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Here’s a Catholic priest who get it, urging members of his congregation to carry their heaters with them, saying “We’re not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto.”

Unlike Chicago’s Father Michael Pfleger, tho threatens to snuff out gun shop owners and pro-gun legislators, Rev. Edward Fride told his parishioners to arm themselves and get training to protect themselves, their families and other innocent life.

Ann Arbor Catholic priest tells parishioners to pack heat

(Detroit Free Press) – An Ann Arbor Catholic priest has urged his parishioners to arm themselves and attend classes at Christ the King parish to earn a concealed pistol license (CPL).

In a letter sent to Christ the King parishioners recently, the Rev. Edward Fride explained why he believed it was necessary to get concealed pistol licenses because of recent crime in the area. During a Palm Sunday mass last month, Fride announced that the parish would be holding the CPL class.

When some parishioners questioned the decision, Fride sent out a pro-gun letter titled “We’re not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto” – a reference to the 1960s-era Andy Griffith Show and its portrayal of a fictional North Carolina town, as well as Dorothy’s dog from the Wizard of Oz.

“It is very common for Christians to simply assume that they live in Mayberry, trusting that because they know the Lord Jesus, everything will always be fine and nothing bad can happen to them and their families,” Fride wrote.

“How to balance faith, reality, prudence, and trust is one of those critical questions that we struggle with all our lives. Pretending we are in Mayberry, while we are clearly not, can have very negative consequences for ourselves and those we love, especially those we have a responsibility to protect. If we are not in Mayberry, is there a real threat?”

Fride told parishioners in the letter that Catholic teachings do not preclude carrying a gun for self-defense and to defend others. Fride then asserted that crime is up and that because of budget cuts, “there has been a significant reduction in the availability of an armed police response.”

Fride could not be reached for comment Monday. But Michael Diebold, a spokesman for the Diocese of Lansing which oversees the Ann Arbor parish, confirmed Monday that the controversial letter had been sent.

“Yes, it appears that ‘We’re Not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto!’ was sent out to the parishioners of Christ the King by their pastor, Fr. Ed Fride,” Diebold wrote in an email to the Free Press.

…In the Mayberry letter, Fride wrote that he was worried about students at nearby Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor, and pointed to a recent incident near the school.

“The fact that two active shooters got within yards of Father Gabriel Richard before they were taken down by SWAT demonstrates that the threat is real. This druggie couple from Detroit stole a car and it broke down at Plymouth and Dixboro. They went through the woods and had almost reached the high school when they were stopped,” wrote Fride.

“There is zero security at the high school. Had the shooters got in, we would have had our own Columbine,” wrote Fride, a reference to the shooting massacre at a Colorado high school in 1999.

6 thoughts on “HE GETS IT: Michigan priest tells his flock, “We’re not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto””
  1. I think this actually happen in April of last year, I believe I remember hearing that Rev.Fride was reprimanded by the Catholic Diocese for his letter.
    Sad to say many in the main stream denominations continue to live in denial, instead of being a Sheepdog for there flock, and the undershepherd will be held accountable.

  2. Praise GOD for the Good Priest.

    I have watched a couple of video’s of immigrants beating and groping women in Germany, Sweden and England and they are horrible!

    Do a web search for a youtube video of a women and child attacked by immigrants. Its a 43 second video showing a pregnant women being dragged from her car and beaten for wearing a cross.

    You can hear the sounds and screams of the beating.

    After you get over the shock, Please realize that type of attacks are coming to the USA. There was another video of a women being gang raped. You could hear her screams under a pile of savage bastards tearing her apart. Needless to say I had to stop watching.

  3. If I was a Catholic…

    My church doesn’t exactly advertise CCW is welcome. It was privately explained to me it’s expected among licensees.


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