Photo via RedState

Hillary Clinton:  She’s a mess.

I have no doubt there were objects hurled across the room last night as that bitter, angry woman exploded with entitlement-complex-driven anger at her 22-point loss in New Hampshire.

She didn’t get beat.  She got well-schlonged yesterday in the Granite State.

Going back in time to last week after Iowa, the folks at “The Trace” – Michael Bloomberg’s gun control news “publication” – claimed that her using gun control as one of her central campaign issues saved her from defeat.

Here’s what The Trace had to say:



As though gun control is popular with Americans!  If only.  Hillary’s campaign hasn’t been paying attention as we covered the sea-change in Americans’ attitudes on guns in the past twenty years in our story, “GUN CONTROL: Why Democrats are hell-bent on political suicide on guns“.

Nevertheless, Hillary pressed on with touting gun control as a central theme of her campaign.  From The UK Guardian:


Yep, that’s Gabby Giffords and her attention-whoring husband Mark Kelly, standing shoulder to pants suit with the bitter Hillary.  (Really, Mark?  A sports coat over a polo shirt?)

How’d that work out for ya, Hill?

screengrab from google.

A 22 point schlonging.

Nice job, Hill.  Keep up promoting gun control, woman!  You’ve got yourself a winning campaign topic!





11 thoughts on “HILLARY CIRCLES THE DRAIN: How’d that gun control campaign work for ya, Hillary?”
  1. Gun control is a losing campaign issue for anyone who trumpets it.

    Don’t tell Hillary though.

    Good riddance to the wicked witch.

    I find it rather delicious that the presidency is slipping through that bitter wench’s fingers! I would LOVE to have been a fly on the wall in her room last night.

  2. The really screwed up part, in my mind anyway, is even though Sanders crushed her in the vote tally, the wicked witch still walked away with more delegates than Bernie.
    Sanders 13 delegates
    Clinton 15 delegates

    with 2 superdelegates uncommitted so far

    1. And THAT is how candidates manage to steal an office. The electoral system is rigged so that POPULAR vote no longer elects!

  3. Sanders can only win over Hillary’s dead body, not that anyone would be complaining, but he can’t win. Two words…superdelegates and corruption. So, plan accordingly.

    1. Believe it or not but that “wicked witch” from the mid-west was born and raised in Park Ridge IL and was at one time a republican who was a staunch supporter of the Barry Goldwater campaign against LBJ in the 1964 elections…..she was in high school at the time…..all a reasonable person can ask is “what the f**k happened”…..she hooked up with the “slickster” and now is mired in corruption and murder(the four who lost their lives in Benghazi ….their blood is on Hilary’s hands)….it will be a very sad day in America if someone like Hilary is elected President.

  4. I have paid no attention to the dem candidates whatsoever, thinking, as she does, that she’s the immaculate, inevitable nominee.

    But Bernie said something on that view show that resonates with me, and not just me but millions of Americans. He suggests that when cops shoot unarmed citizens, that perhaps they ought to be held accountable for it.


    Bernie make sense? I have listened to NOTHING else he has said… I see the socialist label and that tells me everything I need to know.

    But he couldn’t possibly be worse than O’Blowme, could he?

    That is, when Hitlary gets indicted and Trump sticks his foot so far in is mouth that he chokes himself out.

    I’m a Reagan Conservative. And I’m praying that Trump is our nominee and that if he wins he has the strength of moral character to undertake and accomplish the things that he says he’ll do.

    1. Just don’t understand how anyone who calls himself a Reagan conservative could be for Trump. He was essentially a liberal on most issues, including gun control, until he decided to run for president. Doesn’t that scare you? Have you taken the time to check him out any further than just what he says?
      Early on in Blowbama’s reign he was of the opinion that he was doing a good job. Now that he wants the job, Blowbama is of course awful.
      Don’t regret your vote later. Find out his actual past record before the fact.

    2. Of course it scares me. The whole direction this country has taken terrifies me. That’s why I’m a prepper. But worse than the demos having killed fifty million babies who would now be voting for Hitlary AND paying into Social Security, our best hope is a businessman. That’s it.

      That’s the only thing that’s going to save this country.

      If he KEEPS his promises, we’ll be on the right track.

      I’m praying, and praying hard for him to be the right guy.

      Oh, and if you looked into my past, some nasty things have been said about me, too, but I’m still good for America. I look at what he’s BUILT.

      I revile the s.ct.’s decision in City of New London v. Kelo, and the fact that Trump has often USED eminent domain to his advantage is, shall we say, distasteful, but it IS THE LAW in many places. The way to change that is to CHANGE THE LAW, not hate on the fellows who use the law to their advantage.

      Rubio, Cruz? They’re children of a feather. I’m now a single issue voter: IMMIGRATION or, rather, cessation thereof.

      If we don’t staunch the flow of illegals into the U.S., this country will no longer be able to sustain the entitlement programs. If we don’t stem the flow of MOSLEMS into the U.S., we’ll be dying in ditches by the millions come Spring.

      On the other hand, ol’ Bern seems rawther harmless………..

    3. IF he KEEPS is exactly right. The only way you can truly judge what a person might do in the future is by what they have done in the past. Among all the candidates, there is really only one, Cruz, who has stood up for the Constitution. It is a badge of honor that so many of the establishment Republicans hate him because of his opposing what they want to shove at us.
      Few, if any, of the other candidates tend to even mention the Constitution, especially Trump. Seldom does he say anything about being a conservative. We really have no clue as to what kind of supreme court justices he would appoint. All we need there is one or two more fools like Blowbama has appointed, and we might as well turn out the lights.
      As for Cruz, there is not doubt what kind of justices he would appoint.

      BTW, when you say “unarmed citizens,” that is a statement that could be defined in so many ways. Just because a person is unarmed does not mean that they do not pose threat of bodily harm. Are police supposed to wait until they have blood running out of their skull before they can use deadly force? That’s the same kind of crap our soldiers have to put up with in the Mideast.

      I could be convinced to support them being held personally liable IF politicians are also held personally liable for the deaths of people caused by edicts they enact on us. I’ll bet my last dollar that number of people is astronomically higher than death by cop.

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