interest refer to Facebook under Paul B and for you white ppl that luv to cover up your family member’s and friends actions child molesting, incestors, embezzling, drunk driving etc. Please have a seat and get your fucking daughter’s nieces,sister’s and wives off them Black thugs Dick.I’m done, breaks over!!!
Gee, your statement wasn’t racist at all.
I was told to go on this website that they have a blog written about my best friend Azikiwi who was shot and killed Monday. Yes he made a very bad choice, but he did not deserve to die the way he did alone. All of you commenting about this blog and saying he deserved what he got cause he was a thug. No Azikiwi wasn’t a thug. He was a good person and he will be truly missed.
You need to find better friends, my lady. Otherwise you’re going to find yourself stuck in a gutter for the rest of your life, scratching your head as to why you can’t get away from this sort of drama.
Yeah right. Good people always break into other peoples houses. I guess your definition of “good” is different than mine.
You’re right, his two hommies should have been lying next to him DEAD. Your best friend WAS a thug, face it. No good person gets two of his hommies to aid him in conducting a violent home invasion and betting a woman with a Tec9 with her two children being present. All these friends and family this thug had, you would think it was the Waltons or Little House on the Prairie in his part of the hood. This thugs death was probably long overdue, I doubt this was the first violent act he committed, but thankfully it will be the last.
Not a thug? At what point does one become a thug? How many armed robberies does one need to commit before becoming a thug? I’d say a convicted felon committing armed robbery classifies one as a thug. Good riddance, another stain on society is dead.
Don’t you all worryz, he can kick it with me.
I’ll be there too, gnome saying’?
So u saying trayvon Martin was a thug??? Great example of how racist u really are. Even after facts about trayvon Martin u label him as a thug. Why is that???
So u saying trayvon Martin was a thug??? Great example of how racist u really are. Even after facts about trayvon Martin u label him as a thug. Why is that??? And u do trayvon Martin was unarmed right??! Smh
It is really, really sad seeing my fellow blacks defending a criminal but that is the way we seem to view the dead, in the black community, isn’t it? A boy can be a thug ass gangster but when his crimes catch up to him, we are afraid to speak the truth, why is that? Why can’t we admit that he didn’t deserve our respect? Many of us, that are defending him, would have been laughing with him, had he succeeded in his crime, why is that? Why do we make a fuss about our criminals, getting shot during a crime, but never say a word when one of our “good boys” kills a pregnant wife of a preacher, like what recently happened? Have we, blacks, gone so far down the wrong road that we have forgotten right from wrong?
Sadly, if there was more of this kind of justice, there would probably be less. Think about it. If more of our young black brothers had to fear being killed by their victims, maybe, they would be less interested in living the thug life. I know you are all mad, now, but do not worry, in a few days, Azikiwe will be forgotten and replaced by another black boy, who got himself killed over someone else’s belongings.
Smh where in any of these post did they defend his actions?? Hell I seen his own family come and say they would have done the same thing….u can read right #sadexcuseforblackman #stopkissingthewhitemansass #trustmehedontguveafuckaboutu….matter fact he talking about u ( because instead of making this an individual thing he made it a race thing…so if your black then u fit that category)
Has anyone seen the video? The people had security cameras in the house. You see these Trayvons busting down her door with guns in hand then running like the cowards they are when she started shooting. Looked like it would make a good TV show, maybe call it My Three Son Of A Bitches, starring Barack Obama’s boys.
I want to see the part where he makes snow angels, lying on his back with a little red fountain coming out of him.
There’s no way u could be a black man and let that racist ass comment slide smh….”the trayvons” smh just sad
This criminal got exactly what he deserved. The swine trying to defend this criminal are little better than the criminal himself. What did they do to turn this man away from a life of crime? Just a shame the lady’s bullets didn’t mow all three of these thugs down for good. Clean up the gene pool a little more. Happy New Year!
If you want to feel sorry for the deceased, scratch deeper and see what caused his illegal actions. Wrong choice? Teach your kids to make better choices. Bad crowd? Be involved with your kids and keep them from hanging out with criminals. Poverty? Elect people who will create an environment where businesses can thrive and aren’t taxed to death. The woman who shot this man saved her own life, her family’s life and possibly many more who will never have to confront this armed burglar. She is not responsible for all of society’s problems. Everyone has a right to pursue happiness. She safeguarded hers by shooting him. He gave up the right to pursue happiness by trying to steal it from her. What would you have done? Could you have defended yourself, or don’t you “believe” in guns for self-defense? Educate yourselves on what’s really going on. It’s not black vs white, left vs right, although the politicians want us to play that game. This is the story: Woman shoots and kills armed intruder in home invasion. Simple burglary gone wrong results in one alleged criminal dead, and two who may face felony murder for his death. Everything else is stirring stuff up and politics.
Since blacks love to make up clever little sayings about everything and anything, here is one for our boy “zeek”.
Zeek be chillin’ like a villain in da morgue, fo reelz!
Isnt it ironic that good ol’ zeek is giving the camera a double bird, while standing in front of a sign bearing the words compassion, grateful, dream and respect?
What he should have done was shoot that bitch as soon as he seen her.Then raped her bloody deas corpse.But he didnt she got his ass.Doesnt mean the rest of you fucks are safe.For any one of you racist fucks that has anything to say about any one culture,your time will come.One day, and trust this, your daughters and future ex wives will end up on their knees sucking the “worthless scum” from a huge black cock,and they are gonna FUCKING LOVE IT!Dont be mad bro.Just karma fucking you in the ass with no lube.
A real mental giant there.
