
Gun control fails every time in keeping everyday citizens safe.

Criminals, tyrants and terrorists always have access to weapons to victimize and kill the innocent.

The only thing that stops evil is a good guy with a gun.

Venezuela has super-strict gun control since 2012.  What’s happened since then?

Venezuela reached record homicides in 2015

The annual report of the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence said that a total of 27,875 people died violently this year

Venezuela closed 2015 with a rate of 90 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, a historical figure that would make him the most violent country in the world without war, said Monday the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV).

The annual report of the NGO said that a total of 27,875 people died violently this year, a figure that greatly exceeds that recorded in 2014, of 24,980.

At this rate, Venezuela could exceed this year to El Salvador, but “suffered a significant increase”, and Honduras, considered in previous years as the most violent country in the world, but “has had a decline” this year, the report said the SVO.

“One in five people who are murdered in America is a Venezuelan,” said the report.

The NGO says that the rate of violent deaths in Venezuela is above the registered in Brazil, where “varies the territorial distribution of violence”; Colombia, where there has been “sustained for a decade reductions”; and Mexico, where the number of homicides dropped “after a few years of growth.”


From Miguel at Gun Free Zone:

Not one single firearm has been sold to civilians in Venezuela since 2012. Gun control is so tight that even spear guns must be registered and a permit acquired for its use. Those who are lucky to be allowed to have a gun bought prior the cessation of sales, needs to have it registered, secured and only allowed 50 rounds of ammunition a year.

There are plenty more Gun Control regulations that I won’t get into, but what was promised to be a sure-fire method to control violence has proven to be its biggest fuel. And still some believe the same plan will actually work here.

The experiment is over: Gun Control is a failure.

Yup.  Indeed.

Brazil, facing rampaging crime, enacted similar repressive regulations on civilian gun ownership a few years ago.

What’s happened there?

Rio de Janeiro (AFP) – Brazil, which has one of the highest murder tolls on the planet, could soon end most restrictions on gun ownership, risking what one critic called a “Wild West” scenario.

A draft law stripping away current limits has already been approved in committee and is due to go to the lower house of Congress in November.

Under the law, anyone over 21, including people accused of crimes or convicted of less than serious crimes, would be allowed to purchase up to nine firearms a year and 50 rounds of ammunition a month.

State employees and public figures, ranging from government inspectors to politicians, would be authorized to carry arms, as would private citizens often in the public eye such as taxi drivers.

At present, weapons can only be bought legally by people obtaining a license on a case-by-case basis.

Supporters say freeing up gun sales will allow people to protect themselves in a country plagued by violent robbery and intense confrontations between drug gangs and police, with some 40,000 gun-related deaths a year.

“Our proposal is to guarantee the good citizen’s right to self-defense,” said the law’s author Laudivio Carvalho, from the powerful centrist PMDB party.


And we won’t even get into domestic gun control failures here in the United States.

I’ll let Bill Whittle do that.



Yes, Gun Control is a failure.

And yet Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Control, the Brady Campaign (formerly known as the Coalition to Ban Handguns and Handgun Control, Inc.), and other second- and third-tier gun grabber groups like the Coalition of Lunatics Against Gun Violence (and everything else not moonbat liberal) and parochial groups like the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence all work tirelessly to impose these failed gun control schemes upon Americans.



5 thoughts on “GUN CONTROL: Fails every where, every time, EVERY TOWN”
  1. The final liberal democrap socialist argument for “them” is that its’ not about truth in numbers, its’ feelings, nothing but feelings, come on sing along with me, feelings, feelings.

  2. Well just is Hillary. And Co . Going to do ?? How soon. Before. The police state is enforced. And. What are we. Going to do about it ???

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