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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably noticed former Governor Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.  Well, there have been plenty of others, including the Duck Dynasty guy, but Palin has been the big one.

“So what?” you say.

Her endorsement has bumped the Donald by six plus points, and slashed a third of Cruz’s support.  Per Reuters:

trump-19 trump-22

The first comment at The Gateway Pundit’s story reporting this says it all:

Yeah, “Palin’s an idiot, Palin’s a dunce, Palin’s lost her Conservative Membership card, Palin’s endorsement is meaningless……” MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!! Trump 2016!

Meanwhile, the disssssttttaaaannnnnnnnnt second place candidate, Ted Cruz, has a bevy of problems himself over his Canadian birth.  A pharmacist (and Carson supporter) in Illinois has filed suit to have Cruz’s name removed from the Illinois primary election ballot, claiming Cruz is not a “natural born” US citizen.

NEW YORK (World Net Daily)– A Republican attorney in Illinois, a supporter of Ben Carson, on Friday filed a motion with the Illinois State Board of Elections to have Sen. Ted Cruz’s name removed from the official Republican primary ballot for the Illinois GOP presidential primary set for March 15.

The legal challenge confirms fellow candidate Donald Trump’s argument that the issue of eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution will dog Cruz as the Texas senator pursues the GOP nomination for president, and possibly a subsequent White House bid.

The motion from Lawrence J. Joyce, who makes his living as a pharmacist licensed in his state, notes that Cruz was born on Dec. 22, 1970, in the city of Calgary, in the Canadian province of Alberta, and that Cruz has been a citizen of the United States continuously since birth under § 301(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1401.


The ‘nightmare scenario’

“I have principally two reasons for doing this,” Joyce explained to WND in an email. “First, I think Dr. Carson would make both a better president of the United States and a better nominee of the Republican Party.

“Second, I am terrified that if we don’t get this cleared up right now, if Ted Cruz does become the nominee, the Democrats will cherry-pick which court or election board they will petition to have him declared to be ineligible in September or October,” Joyce continued.

“The result could be that the Democrats may chalk up a string of three or four or five victories [in their election board petitions] in a row, potentially forcing Cruz to resign the nomination (if for no other reason than that fund raising would quickly dry up),” Joyce explained.

“Then Mr. [Karl] Rove and company would hand-pick his replacement as the nominee,” he concluded.

The National Review has taken a broadside attack, going out of their way to publish a special edition hit piece on Trump.

Photo via Fiscal Times

It hasn’t gone so well for them, or their “contributors” and so-called conservatives who have just self-identified themselves as “establishment” GOPers – or, in other words, Republicans in Name Only.

The fallout has just begun and is building.  Cancelled subscriptions (so many, in fact, the publisher Jack Fowler put out a special news release) and removal of National Review from its sponsorship of the February 2016 Republican Presidential debate.

Trump’s response, via Twitter:

Short and the point.  And it will only be more so with their attack on the very popular Donald Trump.

Here’s what you need to know about Donald Trump.

He supports your Second Amendment rights, absolutely.  What’s more, he does so publicly as well as privately.

Let’s go to the tape.  Go to 55:57 in the Fox Business Presidential Debate from January 14th.

Anti-gun moderator:  “Mr. Trump:  Are there any circumstances that you think we should be limiting gun sales, of any kind, in America.”

“No, I am a Second Amendment person.  If we had guns in California on the other side where bullets would go in a different direction, you wouldn’t have fourteen people dead right now.”

Enough said.

After Iowa and New Hampshire, look for the Republican field to dwindle dramatically.   Primarily because only fools will contribute money to doomed campaigns.

On the Democrat side, those who say it’s Hillary’s race to lose would be right, except that her e-mail scandal is chewing away at her credibility among her supporters.  What’s more, among her supporters, the depth of that support is razor thin, sort of like in 2008.  Once she loses, or comes darn close to losing in Iowa and New Hampshire, a repeat of 2008 will be in full swing.  Bernie Sanders may well be the Democratic nominee, even if Gaffe-a-minute Joe Biden and/or Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren enter the race at the last minute.  At this point, they likely wouldn’t be able to get petitions submitted to get on the ballots for all fifty-seven states, so it might go to a brokered convention, which could cause a civil war among the Democrat party.  It might even cause Bernie to run as a third-party candidate.

In any event, brace yourself for a landslide election.  It may well be 1980 all over again.  Or 1984.

