Photo by Taurus via Guns and Ammo

“Nevadans for Background Checks” is behind an effort to enact gun control schemes upon Nevada residents through a ballot referendum.

They’ve gotten $3.6M in contributions, and over 80% of that has come from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Control group, and almost none of the money has come from Nevadans.

Hard to believe, right?  Gun control proponents misrepresenting the truth.  There must be some mistake, right?  (That’s sarcasm.)

Why the ballot referendum to pass gun control?  Because gun control advocates can’t pass their gun control schemes in state legislatures and Congress.  By wrapping up gun control scams as sweet and fluffy harmless ballot referendums, they hope to fool the uninformed but well-meaning electorate into supporting binding gun control at the ballot box.

Bloomberg’s billionaire buddies pulled it off in Washington State in 2014.


From the Las Vegas Sun:

…The organization spearheading the initiative here, Nevadans for Background Checks, is an affiliate of and largely bankrolled by the national gun control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety, funded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Of the $3.6 million in contributions to Nevadans for Background Checks over the last two years, $2.9 million came from Everytown.

Other early big ticket contributions in 2014 included $250,000 from Napster co-founder and former Facebook president Sean Parker and $150,000 from Washington venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, the top individual contributor supporting his state’s background check initiative.

3 thoughts on “REFERENDUM UPDATE: Bloomberg spends $2.9M on Nevada Gun Control Referendum”
  1. From Ammoland:

    Bloomberg Cities Make Top 50 List for World’s ‘Most Violent’
    As for the U.S. cities that made the list, they also share undeniable commonalities. For instance, they’re all dominated by Democrats. They all champion “progressive” policies. And every single one of them has been an enthusiastic member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns…

    How long do we have to keep playing whack-a-mole with his paid for cronnies.

  2. How long? That’s obvious: forever. Yes, forever. The enemy never sleeps. I’m in
    Indiana. I’ d like to know how to help, too.

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