
Today we bring you a butt-hurt social justice warrior trying her hand at Alinsky-style tactics against gun owners.

Here’s what she wrote – at TROUT NATION (that should be a clue):



What I Learned From Pro-Gun Twitter

CW: gun violence, rape, pedophilia, Islamophobia, racism

Yesterday, I posted a single sentence to Twitter:

My child is more important than your gun.

I tweeted this to the tag #StopGunViolence.

Now, you’d assume that the above statement isn’t controversial, right? The life and rights of a human child should always be valued above the existence or ownership of an inanimate object. To suggest otherwise,–unless we’re speaking of extremely extenuating hypothetical circumstances–is monstrous.

First off, she seems to lump gun violence right in there with rape, pedophilia, Islamophobia and racism.  I hate to break it to her, but in America, you have the freedom to be a racist or an Islamophobe.   At least until fascist bigots like Jenny Trout have her way.

She goes on to troll some of those to respond to her faulty premise, and then cherry pick some responses she finds most appalling after repeatedly goading those who disagree with her.

Where does it lead her?


She takes us in the dank, dreary place that is her imagination:

Before these interactions, I would have said that the vocal minority of aggressive gun owners were a fringe group. As I studied the responses I got, …I realized the truth. We have fostered a national cult of sociopathic anarchy. You live by the gun, or you die by the gun, and only on the terms of whichever Ted-Nugent-loving, Bible-thumping survivalist who happens to be trolling the anti-gun violence hashtags on social media that day. When a white kid with a bad haircut decides that he’s been rejected by too many female classmates, that’s the day you die. There is no longer any right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Unless you equate being allowed to open carry an assault rifle into Qdoba to “liberty” and the pursuit of guns as the only thing that will make you happy.

Yes, it is the Ted Nugent-loving, Bible-thumping survivalists who are killing Americans left and right in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis and other big cities, right?  Of course, in her mind, murder isn’t committed by inner city blacks, illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists.  By the way, Jenny, your bigotry is showing through in spades.


But she’s not done.

The pro-gun right is as much a terrorist organization as Al-Qaeda or Daesh. They hold us hostage by subtly endorsing the assassinations of elected leaders.

Don’t let the truth get in the way of good click-bait, Jenny.

Jenny, if we were half as dangerous as you portend, you and your ilk would have been dead and gone long years ago.

Yet, you still draw breath and continue to spew invective from your pie-hole, blaming gun owners for everything from thinning of the ozone layer to the acne on your butt cheeks.  News flash Jenny:  We’re not responsible for your yeast infection or your lack of success in life.

They buy politicians outright.

You mean like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros?

They claim that grieving parents of murdered children are paid actors, that all of the mass shootings perpetrated by white people with legally purchased guns are false flag operations meant to sway public opinion, and all of the gun violence perpetrated by people of color is a symptom only more guns can treat.


Deeper into her psyche…

The pro-gun right has one weapon, and that is fear. If they can’t make you fear “terrorists”, they’ll try to make you fear “thugs”. If they can’t make you fear “thugs”, they’ll jump to the hypothetical rape of your pretty white daughter. If they can’t make you afraid at all, they’ll become violently afraid of you. Then they’ll kill you, and say it was in self-defense because you tried to take their guns.  Self-defense, because their guns are their selves. That’s why they’re panicking; if the government legislates their guns away, they’re legislating these peoples’ identities away.

And if you take away the gun, all that’s left is a an angry coward who can’t even shoot a child to make himself feel better.

I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.  Did Jenny feel so well she quit taking her medication before writing this?
Miguel over at Gun Free Zone offers a more pointed response to Jenny’s stinking stunt and ensuing rant about civil rights groups being the equivalent to Islamic terrorists:

My child is more important than your gun.

And my reply is:

I don’t give a damn about your rugrat.

