Seattle Times photo

You’re known by the company you keep.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Rats know the way of rats.

Peas in a pod.

Cut from the same cloth.


Seattle-King County NAACP Identifies Victim of Yesterday’s Police Shooting as Che Taylor

(From the Lefty “The Stranger” publication) – On Sunday, Seattle police shot and killed Che Taylor, a black man from Seattle who was well-known in the community and deeply beloved, Seattle-King County NAACP President Gerald Hankerson said this morning.

The NAACP president calls a robbing rapist “deeply beloved”?

The NAACP isn’t improving it’s already shaky credibility, singing the praises of a rapist armed robber who worked as a street pharmacist and beat people in his spare time.  Oh yeah, and Che Andre Taylor is what Marvin R. Hunter called himself.  We’d call him a “super-predator” to quote Hillary Clinton.

Photo via Breitbart.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he has one of the biggest funerals in Seattle,” he said.

The SPD has not released any information about the victim of yesterday’s shooting, except to describe him as a “known felon who was clearly armed.” Police said they encountered him after a call about a suspicious car in Wedgewood.

“The man refused commands from the officers, who then fired at him,” the Seattle Times reports. He was injured by a gunshot wound to the upper body and died at Harborview Medical Center.

The single best way not to get shot by Johnny Law?  Obey commands and don’t try to pull a gun on them.


…Hankerson decried the way some reports “are demonizing him as an armed felon… They’ve already depicted him as a monster.”

I imagine Mr. Handerson would feel differently if it was his mother that Mr. Taylor raped.  Or his daughter.

Or, maybe not.

Police chief Kathleen O’Toole called Hankerson last night. Hankerson said she told him a gun was “‘in reach’… which indicates to me that a gun was not in his hand.” Another member of the local NAACP, Sheley Secrest, said O’Toole told her the same thing, and that the chief promised to share dashcam video of the shooting by the end of Monday. The department has made a practice of releasing videos of officer-involved shootings within a day.

“It doesn’t add up,” Hankerson said. “We know him as someone who is not a gun toter… My entire community right now is so outraged. There’s so many more questions than answers.”

When you can’t do basic math, nothing adds up.  Especially when you view the world through racist spectacles.

…Taylor’s convictions in King County included four counts of first-degree robbery, first-degree rape, unlawful possession of a firearm, a drug offense, and two counts of second-degree assault, according to the state Department of Corrections.


The Seattle Times is a little less inflammatory in their reporting:

Officers saw a man with a holstered handgun and identified him as Taylor, a “convicted violent felon” prohibited by law from possessing a handgun, the statement said. They called for additional units around 4:15 p.m. to assist in taking Taylor into custody.

While Taylor stood at the passenger door of a white Ford Taurus, a marked patrol vehicle with its emergency lights activated pulled up facing the Taurus as an arrest team approached the car, according to police.

“Officers ordered Taylor to show his hands and get on the ground,” the statement said. “He did not follow officers’ commands, and instead leaned into the Taurus.”

Officers and a civilian witness interviewed by investigators reported Taylor reached for a handgun, the statement said.

What else did he have on him besides a handgun?

Taylor was found at Harborview to be carrying about six ounces of suspected crack cocaine and black tar heroin, according to police.

He was just turning his life around as a proud member of the Dindu Nuffin’ family.  Thankfully, no good guys were hurt in the production of this video.

Police lives matter.  All lives matter.

Of course, the Black Lives Matter thugs are calling for the police chief’s resignation and the cops involved to be charged with crimes over the righteous shooting of a thug threatening cops’ lives.  More from the Seattle Times:

‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters demand firing of police chief after fatal shooting

A group protesting the recent shooting of a black man by Seattle police took to downtown streets Thursday, demanding police accountability and a criminal investigation of the officers involved.

About 100 people had initially gathered in the morning outside Seattle police headquarters to protest the shooting of Che Taylor. Many carried signs decrying the shooting, which happened Sunday in Northeast Seattle.

The group then moved onto Fifth Avenue and Cherry Street, blocking traffic. Protesters then spent about an hour marching through area streets chanting, “Whose lives matter? Black lives matter!”

…Earlier this week, Gerald Hankerson, the head of the Seattle King County NAACP, called Taylor’s shooting “coldblooded murder.”


We should be pinning medals on the chests of those cops for taking out the trash if Mr. Taylor was indeed reaching for that gun he wasn’t supposed to have while illegally selling those illegal drugs he wasn’t suppose to have.

6 thoughts on “WITH FRIENDS LIKE THAT… Seattle NAACP calls armed robber rapist and would-be cop killer a “deeply beloved” member of the community”
  1. Yep, much easier to protest to favor a criminal who named himself after Che Guevara who said “The negro is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”..

    Seems like the idea of education would be a much better pursuit when you are looking for heroes. But is always easier to blame others for your own failures by blinding following a particular political party.

  2. Defending the despicable.

    Black Lives don’t matter any more than anyone else’s lives.

    Criminal lives don’t matter at all, no matter the color.

  3. This is typical behavior when the primary financial support is cut off, or cut down as it were, for committing criminal acts. Criminals are celebrated and scholars are denigrated within this community and the BLM movement and they wonder why they aren’t taken seriously and only considered as thugs themselves.

  4. Saw this comment at Arfcom by Echo Hotel:

    Those people just don’t get it. Same old lame ass, tired, worn out excuses, on and on and on.

    They publicly defend some of the worst criminals, some of the most vile, reprehensible, brutal, despicable, scum of the earth bipedal sewage that the human species has ever spawned. Utter, complete lowlife without the remotest shred of human decency, devoid of anything resembling a redeeming quality. Predatory vermin, nothing more. All that thugs like Mr. Taylor here have done their entire rotten, useless lives is prey on those around them and the very society that has fed them, clothed them, housed them, enabling them to go forth and commit their atrocities over and over.

    Cradle to death row to grave, the U.S. taxpayer funds this insane, self-perpetuating cycle. And it’s never enough. “Give us MORE! We want MORE! We also want to murder, rape, steal, peddle dope, and victimize with impunity! We DESERVE it! Why? Fuck you, that’s why! MORE!”

    One thing most of these dead assholes have in common is that they died with a gut full of food paid for by the tax dollars of working Americans.

    And then here they come, the usual spokesholes, up on their hind legs bleating and yammering on about “justice.” The police – not by choice, but by necessity – make our civilization a slightly safer place by killing some particularly odious, PCP fueled monster and theeeeeeere they go: the Pavlovian wailing and gnashing begins.

    “All whitey’s fault! Poor little thing was executed in cold blood, blah-blah-blah.”

    Jesus God just shut the f*ck up.

  5. Did they have the correct Black LIES matter hunting permit ? It’s printed with a blind owl saying, ” who me ? ‘.

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