52 thoughts on “THE (R) PRESIDENTIAL RACE: They’re done. It’s Trump”
  1. What too you so long to figure this out? In other news, “Water is Wet”. Except when frozen.

    I think “President Donald Trump” has a nice ring to it. He is a good man. His wife is classy, elegant and beautiful. A stunner, unlike the fat-ass, horse-face Michelle Obama we have in the White House now. Let Michelle O go do gardening for a living some where if she feels so strongly about veges.

    Yes, Trump will have his work cut out for him, MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN after eight years of our Muslim-in-Chief.

    1. That Moochelle “Michael” O’BLowme has a BIGGER penis than I DO, and I was born and shall remain a MAN!

      Have you seen he……….er, him in that blue-green dress? Man, that is SOME PACKAGE!

      I’ll bet Sam Whittemore noted it!

  2. Water can be slippery too, especially when frozen.

    A lot can change in three months, but Iowa and NH are just two or three weeks out. Super Tuesday (March 1) isn’t that far out, and neither are a slew of additional primaries in the two weeks after that.

    By mid-March, we’ll all know for sure it’s Trump. Until then, it’s speculation. But when he’s got a 4:1 lead over his next closest competitor – and has a lead over his top four or five closest competitors combined, yeah, it’s pretty obvious that he’s going to win this.

    Still, not everyone recognizes that. Thankfully, Mr. Trump is full-throated and unapologetic in his support for the Second Amendment.

    That’s more than I can say for any Republican candidate for president I can recall from my lifetime.


    1. Yes, he says now that he is a 2A supporter, but does he have a track record to actually verify that? Or is he just saying that because he knows that’s what he needs to say for votes? I’ve not yet seen or read anything to verify that. Remember the picture of John Effing Kerry with his hunting rifle? (Can I get me a huntin’ license?) Hillary at one point years ago also tried to make herself sound supportive of gun rights. Is Trump doing the same thing? If you have evidence of Trump being 2A supportive before just now, please show it. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, just haven’t seen it. It would make many minds more at ease.

      Same thing goes with immigration, abortion, gay “marriage” etc. Look back at the interview he had many years ago with Tim Russert, where he did not sound strongly conservative on mulitple issues. Has he really changed, or just changed the rhetoric?

      Cruz, on the other hand, has a track record where he actually stood up to fight for things we believe in. How many others have you seen stand in the senate and actually filibuster like he did?

    2. I’m with you Trump has been all hat and no cattle. The only thing he excels at is saying what the people want to hear (reminds me of you know who currently in the you know where House) I’ll vote for Trump over any of the RINOs but not before I vote for a proven conservative, namely Ted Cruz.

    3. And… I don’t like the way Trump rolled over on ethanol. If he starts going along to get along now what’s it going to be later?

    4. LOL. Ted Cruz and ethanol is an interesting study on pandering for votes by supporting those damn ethanol subsidies.

    5. Trump has ALWAYS been for TRUMP first and foremost – frankly, as most of us businessmen are and SHOULD BE.

      He’s NOT perfect.

      I REVILE him for his private property confiscations through gubernment eminent domain schemes. IT’s DISGRACEFUL!

      But he’s better by a thousandfold than any DEM and a MILLION TIMES better man and AMERICAN than O’Blowme.

  3. Actually, Palin’s endorsement of Trump does not make me want to vote for Trump, rather it makes me think less of Palin. I’ve always had a high opinion of her, but less so now. She has always been for the most conservative candidate.
    Despite Trump’s popularity, there is no way that he is the most conservative by a long shot, proven by past actions and not just words. So the question is, why is she endorsing him? I think the answer is that as with other politicians, she wants a position in the government, and thinks this is the best way to accomplish that. So, is she just becoming one of “them?”

  4. Cruz has a consistent record of defending the Second Amendment and all of the Constitution. Trump has a record of donating to liberal, gun hating politicians.

    1. Trump wasn’t a politician then… he was a VERY successful businessman who knew how to buy influence.

    2. A man with principles would not donate to politicians who are working to destroy freedom and the Constitution. Many Republicans are terrible but some are fighting to reform the Republican party and save our country. Cruz is one of them. The Republican establishment despises Cruz.

    3. Jen:

      A man with principles shouldn’t. But a wise man’s company, in order to make (more) money, might do just that.

  5. Another thought: We hear regularly about billionaires like Bloomturd and Soros, and others, putting millions of dollars toward anti 2A causes.
    With all of the billions Trump has, has he ever spent any of that money to support 2A? He lives in NY, but has he ever fought against the gun haters there? He says he has a CC permit, but has anyone verified that?

