Photo via Gateway Pundit


Here’s the story behind it.

This is the pamphlet which is circulating on the Internet and in the city of Munich, Germany, together with the hash tag #refugeeswelcome and #antifa.

The scandalous leaflet is [allegedly] coming from the immigrationnists, anti-racists, anti-fascists, who had the very alarming bad taste to broadcast . The sordid and moralising Delirium of these people has reached the abyss of abjection. Before there was the cannon fodder to fight the invasion, on offer now is the pleasurable flesh to support the invasion!

The message is clear: if mass immigration brings with it grave consequences, including rape, it must still be accepted because it helps to combat racism!


The comments at Gateway Pundit are priceless.

Including this one:

Sound logic … Then no one should be too upset by that millisecond gunshot.

8 thoughts on “LUNACY FROM THE LEFT: A rape can last 30 seconds, but racism lasts forever. (And a self-defense gunshot takes only a millisecond…)”
  1. The women in my life are all armed and perfectly capable of dealing with foreign or domestic rapists, thugs and all manner of savages.

  2. Why do the German people not eradicate these threats to public safety? They have the temerity to state that objection to rape equates to racism? Are they really so utterly contemptuous of their own culture that they can’t even insist that RAPE is unacceptable?

    This disgusts me.

    If we do not proudly stand up and defend the values that built America from the dreams of a few brave patriots into the envy of the world, it will be lost forever to these same leftist thugs. We are already well along that path to ruin.

    I understand that unchecked nationalistic fervor leads to horrors such as Nazism. That the German people would be deeply reluctant to repeat such events is a good thing. But there can be no rational argument for subjecting a nation’s population to rape and other crimes against humanity by anyone – refugee, immigrant or homegrown criminal – on threat of being considered racist. People who can’t or won’t live by a society’s laws can either go elsewhere or suffer the consequences, without regard to skin color, religion or whence they came.

  3. Let me get this straight…so these sh#*heads think that a woman or young girl that is raped does not lay awake at night reliving the horror of a sweaty, smelling man robbing her innocence! That she doesn’t fear walking around the corner or to school! That she may never trust a man again let alone being intimate! Only 30 seconds?? Are these not the same idiots that demand a safe room at hearing the mere utterance of the word “gun”! What kind of backwards, evil world do we live in?!

  4. I’m getting older and have lived a pretty full life, but if these wackadoodles think this is acceptable they need to think again. If this happens to any of my family, well, I’ll have my memories to look back upon and I will know I did the right thing in putting down these animals.

  5. It’s not racism to want to live and raise a family in a safe environment.

    These social justice types are merely trying to brand all dissention as racism.

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