What happens when you gut a major metropolitan police department, and cripple it with a lack of support of street cops from senior management appointed by the city’s far-left Democrat leadership?
What happens when the street cops are readily tossed under the bus by opportunistic far-left Democrat politicians running said city?
You get heartbreaking stories of innocent, law-abiding, productive citizens cut down in the prime of their lives by criminal violence. Not people supposedly “turning their lives around” or “getting their life together”, but people who have always been good and decent people whose only mistake was thinking that criminal violence “only happens to other people”.
We’ll let Second City Cop take it from there:
Not a safe neighborhood by any stretch of the imagination. It’s certainly unfortunate that Rahm cut the number of police by over 1,200, hasn’t hired to keep pace with attrition resulting in further shortages, and then made an agreement with the ACLU to prevent the remnants of the Department to actually do their jobs safely and effectively.
CHICAGO (WLS) — A young woman killed by a stray bullet in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood is one of the city’s latest victims of gun violence.Aaren O’Connor had recently moved from California here to Chicago for a new job and to be with her long-distance boyfriend. Her father says he didn’t want her to go because of the city’s violence problem.
“I pleaded with her when she told me she was going to go to Chicago,” her father said. “I said there are much safer places for you to be.”
Now, David O’Connor is living the nightmare he always feared. His daughter Aaren was killed on the streets of Chicago after moving here from California.
The 25-year-old brand manager was hit in the head in the 2100-block of W. 21st street by a stray bullet, police say, while sitting in her car Friday after getting home from work.
At the time, Aaren was on the phone with her sister. When the line cut out, her father tried calling back.
“She was incoherent, didn’t know where she was, and kept saying that her head hurts. Her head hurts,” he said. “I wish I could have known what was going on, so I could have told her that I love her one more time.”
Democrat machine politicians and their failed leadership and policies allow this sort of behavior in exchange for votes.
If you want to stop stories like this, you put violent thugs in prison for decades, not days. But that would upset the kin of these shitbirds, which are Chicago Democrats’ voter base.
So they blame guns instead.
Let’s do something to give meaning to this sweet girl’s tragic death.
Find her killer and feed him to some hungry hogs while his neighborhood watches. Feet first.
Notice the article says gun violence, not thug violence. All those anti-gun laws in Chicago do nothing to stop criminals.
I can’t even imagine the anguish of a parent learning their child is murdered because of Chicago’s Democrat polices!
Blood is on the hands of the Democrat party and the Republican leadership that refuses to take a stand for our 2A rights.
Just look at all the bills being introduced into the General Assembly this year that uses the FOID card as a tool to disarm people.
Why do so many gun owners continue to support the F***ing FOID card?
Its a tool of confiscation!
Gun violence? Gun laws? So… lock up the guns and life will be good… Odd, I’ve never once heard of a gun acting on it’s own. How about some serious laws for those who use the guns for all of the wrong reasons. No excuses. The guns are not doing bad things on their own. No matter how many gun laws there are, those who want to use them for a heinous purpose will always find a gun. The one thing a criminal with a passion for crime can do, is find the tools of their trade, illegally. Zero problem. However, strong gun laws that support better background checks would certainly help to reduce the number of those with serious emotional and brain chemistry problems from getting a gun to harm themselves or others.
I remember when we bought guns through the mail NO background checks, 4473 forms or stupid FOID card. Yet we did not have a crime problem. Its only been after the passage of stupid laws like the 68 GCA and the FOID card that we have suffered from the high rate of crime and violence.
Backgrounds checks are just BS infringements that only are designed to enlighten the great unwashed!
We need a stronger understanding of liberty in this country if we are to make our nation great again!
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”
God bless the soul of this poor woman, sacrificed to the lies of the PC crowd. She is dead because we have declared war on our police, cleared out the jails, and added an express lane to prison sentences.
These gangster pukes run wild and shoot at anything and anyone. When it is dirtbag-on-dirtbag crime, it really does not matter, but then innocent humans get hit and killed and the reality of the lies we are sold by the media and the political class.
County president Preckwinkle says that too many people “of color” were in custody and somehow that in itself is evidence of racisim when the statistics would say otherwise. To perpetuate this lie, criminals are released from custody on bond, and innocent people get hurt or killed.
Cook County is throwing people out of the jails as fast as possible, closing entire divisions at the jail, and using any means available to NOT pay to keep these pukes locked up. The last I heard is that it’s about 85 bucks a day to keep them in jail. For every 100 prisoners not in custody saves 3.1 million per year. Cutting the population by 5000 would save the county over 155 million per year. The jail holds over 15 thousand per night, and her aim is to get it under 8000.
Aren’t these idiots who always say ‘If it saves one life its worth it”?
The cold truth is that honest folk are being killed to save some money, the cops cannot win, and are second guessed for every move they make. Sadly nothing is going to change soon.