    Inquiring minds want to know, and my mind is inquiring.

    1. The reverse is very true. Trump hasn’t spent millions on anti-freedom, anti-2A causes.

      No candidate is perfect!

      And condidering what the Republicans have given us, I am inclined to take a chance on Trump. Hell, I’d follow him to third party.

      I am pretty much done with the Republican party as it is. And I’ll certainly never buy another subscription to anything to do with that bitch Glenn Beck. He looks like a bloated pig… is he drinking the sauce again?

    2. All I’m saying is where is the evidence that he is truly pro 2A?
      Has the NRA given him a rating? Normally if a politician does not have a track record, they don’t give them a rating at all. I’ll bet Trump is in that category.

      You are not alone in being done with the Republican part as it is, but the answer is to stick with those who are there that truly support our freedoms. Though not alone, Cruz is definitely one of them. He’s had more hateful things said about him by such fools as McCain and McConnell, than most any other I can think of. That’s a badge of honor.

  6. Cruz has put his political career on the line many times to fight for what is important to MOST country loving Americans. Battled consistently for gun rights and owners (againgst ban on high capacity, against UN Arms Trade Treaty Agreement, NRA approved…),fought nearly alone against the Obamacare disaster and its chokehold on vets and gun owners med records, spoke against the overreach of the IRS against Tea Party members, believes in traditional marriage, consistently votes against the liberal agenda in Congress (97% rating on conservativereview.com). Trump is willing to negotiate and make deals…just like most of Congress. Why do you think establishment Republicans would rather vote for Trump than Cruz, whom they fear most?!!! Come on folks! Don’t fall in love with Trump just because he says the right things to sway a nation. Don’t be the sheep and fall for ANOTHER wolf! ACTIONS SHOULD SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I amwith Trump as well. Ted Cruz is good, but when I hear the GOPe types warming to a Crus nomination, that makes me leery.

    And then there’s tge birth issue….

    1. Which GOPe types are warming to Cruz? They generally despise him for working against the establishment. It was just a day or two ago a lot of the DC Republicans were talking like they could support Trump. Dole was talking pro Trump and anti Cruz. Dole is nothing but an establishment fossil. He, McCain and Romney are pretty much in the same class-couldn’t win an election if it were handed to them.

    2. KK is right on this one, you’ve got it backwards. Trump is Johnny come lately. Cruz is a proven conservative that has always supported the Second Amendment. The establishment Republican party despises Cruz. Trump has been spouting about what he’s going to do but not how he’s going to do it (sounds like Bernie) Cruz on the other hand has outlined his plans. I’m amazed at the number of people that are falling for Trump’s promises the same way they did obamas. Promises are all they are.

  8. You can’t trust “The Donald” as far as you can throw him, in my opinion. BUT! You can guarantee that the establishment candidates will screw us for sure. AND! If the establishment is so distressed and opposed to “The Donald”, then he MUST be the person that we need to put our support behind. I don’t care for him personally, but he is what we need right now, so he gets my support, not for who he is, but who he isn’t. Sometimes its not the team you root for that is important, but the one you root against.

    1. One more time. The Establishment HATEs Cruz. The Establishment merely dislikes Trump and right now McConnell and company are doing everything they can to derail Cruz and talking about how they think they could work with Trump. This tells me that they think I’m stupid enough to vote for Trump because that’s what they want me to do. We all know that the Establishment is as bad as the GD Democrats, you can’t tell them apart. I do not vote how the Democrats tell me to vote and I’m NOT going to vote how the Establishment tells me to. Who do want to make those Supreme Court appointments, some guy doing his business associate a favor or some proven guy looking out for our constitutional interests? I could care less who Palin or Beck endorse because the most important endorser is the voter. If we want to save our country and our God given rights we had best use our head when we vote.

    1. Well at best…Bloom”tard” will split the democratic ticket and if Jesse Ventura runs on the Libertarian ticket as he recently announced ….I will most likely vote for him….he is a former governor, an ex-navy seal and a staunch supporter of our constitutional freedoms especially the second amendment…..now that is a candidate I can truly believe in

  9. Well if you guys want trump for president then I hope you vote.

    I remember a few years ago we had a chance for a real pro-gun governor for Illinois and it seems a lot of gun owners stayed home and we got Quinn again.

    I hope trump wins and he shuts down the border and sends a lot of people back to were ever they come from!

