KFOR photo

Catch and release policies among prosecutors has given Chicago it’s nickname of Murder City USA.

Why is that?  Well, in Chicago, when police catch young teens shooting up groups in public parks, wounding two, they get charged with Class 4 felonies – punishable by one to three years in prison.  When felons illegally carrying a handgun, drunk, shoot at people and miss their intended targets, they get charged with misdemeanors.

In Florida, all of those individuals would be gone for a minimum of 20 years.  No plea deals, no probation, no parole.  Just hard time.  And that’s why Florida is enjoying its lowest violent firearm crime rate in history.  Well, that 10-20-Life law and the fact that almost one in five Floridian adults has a carry license.

And that’s when cops are able to run down the suspects.  Most of the time, suspects aren’t apprehended, thanks to the “no snitch” culture so prevalent in crime-addled segments of Chicago.

In a bit of bad news for Rahm & crew, two violent crime victims have now been added to the homicide tally for 2015, pushing it over that 500 mark to 501.  One succumbed to his wounds (they pulled the plug on him) and another had his death reclassified as a homicide.

As for 2016, the Ferguson Effect is in full play in the Bloody City.

(HeyJackass.com numbers via Second City Cop)

Jan 1-7, 2016:
Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 66
Total Shot: 78
Total Homicides: 12

Jan 1-7, 2015:
Shot & Killed: 5
Shot & Wounded: 33
Total Shot: 38
Total Homicides: 7

Jan 1-7, 2014*:
Shot & Killed: 2
Shot & Wounded: 16
Total Shot: 18
Total Homicides: 3

Notice a trend there?

It’s going to be a bloody year in Chiraq.

Could this be Chicago’s new city anthem?


14 thoughts on “MURDER CITY, USA: 2016 off to roaring start; 2015 homicides now over 500”
  1. It is a nice weekend, Noon Friday until 7:00 am Saturday only 4 killed and 14 wounded… Normal day.

    1. Maybe the thugs can’t read English? Maybe the thugs can’t read pictures? Maybe they should be written in ebonics…Wait, maybe they should be in picture ebonics! You racists! The sighs weren’t written in picture ebonics on purpose to not stop the killing, just wait ’till I tell the black lies matter crowd on you. It’s your fault the thugs are killing each other NOT THEIRS!

  2. Well Chicago needs too pass some gun control, along the lines of background checks, FOID cards and gun free zones.

    Wait they already have that.

    Gosh what’s wrong with this picture?

    Maybe gun control doesn’t work in any form?

    Before the passage of the 1968 GCA and the FOID card law there were 200 gun shops in Chicago that sold guns; many of them engaged in mail order gun sales.

    Yet crime was lower then it is today.

    Is there a pattern developing here?

    1. Bill 1, have you not been paying attention? The president told us that the guns are coming in from outside Chicago. It’s not their fault!

  3. Are black folks living in ghettos “going native” in the USA?

    They act as though they are savages. They can’t talk. They can’t read. They damn sure can’t write.

    They treat women like they were disposable property, but the women act like they are animals as well, so I guess it’s not surprising.

    They wear their pants hanging below their asses. You know, I profile. If I see a young black male wearing his pants properly, I think “there’s a decent young man”. If I see one wearing his pants blow his ass, I immediately think “hood rat”. Right or wrong to stereotype, it’s how I discern the wheat from the chaff.

    If you dress the part, sometimes you get to play the role.

    That works for the better as well. Dress like a normal person, speak proper English (sorry, no ebonics, and no n-words or f-bombs) and I’ll extend the same courtesy, regardless of skin color.

    Act like a hood rat and I’ll treat you like one too.


    1. Sam…..if’n they acted civilized we’d mistake them for humans, or friends, even, or worse still, NOT THE THREATS that they are.

      BUt because they act, dress, comport themselves like this, WE NOW KNOW THE ENEMY.

      And can pinpoint them.

  4. Here’s another instance of UNDERCHARGING armed black criminals who assault 77-year old WHITE grandmothers:

    Break into an occupied home, beat her to a pulp and steal her car so you can get back to de souf side and get charged with………

    wait for it…………



    NO SHITE??????????

    Whose brilliant state’s attorney’s idea was that?


    Just despicable.

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