Yes, friends of Azikiwe D. Presley found our post, “Tissue Please” about his lingering death after catching a hot lead supplement a few days ago while committing a home invasion in Ohio.

Ah, there’s video available now as well!  Azikiwe D. Presley is the guy with the Tec-9.

Photo via Facebook.


It’s a pretty dramatic story.

If the embed doesn’t work, you can see the video here.

29 thoughts on “COMEDY GOLD: Home invading thug’s friends find our post on Azikiwe D. Presley’s untimely expiration – plus video!”
  1. Anyone looking for a good laugh go visit this queers facebook page. It’ll have you in stiches in no time with all the “dindo nuffin” rhetoric! Too funny

    1. The “N” word primarily.

      Or wanton and prolific use of other slurs against other groups.

      Or chronically disruptive posts.

      Or repeated libelous statements against groups.

      Or anything else I or any of the others with posting privileges believe is inappropriate, or likely to get someone sued.


    2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior;
      Deviating from what is expected or normal; strange
      Of a questionable nature or character; suspicious

      1.spoil or ruin (an agreement, event, or situation):
      “Reg didn’t want someone meddling and queering the deal at the last minute”

      “Queer” fits. Queer was “Queer” long before it was gay

  2. Now he truly has turned his life around for the better. Can you imagine the suffering this piece of excrement has inflicted on prior victims, because you know he didn’t just decide to a home invasion as his first foray into thug life. The black community needs to look to itself and start making some drastic changes, continually acting like victims while pretending that they don’t have severe issues of violent and criminal behavior is only going to make this cycle continue, and continue to get worse. Each generation is more violent than the last. This cannot continue. They need to change, and parasites like Jesse Jackson isn’t the one to lead the charge.

  3. Human life is precious and i don’t like it when people die from acts of violence. That said; These 3 thugs are nothing more than sub-human filth and had they had the chance that woman and her 2 under age children could have been murdered.

    She did what she had to do. I’m not going to cheer and gloat but the video is all too clear; the bastards ask for it.

  4. God Bless her! SHe must have been TERRIFIED> And though she was busy as a mom of 4? unless she lived in a cave she would have heard of the Indy Pastor’s wife being raped and murdered by the same dindu nuffins.

    Thank you God that her aim was true!

    Now what about that FUND to get her a shooter til she gets the straight-shooter back from the cop/killers?

    Start it up, JB.

  5. I knew the Azikiwe D. Presley and I find this blog very disrespectful to me, his friends, and family. Yes he made a wrong choice, but he wasn’t a bad person, and he would never hurt that woman or her kids. Azikiwi didn’t deserve to die the way he did alone. He was like a brother to me and a uncle to my daughter.

    1. He wasn’t a bad person?

      Jesus H. Christ! What sort of a person is a bad person to you people?
      Let me guess… a Republican.

    2. Who pistol whipped the woman?

      If you know him, then you likely know who was with him. Have you told the police who they are?

      It is more disrespectful that he and his friends forced entry into someones home to take what was not theirs.

      I hope you teach your daughter to respect others and herself. Maybe she can have a chance to escape and achieve.

    3. Respect is earned he didn’t earn it. Yes he was a bad man, he was the very definition of bad. He hurt her by breaking into that home, he violated her home and terrorized her and her children. That hurt her. That is by definition hurting her. Of course he deserved to die like that, he set all of that in motion and reaped what he sowed. He was a low class thug with no morals and that’s what you are too. You disrespect us and the victims who were brutalized and assaulted by shamelessly coming here and trying to paint any of us as the bad guy and dismissing his role in his own demise. He earned that death fair and square.

    4. I think this guy was as bad as you can get, anytime you rob some ones wealth and are willing to take food off a woman and her children’s table or cause economic difficulties; it proves it. Further more; this was no mistake, at some point these men plotted, loaded and tucked guns under their shirts. This was premeditated, and the fact that they pulled their guns on these kids demonstrated to the mother, these men was as dangerious as them come.

  6. Well, Natasha are you some special kind of snowflake. You friend was a thug and a criminal. He was a rabid dog looking to inflict pain on others for his own amusement and gain.

    This may come as a shock to you, but if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. And since your friend was acting like a rabid dog, he got what happens to an animal like that — put down.

    If you want to play the tug life and thug game, then I suggest you take note of the outcome. My only regret to the story, is that two got away. Maybe you could inform the police of who they are, you might keep them alive a bit longer since their chosen occupation has some serious health consequences. And I don’t think it come with Obamacare.

    1. You know what “DOZER”at the end of the day you are the rabbit dog azikiwe was a awesome young that I knew very well every one makes bad choices in their lives your just bashing him because of the color of his skin u need to reevaluate your self before you try to belittle some one else u worthless piece of s@#t no one conly God can judge him and how do u think u are gonna make it thru the gates with that type of hateful shit coming out of your mouth let my friend rest in peace no one is asking you or your mark a$$ opl for a blessing or an opinion he’s already been forgiving by the most high what you think is irrelevant!!!!!

