
Imagine, a president who gives guns to Mexican drug cartels while lobbying to ban their sale to law-abiding Americans.

Sounds like a guy with American citizens’ best interests at heart, doesn’t it?

That, my friends, was sarcasm.

No wonder Obama wanted to keep documents about his “Guns for the Drug Cartels” project under seal through “Executive Privilege”.

Obama should be impeached and removed from office, then tried for the deaths of those killed with the guns his Justice Department walked across the border to Mexican drug cartels.

(FoxNews) – A .50-caliber rifle found at Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s hideout in Mexico was funneled through the gun-smuggling investigation known as Fast and Furious, sources confirmed Tuesday to Fox News.

A .50-caliber is a massive rifle that can stop a car or, as it was intended, take down a helicopter.

After the raid on Jan. 8 in the city of Los Mochis that killed five of his men and wounded one Mexican marine, officials found a number of weapons inside the house where Guzman was staying, including the rifle, officials said.

When agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives checked serial numbers of the eight weapons found in his possession, they found one of the two .50-caliber weapons traced back to the ATF program, sources said.

Federal officials told Fox News they are not sure how many of the weapons seized from Guzman’s house actually originated in the U.S. and where they were purchased, but are investigating.

Out of the roughly 2,000 weapons sold through Fast and Furious, 34 were .50-caliber rifles that can take down a helicopter, according to officials.

8 thoughts on “WELL, WELL: Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gun found at El Chapo’s hideout”
  1. This administration is nothing short of treasonous.
    Holder should be in prison for this at the very least.

  2. As I recall, the whole purpose of “FAST AND FURIOUS” was to gin up violence south of the border to enact more gun control in America.

    With Democrats like that, who needs that communist crank Bernie Sanders for President.

    By the way, have you noticed that 95% of the time when you see a Bernie Sanders for President bumper sticker that it’s on a complete piece of shit car?

    I have.

  3. We continue to hear and read “treason” and “criminal”…. Does no one have enough gonads to enforce our laws and PUNISH the trash in the white house and his lady Hillary??? Our scummy government is allowing anything and everything to slide by with NO consequences!!

  4. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again “If Nixon was president now he wouldn’t be impeached, he would have been re-elected”

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