
Rut row!  The Ferguson Effect is in full swing in Chicago, with 57 homicides this past month.  It stands as the deadliest January in at least 16 years, and perhaps ever.

301 people have been shot.

This is what happens when police contacts in the first weeks of the new year are down 80%.  And arrests in the entirety of Cook County are down 70%.  Look for more of the same until and unless these prosecutors get serious about putting bad people away for extended terms.  Playing Patty-Cake with violent criminals willing to use guns and shoot at people doesn’t work.  It only emboldens them.

Chicago Tribune counts it as 50 dead, but we’d go with Hey Jackass and their 57.  Hey Jackass has them all listed.

Two hours into 2016, DeAndre Holiday, a 24-year-old father of three, became another sad statistic of Chicago’s runaway violence, fatally shot in the chest as he left a New Year’s Eve party in the Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side.

In the weeks since, the tally of those killed has hit 50, making January the deadliest start to a year in Chicago in at least 16 years.

12 thoughts on “MURDER CITY USA: Chicago’s deadliest January in at least 16 years…”
  1. Destroy the family unit, deprive the children of a proper upbringing, deprive them of a good education, keep them enslaved to the welfare state and addicted to drugs, fill them full of anger and resentment and deprive them of the means to defend themselves all to maintain your political power.

    Rahm ought to be on trial for crimes against humanity.

    Instead, we’ll get another rant about gun control and the hypocrites in the press will call it a day.

    1. A good education is impossible without good parenting. I don’t like hearing the canard that these kids aren’t “getting a good education” when, in reality, we spend more per head on average for them than many of the high performing districts and most of the developed world.

  2. I grew up on south side and worked in Englewood. I cannot prove anything but it was a common rumor that the gangs would get the votes in the ballot box. That was for those who kept them on the outside.
    Ever notice crime numbers drop at election time? Need to make it look like the alder-creatures were doing something. A lot of “Back Scratching” going on there.

  3. Rather than pontificate as to why murders are up, I will post the comment from a Tac Cop in CPD on another site. These are his words, but from the mindset of someone who apparently was enthusiastic about catching bad guys, but even bad guys have spokespeople now…

    Anonymous said…

    hey ACLU, I understand that sitting behind your desks all day long you dont see it as “your fault.” But as a guy who is on a tac team I can tell you that yes, in fact it is your fault. Fact: I have not completed one ISR yet this year. Fact: I have not stopped anybody so far this year. Fact: I am not the only one, thousands of coppers citywide are not stopping a single person. Yes, I have made arrests. All arrests I have made so far this year are from signed complaints and arrests which were made because somebody called 911.. Not because I proactivly went out and stopped people. I have arrested some people by going to their houses and arresting them for warrants, which we look up in the morning… Makes for a no drama easy arrest which keeps the powers at be off our back.. But when it comes to the stops that matter. The arrests that matter. NOPE! No way are we stopping that group of thugs anymore. We arent stopping the dope dealers. We arent stopping those three guys cutting through the alleys and gangways which usally is their way of moving guns. We are not stopping those groups sitting on the porches of abandoned houses which is the local gang and drug hang out. We are not doing that. Its not because we are lazy, its not because we dont care and its not because magically since january 1st gang bangers decided to really turn up the heat on shooting people. its because the media, white liberals, BLM, the mayor and politicians, presidential canidates and the ACLU have slammed the CPD, killed morale, kicked us around like we are not human beings and slandered us all over the TV and newspaper as a bunch of thugs. Hey, guess what my wife, family and friends watch and read that crap. You think that it just bothers me?? No, it brings my wife and daughters to tears your news reports and bogus interviews the way your protray their father and husband who has absolutly nothing to do with any of this “epidemic” you report about daily. So screw all of you. You want your news stories, you want to say that you really made change at the ACLU then you have. Im not lifting a finger for this liberal city. Im gonna do enough to make sure I SURVIVE and I can keep my spot on a tac team. So I will make sure I make the arrests that DONT matter but just make it look like I still do something. The thugs know we arent stopping people anymore and its open season gang wars all over the city. I just chill, sit back and watch. I show up at the shootings and watch the fine citizens still blame the police for brown on brown crime. its laughable now. You want it you got it. Media and ACLU its your fault this is happening. You have enabled the thugs. Congrats, you have blood on your hands but hey at least you guys have news stories or ACLU awards to eachother for doing great work. Another thing… we are not refusing to fill out the ISR reports because they are “too long”. We arent filling them out because we dont want to stop people! Huge difference. Ill fill one out, but ive got to stop people first… and thats not happeing. good luck to all citizens. I recommend you arm yourselves.

    1. That’s one of the most impressive things I’ve ever read.

      Yes, it could use more paragraph breaks, but wow!

      I don’t see “that side” of it very often. It is, of course, entirely predictable.

      It’s just a doggone shame that we cannot redirect the ricochets and stray gunfire AT the ACLU types, libs and democrats who have engendered the violence.

      If only – only those you DESERVE IT – GOT IT, that would be a good thing.

      The thing I resent and regret most is the death of innocents. Now, when 99% of the dead are black, and those who kill them are black, I cannot say there’s much innocence there, but it ain’t my fault.

      And if the tac cop is hiding behind a donut shop, then face it, he’s not out there killing innocent civilians either! And that, dear friends, is a GOOD THING!

      In conclusion, allow me to say that I am DEEE LIGHTED that I moved out of that hellhole that I lived in for ten years. And I have no intentions whatsoever of ever setting foot there again! East Central Illinois is a pretty nice place, especially on February 1, when the temps hit 51 degrees!

      Chitcago? I say burn it to the ground, AGAIN!

  4. Chicago residents get the political leadership they vote for.

    If you elect third world, small-minded, entitlement-driven shitbirds, then you get third world, small-minded, entitlement-driven government.

    Hard left Democrats, in other words.

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