And you know why? because her statement is intellectually dishonest. She is creating an either/or proposition where none exists. What is my gun doing to your child? Last time I checked, my pistol is safely tucked in the holster at my waist whereas I have no idea where your kid might be. Your kid has a real chance of being hurt by the loose collection of prescription pills, Colombian baking soda, dry cleaning wrapping plastic, cleaning solutions and the occasional nocturnal visit from Uncle Ernie than from my gun.

…Develop some intestinal fortitude and address the fact that decades of Social Engineering towards minorities and failed Drug Laws are creating the massacres we read about everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis.

“OMG! That is racist!”
No, it is not you barely-breathing moron. It is the sad truth. The Liberal experiment has failed and it needs to be repealed, but your ilk rather see the bodies of minorities’ kids piling up rather than admit your team f*cked up by the numbers.

…And I want to close with a direct quote from Jenny herself:

The pro-gun right is as much a terrorist organization as Al-Qaeda or Daesh.

Dear Jenny: We are loud, we are not scared of you morons anymore. We lobby and push and call and write and vote so our side (facing the full opposition of one political party, all the mainstream media and one Billionaire) wins many more times than it loses. If you find that our long-accepted and legal actionsto further Civil Rights are terrorism, the problem resides with you. Trust me, if we were to behave at only 1% of the way the Jihadists act, you’d be beating the doors of the nearest Canadian consulate demanding political asylum, free health care and fries without mayo.

No, she’d be wishing for the good old days when she was safe and wasn’t gang raped by illiterate, unwashed Muslims looking to spread the caliphate world-wide.

You are trying to shame us with the “My child is more important than your gun” meme, but you forget that we have mothers on our side that take the safety of their kids very seriously and know that a violent offender will not stop his attack by asking pretty please and wishing upon a shining star. More and more moms every day are realizing that stupid slogans really do not solve the question “What will happen to my children if I am killed?” or “What will happen to me and my kids if my mate is murdered?” and they are flocking to gun stores, buying guns and getting their concealed weapons permits.

Emphasis added.

A mother, besides loving, must be pragmatic. Even you must admit that if somebody breaks down your door in the middle of the night, a gun will give you a better chance to stop the intruder rather than a copy of Such Sweet Sorrow.

In closing, the message is simple: Go fix the shit you guys broke and leave us alone. 

We stopped being your scapegoats long time ago.


9 thoughts on “SOMETHING’S ROTTEN: Delicate snowflake shares her feeble-minded analysis after snarky Tweets and trolling gun owners”
  1. Again, if Jenny is so terrified of guns and gun ownership, she should take her kid and move to one of the many countries where citizens can’t own guns. It would certainly be no loss to the U.S.

  2. Jenny:

    My rights are more important than your beliefs.

    And yes, my gun is more important than your child, and your life.

    Unlike your worthless ass, my gun can save my life and the lives of my loved ones and other innocents.

    The only think you would be good for is distracting the feral animals while me and mine make a safe getaway.


  3. I’m not responsible for her Chlamydia infection, either.
    Or her yeast infection.
    Or the acne on her ass.
    Or her weight issues.
    Or her breast size (or lack thereof).
    Or every other disappointment she’s suffered in her sad little life.

    I know it’s handy to have someone to blame, but I’m no more responsible for her problems than that spoon she eats that ice cream with.

  4. If she’s that afraid of guns there are several locations she should move to in the United States.Just look for the cities with the highest homicide rates,they have the strictest firearms control.I agree with the sentiment about about people who use their children as a reason to deprive me of my rights,I don’t give a damn about your rug rats.

  5. Let’s see!

    She writes trashy romance novels. The women on the covers look nothing like her.

    She was so unhappy with her name that she changed it to Julie Trout.

    She must be conflicted, to say the least.

  6. Interesting conversation with a gun owning friend. Her liberal co worker was receiving death threats and vandalism relative to her job at a government institution. Liberal victim was rightfully terrified. Her response? Spend her time at her ARMED and CWP qualified co workers place to feel SAFE.

    Guns aren’t the answer, until they are…..

    Operations to get this person to consider alternatives to head in the sand as a defense measure continue…

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