ABC7 photo.

Tip:  Gun-free zone signs attract violent criminals.

There’s been an explosion of violent crime in Chicago these past few weeks.

As the police are losing control, the good guys in Chicagoland are stepping up and fighting back against brazen hoodlums.  A pair of day-time robbers invaded a T-Mobile store in Chicago yesterday.  A concealed carry licensee met their demands with steely-eyed determination and hot lead, wounding both bad guys before they could get a shot off.

We don’t know if they robbers had fake guns or not, but they didn’t fare well, fleeing the store and leaving a trail of turdlets to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Interestingly, the store was posted “NO GUNS”.  The sign was non-compliant under Illinois law and it would seem the store’s owners welcome law-abiding concealed carry licensees as non-compliant signs don’t have the force of law in Illinois.  They certainly welcome licensed employees to carry in their stores to protect themselves.

Chicago Tribune photo.

Why post non-compliant signage?  Well, posting a “NO GUNS” sign satisfies gun control fanatics, while law-abiding and trained gun owners recognize a sign’s non-compliance as allowing them to carry within under Illinois law.

If you see a non-compliant sign as a CCW holder, feel free to ignore it.  But you might think twice for berating management for posting non-compliant signage, because more and more of these non-compliant signs are posted by pro-gun property owners to allow carry under the law’s provisions while satisfying gun control fans.

Of course, T-Mobile’s “NO GUN” sign didn’t stop the two hoodlums who entered the store and threaten to kill people in order to carry out their robbery.  They had no more respect for that sign than they did society’s laws.  It was only a good guy with a gun that stopped their felonious attack!


CHICAGO, Ill. (Buzzpo) – A T-Mobile store encountered an armed robbery attempt on Wednesday, but a concealed carry permit holder drew his weapon and shot both the bad guys.

The store was located at the 2000-block of East 95th St., and has experienced other armed robberies in the past.

Two guys allegedly walked into the store and appeared to be browsing the cell phones. But only a few moments later, they both pulled out guns and all hell broke loose.

One employee scrambled to the back to dial 911 while the other store employee, a concealed carry permit holder, drew his handgun and engaged the suspects.

By the time it was all over, one suspect was hit in the arm and the groin, and the other took hits in the abdomen and arm. After realizing they were seriously hit, the bad guys decided to flee to a nearby hospital for treatment.

“I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers, employees to protect themselves in these cases. And our employee did a great job to protect themselves and the other employee,” said store manager, Neil Tadros



12 thoughts on “IF POLICE WON’T STOP CRIME, CIVILIANS WILL: Chicagoland T-Mobile employee engages a pair of armed robbers”
  1. Good shoot. Needs more dead though!

    I’ve been hearing more about business owners intentionally posting improperly to allow carry, too. I’m not sure if we should be publishing this or not though!

    Let the idiots keep living in bliss!


  2. Non-compliant signs are just as dangerous as compliant ones.

    Does anyone seriously think a bad guy will notice a no-guns sign is non-compliant and stay away because there might be a CCW permit holder inside?

    I’m interested in staying safe.

    I try hard to avoid any establishment with no-guns signs posted – compliant or not.

  3. I’ll second Sam’s comment about intentionally posting improperly. I know a guy who works security at one of the big malls. He told me how his boss made sure at least one or two doors had no signs and still others were posted in obscure locations (including behind tinted glass).

    DM: I don’t think they are putting up signs that aren’t proper for the criminal’s benefit. It’s to insulate them from useful idiots of the anti-gun persuasion.

    1. There was another robbery attempt in Chicago at a food and liquor store this past saturday not too far from the T-mobile store where an employee with a CCW license ventilated two young teenagers ages 15 and 17…..the 2 would be robbers died from their hot lead injections…..according to sources involved in the investigation at this time do not plan to press charges against the store employee…..seems like a righteous kill to me

  4. I am still waiting for the libs to explain how come that sign didn’t keep the bad guys out?

  5. Cops are civilians, government employees not in the military. The people you are talking about stopping crime are citizens. We rank higher than civilians.

  6. It’s a damn shame how these urban black criminals act.

    They act almost like feral/radical Muslims, really.

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