

You know them.

They are the “ride sharing” company that prohibits its drivers and passengers from carrying firearms.

Enter an Uber driver in Michigan who described himself as a “Progressive” leftist on Facebook.   Friday evening, into Saturday, he shot and killed random people between fares.

UPDATE:  The link where he supposedly describes himself as “progressive” or working for Progressive Insurance is dead now.  He might not be  leftist.  But then again, he might be as well.


One crime scene took place at a Cracker Barrel restaurant parking lot where four people were killed.

It’s just another example of how bad things can happen to good people and the only thing that stops a bad guy with evil in his heart is a good guy with a gun.

21 thoughts on “UBER KILLER: Possibly self-described “Progressive” leftist Uber driver kills between fares UPDATED”
  1. how do you know his political affiliation idiot, unless you’re
    associated with him then you should be investigated.

    1. “Dalton reportedly worked at Progressive Insurance from his Facebook page.

      A previous report that he was a progressive has since been taken down.”

      Can you?

    2. Dear Don Jones: Reading is fundamental.

      Why don’t you go sit in the corner and play with your Barbie doll and let the adults talk, okay?


    3. “Dalton reportedly worked at Progressive Insurance from his Facebook page.

      A previous report that he was a progressive has since been taken down.”

      Reading IS fundamental. Enjoy your Barbie doll, champ.

    4. Working at Progressive doesn’t make one a lefty. Now that you’ve dazzled us twice with your dim-witted intellect, why don’t you draw some tattoos on your Barbie – ones just like your momma has on her ass and neck.

  2. No problem, libs have a game plan. All social media will be completely scrubbed and then he will be labeled as a right wing killer. bingo!

  3. Another left-wing lunatic goes nuts.

    Maybe that UBER prohibition on gun possession doesn’t work so well, does it?

    An armed society is a polite society.

  4. From the link posted that states he was a progressive:

    “Dalton reportedly worked at Progressive Insurance from his Facebook page.

    A previous report that he was a progressive has since been taken down.”

    1. Progressive Insurance was founded by Peter Lewis, who is a buddy of George Soros and has donated millions to MoveOn.org and other left-wing groups that Soros backs.

      Still a connection.

  5. Hi. New reader here…

    I want to Believe, but sloppy bad journalism (Progressive Leftist Uber driver) gives me pause. It has been reported on the rest of the net that the “Progressive Leftest” tag came from a web site know for exaggeration. Keeping it on your “news” site isn’t right. There should be a retraction, citing your source and error, or at least take it down… Which you have done a recent article re IGOLD 2015 which may have been inaccurate.

    When you present yourselves as a NEWS source, there is a responsibility to be accurate… Even when it seems others are not.


    1. Blog or source formerly known as a newspaper… Ya can’t print stuff that ain’t true.

      This blog is designed to look like a news source and presents itself as one. Kudos to the designer… It looks better than many newspaper sites.

      Still… No need to bring in others, Dyspeptic Skeptic. As a very longtime reader at IC I directed myself here to see what was going on. I have ling thought it would be fun to visit a GSL meeting. Thanks for such a warm welcome to a fellow gun rights advocate and new guy at the site. You really know how to further our cause and let the readers know what a fine fellow you are.

  6. Tim:

    “I have ling thought it would be fun to visit a GSL meeting. Thanks for such a warm welcome to a fellow gun rights advocate and new guy at the site.”

    Welcome sir.

    I assure you GSL meetings are fun and a whole lot friendlier than Dyspeptic’s rather caustic ugliness. We’re working to put that issue behind us and bringing it up in comments is not furthering the RKBA mission.

    Hope to see you. Be sure to come up and introduce yourself. Getting out and socializing with other people face-to-face is a great way to make new friends, influence people and become better involved and informed.


    1. John,

      Thanks for a proper welcome! I will attend a meeting one day, as time allows. Re the unmentionable subject, I would hope all parties will work together in the future… To keep us all in the fight.

      … And I will be certain to say hello when I stop by!


  7. Tim,
    It has not been dis-proved the shooter was not a “leftist”, and, as with most mentally disturbed individuals that don’t respect life and especially the lives of others, this shooter as with other criminal shooters were indoctrinated into leftist ideology which eventually lead to their misguided criminal actions, in my humble opinion.

    Those who are raised without respect for God, others’ possessions or lives eventually resort to criminal activity.

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