With all the seriousness of late, it’s time to take a break and share a bit of comedy gold.
Amy Jane has quite a sense of humor in fisking FoxNews’ Greg Jarrett showering us with his great knowledge of gun laws and how guns work following the Muslim terror attack in San Bernardino. Amy takes us for a swim in the sea of stupid that is Jarrett’s reporting.
Folks, this is safe for work and it’s laugh out loud funny.
Did you know:
- That semi-auto rifles and, uh usually have 10 rounds in a clip? (And the host asks “That’s part of the law, right?” Jarrett: “Yes.”)
- What’s illegal is to turn them into “assault weapons” which continue to fire when the trigger is depressed and they have more than ten bullets in the magazine. That’s a high capacity clip. As you know, that’s illegal in the state of California. (The host then says, “Turning it into a fully-automatic weapon?” At which time Jarrett stumbles all over himself and finally says, “Exact-, uh, uh, uh, Exa-, uh, uh, an assault rifle is what they generally call it, but yes, a fully automatic weapon.”)
It gets better. Much better. But you’ll have to watch this four-minute video. WARNING: No drinking while watching or you’ll need a new keyboard and a lot of tissues to clean up the mess.
yeah, i only got halfway through it before the stupidity of what he’s saying overwhelmed me and i had to stop.
The girl is beautiful,smart and funny. I need her e-address I want to date her!
“This is the grenade launcher”. Pure gold right there.
Pan lower, please. Just a little.
Yes, a very smart girl. Very pretty as well.
She should move to Illinois. We could use a few more like her. I’ll be delighted to send her a few hundred thousand far leftists from Chicago in exchange for her and any sisters she’s got.
Send California a few hundred thousand… sorry.
Jarret is equating assault weapons with full automatic operation – the exact same lie used to get the assault weapons ban in the 90’s.
This isn’t stupid. This is deliberate, bold face lying.
Fox’s “Fair and Balanced” reporting on display.
Hillary isn’t the only one circling the drain. FoxNews is as well.
Amen, I’m beginning to think that you have to be able to do the Chris Matthews in order to work there, you know, be tingled
I guess Fox has finally started showing their true colors. They are just another part of the propaganda machine. But, then again, they are ALL owned by people committed to the liberal agenda and the destruction of the U.S.A. Rubert Murdoch is a Hillary supporter and a fake conservative, so what more do we need to know.
I’d bet that the expert couldn’t tell you which end you hang the roll of toilet paper on.