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(RedAlert Politics) – A Facebook page for the radical left in Germany had a message for young women: “diversity is more important than your security.”
Rote Antifa posted a picture of young feminist on Thursday, holding a sign that stated she preferred rapists from Syria and North Africa over nationalists in Germany who have demanded Chancellor Angela Merkel stop taking in more refugees.
“Prefer sexually active fugitive as German racists,” was featured as the pictures caption.
Germany cities with high levels of refugees have been plagued with explosive increases in sexual assaults over the last few months.
The city of Cologne saw more than a thousand refugees molesting, assaulting, and raping young German women on New Years Eve alone.
Mayor Henriette Reker responded by telling women that they should think about covering up before going out on the town.
Women aren’t the only victims of this mass influx of people from vastly different cultures, and transgendered women have also been the victims of stoning in the city of Dortmund.
Attacks against gay and lesbian refugees has become so bad that Germany had to set up separate housing units for them out of fear that they would be attacked by their fellow asylum seekers.
Will these same people go and hang out amongst the rapists they claim they want? Of course not, but they want you to.
I hope she gets her wish!
Usually those most fixated on racism need to look no further than into the mirror.
That dumb little fool has NO clue at what she is talking about.
Do a youtube search and watch the level of violence women in Europe are facing.
When the media talks about groping, Americans think its getting patted on the ass.
NO IT IS NOT! Those bastards force women against cars, walls on the ground and grab everything on the woman they can grab. If the woman tries to fight back they beat the hell out of her.
I saw one video where a dozen or more savages raped some women, all you could see is the bastards humping each other in a pile and hear the women screaming for her life.
If that were to happen to a women in my family I would support a Hitler type figure if it meant getting rid of the SOB’s.
*If any of you think my comment is over the top then watch some of these video’s and ask yourself this question, “What if it were a woman in my family” and your government does nothing to stop it. What do you do?
Forgot to add, have you ever heard of the term “Rape without Penetration”?
That is what is happening in Europe and that is what is going to happen here in the USA because of Obama, the democrat party and the republican leadership funding Obama’s agenda.
I don’t know how to explain it in simpler terms!
Where were all of the German men when this was going on? I’m baffled by their absence. At least I assume they were absent do to the fact that there have been no reports of an invader rapist being nutted and gutted.
The secular, feminized, atheistic culture, or “zeitgeist” as the Germans call it, stopped valuing masculinity and virility over 70 years ago, and has systematically pruned it out of the German people in that time. Same thing has happened in the Scandinavian countries to a greater degree. The constant hammering of diversity for 3 generations now has created a male culture of weakness, passivity, and the fraud of appearing enlightened, rather than confront clear cultural and sexual assaults. Pride in being white (Gasp!)was a cultural icon in past generations, but that is now not only discouraged, but prosecuted. The current ‘white privilege’ nonsense is the warning shot to keep whites here quiet and apologetic. Imagine labeling anyone else by race in such a way. It’s the most craven kind of racism.
There is a school of thought that the female mind craves assertive and dominant males, regardless of the crap offered by feminists. An aggressive and virile refugee is certainly demands more attention than some polite metrosexual hipster who never speaks his mind or gives that woman some emotional tingles…
What you see here is a cultural suicide of unseen proportions, created and promoted by the elites in government and media. It won’t end soon, and it wont end neatly. That cute girl in the pic would be furious about a white german rapist, but a syrian refugee rapist is apparently welcome, given shes assaulted in the name of diversity….it must be a nobler beating…
Sweetheart, when the gloves come off, it wont be a simple rape they want, and your smug belief to the contrary will be a noble sacrifice to the cause thats been programmed into you.
None of this will change as long as the PC elites spout their effeminate nonsense, and castigate any civilized man who dares stand up in defiance of women of his tribe. How a man can stand idly by and tolerate his wife, sister, daughter or mother being groped or assaulted by 7th century savages is beyond me. The constant, repeated denial of what one sees with ones own eyes must be difficult to accept. Merkel should be forcibly removed and tried for treason.
The west sorted this out in Nuremburg in 1946, we should do it again, theres more than one criminal in the governments making this happen, and they deserve similar justice.
I’m betting she’s never been raped.
Look everyone . . . . a future white muslime sex slave.
Her thinking is likely to change if that occurs.
This idea of being a victim is now part of the German mindset.
Germany needs a strong Nationalist leader that will rally the people in a common cause.
I’m NOT talking about national socialism(socialism is stupid), I am talking about a Nationalist movement that will protect Germanys European culture.
Michael Savage has talked about the need of a Nationalist movement in this country to save our culture.
That’s what we MUST HAVE if we are going to save our country