Sir, let me guess: you were head of the Future Prison Inmates of America chapter at your junior high school, right?
Just keep imagining. Your scenario is about getting payback is about as likely as you winning the Powerball.
As for interracial relationships, two consenting adults who love one another should be able to do as they please in the privacy of their bedroom. In fact, if you want your pit bull to have sex with you, I don’t really have a problem with that either.
Thats what you white people do fuck animals and shit
Ook, Ook, Eek, Eek Ooga Booga
But whites commit much smarter crimes,Like fucking their cousins,stealing money from people who try to make a legit living through shotty investment oppurtunities,or shooting up schools,or raping their mothers,molesting children.
Sure you monkey. Break into my home and they will have to scrape you off the walls.
Fuck whites, huh?
Well. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you!
To all you people defending this thug/slug, get a grip. He didn’t make a “bad choice” or a “mistake”, he committed a violent home invasion with two “hommies”, while armed, threatening a woman and her children and beating the woman with probably an illegally acquired handgun. If all you morons moaning over his death had given a crap about him when he was alive, he might not be taking a dirt nap right now. At 29, this wasn’t his first violent act, no one decides to do this on a whim, or without having done acts that built up to doing something this heinous. Blacks commit crimes way disproportionate to the population representation, this isn’t racist, this is fact. If you, as a community, would get rid of the whole “snitches get stitches” nonsense and get your house in order, maybe there would be less dead black thugs/slugs in the world because they are either prevented from devolving into thugs/slugs by the people that claim to care about them, or they are safely tucked away in a cell with all the other sociopaths of all phenotypes. Also remember that as a black person, you are far more likely to be murdered by another black person, than you are to be smurdered by whites or police COMBINED.
Happy New Year everyone. Glad there is one less turd to worry about.
Too bad she didn’t get the other two.
Wow the things people say when they dont know a person. Then you white people always on a black and white trip like all black men are bad people. Look at all the fucked up things white people do.
This is a distasteful and disrespectful article I part and hope none of y’all have to ensure this rest up zeke
This is a distasteful and disrespectful article I pray and hope none of y’all have to ensure this rest up zeke
Thanks for posting it twice, it didn’t make sense the first time. Oh, wait, it still makes no sense. Grammar, diction, and spelling, three concepts that completely escape most of those defending the dead perp.
Money magnet?
More like a shit magnet.
I hope they start protecting the schools and movie theaters from young white thugs
We should have picked our own cotton.
AMEN to that!!
No shit.
You white fuckers are pathetic yall cane and got us from our homeland tocome here where all you hillbillies do is fuck your own family members cousins and shit and then live off the government its more of you wetback bastards on food stamps than us and our race may be killing off our own kind but when this race war happens it will be the planet if the apes literally ha i cant wait to kill one of you sons of bitches your scum
Um actually, your own people in Africa sold you into slavery, so find the tribe the conquered the tribe your ancestors were a part of and blame them. And incest is more rampant in the modern black community. Think about all the brothas and sistas you know that have no clue who their dads are, then think of all the sistas you know that have no clue who their baby daddy is. You brothas and sistas are sleeping with half siblings, cousins and in some cases sistas are even your own fathers, and don’t even know it. And as to your desire for a race war, you are 16% of the total US population, not going to turn out real well for your side.
He’s a good boy in hell now.
REST IN PEACE LIL BRO❗️EASTSIDE FOR LIFE N DEATH❗️ RETALIATION IS AH MUST AND ALL OUR GUNZ BUST. Fuck the haters on this site, we heavy in these streets
Here is an intelligent comment ^^^
I found good humor in these post tho, all white men that are terrified of us black men fuking the shit outta y’all daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, and female cousins. The white men hate us, but the white ladies crave us. Nobody mentioned those facts on here tho? Oh well guess I will go Fuk my white lil lady while her dumb ass husband at work thinking she love him hahahahaha. Black is power haven’t y’all heard the word yet. And trust me the tuff talks you guys did on here, I bet my own life when y’all see real black men in society you don’t say SHIT face to face. Y’all look at the ground or cross the street , so go head and get y’all fear out threw this post. I’m bout to Fuk the juice out this bad ass Milf and she white and love this black dick . Bye now and stay away frm dimly lit streets. It’s wolves out here.
I love how the only response from you idiots are: Incest and fucking white women. All you think about is fucking and violence. No wonder Africa is still in poverty with one of the most richest minerals on Earth found there. Too busy fucking, is the reason that 75% of all AIDS cases are in Africa. Fucking white women sure gets you far in life eh. Living in the ghetto on section 8 housing and receiving foodstamps and government assistance is a great accomplishment. Too bad majority of the Black race never sees outside of the projects they live in to realize that there is more to life than fucking “white women” and glamourizing gangsters. Ask those “Gangstas” that were with this scumbag that night, if they were so gangsta why did they run from a little ol white women with a gun. Grow Up People, work a real job and live a real life.
and before you respond back, please make sure that you have an Actual Mailing Address and that you are paying some bills, like normal people do.
Mr. Eastside:
It must be the weed talking, sir.
White ladies crave you? Mmm hmm. I’m not sure those are “ladies” craving you, but if so, more power to you.
My mom told me there’s someone out there for everyone. I know a lot more successful black women who are married to white men than successful white women married to black men.
You are right about wolves out there, without a doubt. That’s why my wife and my daughter (and daughter-in-law) are well equipped for animal control.
Animal control.
I like that.
White pig smelling ass…all u honkeys sleep with your own family & shit…fuck y’all
I’m pretty sure the Caucasian’s do not like you either, or the “Uncle Tom’s” that do not agree with your thug mentalities.