    2. Dominique:

      “well every one makes bad choices in their lives your just bashing him because of the color of his skin”

      I believe precious few are bashing him because of the color of his skin. We’re celebrating that he – as a bad guy committing acts of violence on innocent people – was the one that got killed.

      If you haven’t been taught better, and consider Mr. Kiwi Fruit a “nice guy”, then you too are doomed to a miserable existence, and so too are your children if they don’t learn better.

      And, as many have pointed out, the race card you and your ilk keep throwing out has little value as it’s been so improperly overplayed. Like the boy who cries wolf, it’s lost all meaning and the inappropriate use of the “race card” is becoming more of a joke with each passing day.

      Letting him rest in peace? Yeah. Why? Did he leave innocent people to live in peace?

      He deserves to have an outhouse erected over his final resting place, frankly.


  7. Natasha, what kind of woman would ever condone a thug that pistol whips a woman and holds her at gun point during a violent home invasion? YOU and your ilk are everything that’s wrong with this world.

    Rest in HELL

  8. Dominigue — well instead of just one snowflake, looks like were starting to get an actual “snow Storm” based upon all the comments from your and your friends.

    First off its rabid, not rabbit. One refers to a disease, the other is a small mammal with long floppy ears that goes good with carrots and gravy.

    Going armed into someone else’s home with two other thugs is a single bad choice. It is a decision made based upon a life style and based upon his FB page and rap sheet it was a life style. But this appears normal in your world that the perp is never at fault because for some strange reason he was just about to turn his life around and become the next Frederick Douglas.

    His skin color has nothing to do with it. He was seen on video kicking down the door of someone’s home, armed with a Tec-9 and two other armed criminal associates. He pistol whipped, or at least one of his associates did, the woman and held her and at least two kids at gun point. None of this has anything to do with his skin color. It has everything to do with his criminal behavior.

    I’ve taken stock of my life, and to quote a great American, I’m prepared to meet my maker and answer for every shot I have ever taken. Two decades of wearing a uniform so you could spout off the BS that you do has my conscience clear.

    You don’t like the fact that good people are celebrating the removal of another piece of human debris from this earth. Fact is, many of us are simply fed up with the lack of values you and your friends have and exhibit. And once upon a time it was easy for them to prey on others, but that time has passed. WE will no longer sit idly by. Your friend could be sitting on the couch smoking a blunt and giggling away, but he choose to try and rob the wrong house.

    He died face down in his own blood for the life style he choose. I was no better than a rabid dog and was treated the same way. What you and your friends fail to grasp is that the world is changing. And not the way you want it to comport to your life style choices, or those of your dead friend. And to be clear, if you, any of your friends or others like them, want to try the same kind of stuff against me, my home or family you or yours will meet a similar fate.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    1. What really frightens me is their mentality, that they believe this piece of garbage is the victim here. But this is how they think, I have spent the last 20 years working the west side of Chicago and it truly makes me scared knowing that the criminal element honestly believes it is their right to rob, rape, beat, kill, and whatever else they want to do. I have been in situations where a guy will try to run me over with a car, then flee in the vehicle, then bail on foot and when you catch him be tries to beat you to death. When you fight back and finally get him in cuffs he’ll say why the hell you punch me for? Totally disregarding everything that he did. How do you deal with a population that thinks completely differently and has a completely different set of values where your life has no meaning to them. They would kill you for a dollar if they thought they could get away with it. So to these two special gals who think that this guy who got killed is being wronged somehow, please rip out your uteruses. That way you can no longer pollute the earth with your genes.

  9. Lets be clear Caucasian people, while many of you have a tendency to castigate all groups of the darker races under one category, make no mistake, there are many of us who applaud what this woman was forced to do while protecting her self,family and home.

    1. But the shitbirds are the ones we always read about.

      Unfortunately, good families living honorable and decent lives don’t make news like the latest bird-flipping, semi-literate, good-for-nothing piece of human debris that thinks life is like Grand Theft Auto or World Star Hip Hop.


  10. He shouldbe shot that bitch and the kids too i cant wait till we have a race war and kill all you crackers

    1. Now that’s an interesting proposal.
      First, there has been a race war on whitey for decades, the media simply refuses to acknowledge the existence of it.
      Now for the math….
      Blacks are 13% of the population.
      Those that are of ‘fighting’ age, 15-50, are about 8%.
      Assuming your tribe is all as rough and tough as you, jeysus, I doubt the numbers work out in your favor.
      I have had many conflicts in my professional life with guys like you. Not one had any real fighting skill, armed or unarmed. So you may wanna look into that training stuff.
      Please be aware;
      There are more than a few of us ‘crackers’ who would not shy away from such conflict, and plenty who look forward to such a possibility.
      Given the very real potential that all these big words might be just a bit too challenging for you, I will ‘break it down for ya’

      Bring it, bitch.

    2. Unfortunately most of the African American fighting men or many of them at least are currently incarcerated in county, state and federal institutions and that puts a serious dent in their 13%.

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