

Chicago’s Police Superintendent position has been vacant since Mayor Rahm Emanuel threw hard-drinking, skirt-chasing, street-light shooting Garry McCarthy under the bus to assuage the Mayor’s critics on December 1st.  Sine the first of the year, crime has exploded in the city, with homicides and shootings running double or more last year’s numbers.  Other violent crimes have shown an explosion in growth as well.

We’ve detailed the cause of this – the Ferguson Effect.  Police are making 80% fewer contacts with suspects, arrests over all of Cook County are down 70% and even when bad guys are arrested, the vast majority are given an ankle bracelet and sent home.

Chicago needs a shake-up at the top when it comes to the Chicago Police Department.

We’d like to nominate Captain Clay Higgins of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office for Chicago’s new Police Superintendent.

He’s a real cop doing police work for the right reasons.  He’s gotten results in Louisiana, and it’s time to bring an end to the “stuck on stupid” attitudes that keep Chicago residents living in fear from feral gangs of urban youth in the city.
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CBS News even did a profile on this local folk hero.

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Meet the man hailed as the “John Wayne” of Cajun country

Capt. Clay Higgins from St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, is know as the “John Wayne” of Cajun country. His straight talk directly to criminals has led to arrests, and Internet fame, reports CBS News’ David Begnaud.

…Before he was chasing suspects, the New Orleans native was chasing money.

“I had the trapping of success. I was — I had money,” he said. “I was a very successful businessman, but wasn’t fulfilled in my spirit and I knew there was another path for me.”

That path, he said, led him to law enforcement.

“I went from a job making $144,000 a year to making $8 an hour as a cop,” he said.

His cowboy charm is intimidating and effective.

Nine people have turned themselves in the past year, including 20-year-old Chance Carroll.

This law enforcement professional is just the sort of guy the Chicago Police Department needs to quell this explosion of violence and crime in the Windy City.  Hiring someone merely because of their political ideology, the color of their skin, or who they’ve slept with will do nothing to garner the respect and admiration of beat cops in Chicago.  Nor will it inspire residents to become proactive or deter those of America’s criminal class to straighten up and fly right.

This cop has already gotten the ACLU upset, which means he must be doing something right for the law-abiding in society.  The ACLU suggests Higgins is unfit to serve.

ACLU issues statement about Higgins’ segment

KATC screen grab

Wednesday night, Capt. Clay Higgins of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office appeared in a segment about the search for alleged members of the Gremlins street gang.

The seven accused individuals were identified by State Police in December, when details of an extensive, multi-agency investigation were released. Another 10 people accused in the investigation already had been apprehended, but police still are seeking seven others. Higgins, who is the parish’s Crime Stoppers spokesman, created a segment about the remaining suspects. Law enforcement officers from multiple agencies, as well as leaders of St. Landry Parish’s African-American community, participated in the segment. To view it, click here.

On Thursday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana forwarded a statement regarding the segment to KATC. The full text of the statement is as follows:

“While we support legal law enforcement and certainly are as concerned as anyone about violence in our neighborhoods, law enforcement officers must be aware of the implications of their public statements.  Assuming that what is reported is true, Mr. Higgins has suggested that those he seeks to arrest are subject to execution before trial.  The statement that there is a “bounty on their heads” harks back to lawlessness, when people were killed first and questions asked later.  That is not the way we operate in a free society, and regardless of Mr. Higgins’ opinions about the guilt of those he seeks to arrest, it is a felony to execute someone simply because you don’t like them.

He said no such thing, but don’t let the truth get in the way of protecting violent criminals!  He did say of those thugs raised their weapons against police, they would be met with superior firepower.

“He refers to those he seeks to arrest as “heathens.”  “Heathen” is a religious term, and unless Mr. Higgins has specific information about the religious beliefs of those individuals, it is both inappropriate and incorrect.

Boo hoo.  He called them heathens.  Someone pass them a box of tissues.

And even if it’s true that these individuals, or some of them, are religiously “heathen,” that is of no consequence to their status as criminal suspects.  Unless Mr. Higgins believes that all law-abiding people share his personal religious faith – and if he does believe that, he should not be an officer of the law – to call someone a “heathen” and equate that to “criminal” is simply insulting, wrong, and potentially a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.”

A violation of the First Amendment?  Wow, that’s a stretch.

“We live in a system of laws, and there are legal rights that apply to everyone.  It is the job of law enforcement to protect those rights while also keeping our communities safe.  Nothing that Mr. Higgins said will make his community safer, but there is much to suggest violations of fundamental rights of all.

“Acting on valid arrest warrants in a legal manner is Mr. Higgins’ job.  I hope he can do that job well.  In doing so he must honor the laws of this country, or he is unfit to serve.”

Emphasis added.

Higgins gave his reply in an interview to a nationally-syndicated radio show.