  10. I fail to see why people trust Trump. He changes positions so quickly and so completely that it’s remarkable. Yet I’ve not heard him explain the epiphany, the turn of events or evolution of thought that lead to any of them.
    I appreciate his present stance on 2A issues. What will they be, though, in a few weeks or months? In four years?
    To me, the 2A is really about fundamental personal freedom. In that sense it is just like private property rights. The right to own property is not subject to the whim of government – or at least it should not be. Yet Trump stands firmly in favor of eminent domain – the taking of a person’s private property for some supposed “public good”. So ask yourself, if Trump believes it right and good for government to decide that a person’s property is better owned by some developer because it will increase the government’s tax base, what is to keep the government from deciding that my guns wouldn’t be better owned by someone else who will pay the government handsomely for them? Do you think for a moment that evil men like Soros, Bloomberg and their ilk wouldn’t pony up a huge pile of money to “buy back” your guns “for the greater good”?
    Trump says he has a carry permit issued by New York. Ok, I’ll take him at his word. But can anyone tell me what he’s done with his considerable resources and infuence with the “progressive” politicians he has so generously donated to to change New York from a may issue State where only people like him can get a permit into a shall issue State where the common law-abiding citizen is entitled to one? Had he done THAT, I’d have been a fan.

    1. It’s the establishment, stupid.

      I’m sure you get the reference. If nothing else, Trump is not part of the political establishment and that’s good enough for much of his base. Even then, he seems quite serious about his platform and I, for one, trust him.

    2. I’ll go with the guy who has proven his trust over the guy that says you can trust him. Ted Cruz.

  11. And for all of you 2A supporters, have you thought about what kind of supreme court justices the person you support would appoint? There is no question what kind Cruz would appoint, but I think Trump, we really are not sure. Has he ever said? With 2A just one vote away from being savaged, do we want to take that chance?

    1. You struck a nerve there, I’d much rather have a man like Cruz make those appointments than a mouth like Trump make them.

    2. A multi-billionaire vs another multi-billionaire…..we truly are becoming an Aristocracy ……we as a nation have been moving in that direction for quite some time now as the super wealthy(ie. members of the Tri-lateral commission, Council on Foreign relations and the Bilderbergers) have put their puppets into the political arena….now they themselves now want to become our rulers…..nothing good ever comes out of an Aristocracy as for these folks to continue to exert the “rule of law” over it’s subjects it will eventually have to do away with our Constitutional protections….be careful what you wish for.

    3. Bush’s appointments haven’t gotten us much, so it’s OK if Trump’s don’t?
      Not sure how that is an argument for Trump.
      If anything, that’s a reason not to vote for Trump. We were never real sure of Bush’s conservative credentials, were we? Now the same can be said about Trump. I’m not necessarily opposed to Trump. I just think we can do far better than that.

      In all of these posts, I’ve yet to read anyone mention any kind of proof that Trump is a conservative. With all of the money he has given to liberal politicians, there is actually more proof to the contrary. As previously stated, when has he ever used any of his money to promote conservative causes, especially gun rights?

    4. Bush appointed Roberts and Alito. As I recall, they helped to get us the Heller and McDonald decisions.

      What would Trump do?

    1. He’s owned just like all the rest of them, minus Trump. Anyone with skin in the game at the top is all for unrestricted immigration.

    2. Your right everyone but Trump wants open borders.
      Hell Rubio wants to keep all the immigrants except the so called criminals. Rubio must think were stupid, the safe cities protect the criminals. That means Rubio is trying to blow smoke up our rears on the issue thinking were to stupid to notice.

      Rubio says he supports the 2A because the mooslums are going to get him/us. Hell I want my 2A because it is a my RIGHT. I don’t need to son of a Non-American to tell me about my god given rights as an American.

  12. Notice that Trump says instead of going to the debate tomorrow night, he’s going to raise money for veterans and “wounded warriors” (using it as a generic term I think), all of a sudden, Fox News and everybody else is talking about how the Wounded Warrior Project wastes all kinds of money?

    Old news, people….

    I think I read that story on this site about a year ago and it’s taken them this long to publicize it and are only doing so because they think they can use it to bash Trump.

    I haven’t been a Trump supporter, but even the “GOP-friendly” Fox News and the RNC are treating him like he’s the second coming of BHO himself.

    Reagan’s 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican”.

    My wife doesn’t like the Donald much, but she’s getting fed up with it too… If they keep this up, we’re both going to be switching our votes from Cruz to Trump.

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