The ACLU has a point that they feel is righteous, and of course they’re wrong, but that’s subject for debate.  I invite them to that debate. I’d like to fill a 10,000 man hall in Baton Rouge.  Whoever authored that letter, whatever team authored that letter, I’m sure they’d be happy to debate me in a public forum. We can sell tickets. 10,000 of them at $10.00 a piece and raise $100,000 for charity. I can certainly generate 9,998 of my followers, and they can bring both of theirs, and we’ll have a healthy debate and let the American people decide.”

Emphasis added.

Chicago better grab this guy up before Donald Trump taps him for a post in his new administration.

Of course, the families of these violent criminal gang-bangers aren’t happy with the lawman either.  They are busily condemning the popular cop while sweeping the problems in their neighborhoods under the carpet by providing refuge for their refuse family members who violently victimize others.

‘Gremlins Gang’ family members respond to Cpt. Higgins

Family and friends of accused members of the “Gremlins gang” disapprove of things being said about their loved ones.

A meeting was held today in Abbeville to discuss Cpt. Clay Higgins’ comments made in segment that aired on KATC last week.

“My son is a human being not an animal,” said Coretta Williams, the mother of one of the accused gang members.

That’s up for debate, Coretta.  If you had taught him right from wrong and to be a decent human being, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.  You failed as a parent, and now it’s up to law enforcement to put your son in a cage where he belongs if he’s convicted.

“Just as Mr. Higgins’ mother feels that he’s a human being and not an animal. It was uncalled for. It disgusts me, because someone that serves the public…someone with that magnitude to have such negative feelings towards the community that he is obligated to protect and serve did an injustice. “

Boo hoo.

…”Maybe they’re on the run maybe because they’re in fear, because the way this man [sic] spoke,” Carolyn Boudreaux, a mother and grandmother to members of the accused gang members, said. “I probably would feel the same way…trying to find me, I would be scared you’re trying to kill me.”

…or maybe they are on the run because they don’t want to get put into that cage!

Brown said he plans to send a letter to the justice department and ask for an investigation.

Be sure to put “Attn:  Round file” in the address field, because after the Obama regime is out of office, nobody is going to give your baseless complaint a second reading.

“In honesty, the sheriff should fire him,” Brown said about Higgins. “Or he should resign for what he said. He has damaged the criminal justice system.”

Perhaps Mr. Brown should go love himself.

Capt. Higgins was contacted to respond to the backlash the video has received, and during a phone interview, Higgins said he did the video per the request of the Louisiana State Police, and that he did his best with it. He said people have a right to their opinion, even if that means disagreeing, and he supports that right.

He said the video has gotten millions of views and comments from around the world and a large percentage of the ones he has read are very positive responses.

Outside of America’s criminal community, that video is generally very well received.

9 thoughts on “THE CAJUN “JOHN WAYNE”: Nominating a real cop as the new Chicago Police Superintendent”
  1. Capt. Higgins tells it like it is, ACLU and the criminal class be damned. America needs more law enforcement like him, and especially Chitcago!

  2. Higgins as Chicago’s police chief?

    Why waste his talents on politicians who wouldn’t appreciate him?

  3. Forget it.

    He couldn’t be manipulated by corrupt aldermen and other Dems. He’d start making arrests for political corruption. They couldn’t have that!

  4. He seems like a great guy who can’t be bought. He would be wasted on the Chicago/Cook County crime industry.

  5. I’m from a foreign land that used to be called America, where MOST of the fathers and men I knew were just like this guy.

    I wonder what happened to all of them, but it brings strength to my heart to hear his words.

    What? The ACLU panzy? No! The Captain, you dolts!

  6. Wait…. The only people who have made any gruff about his statements are the relatives of gang members? Who are likely members of the same gang or at least offer aid to them? And the ACLU?

    The ACLU really needs to clean house. They have way too many metrosexuals writing opinions. The ACLU needs to concentrate on the BOR and protect all Americans, not just the criminal class that gives the excuse to Government to trample the BOR with the help of the very people who need protected.

    I could care less if the criminal class has their feelings hurt, F them. The ACLU needs to talk to the Community Leaders there, ask them what they thought and why they support the Sheriff, maybe they will learn it is not about racism, but about protecting all Americans from the filth and trash who prey on society. And not only was his tactic successful, leads are being received and arrests made, but it sets the EXAMPLE that is lacking from political hacks who occupy LEO positions.

  7. ACLU? What a sad joke. They coddle criminals, excuse their vile, disgusting acts against innocents and fret over imagined violations of their 1st Amendment rights, while at the same time working feverishly to undermine the 2nd Amendment and disarm the law-abiding citizens upon whom their criminal friends prey.

    Keep up the good work, Capt. Higgins!

    Chicago couldn’t handle this man OR the community leaders standing behind him. They would destroy in a matter of days the myth the left has spent decades building up that somehow the criminals aren’t responsible for their choice to commit crimes.

  8. Captain Higgins, you are AWESOME!!! Be sure to check out his other spots for his local Crime Stoppers. He’s dead serious but funny at the same time. Says what most of us feel. “WE’RE AMERICANS. WE’D RATHER DIE ON OUR FEET THAN LIVE ON OUR KNEES!!! Hell, yeah!

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