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Thank heavens for good training.  Yesterday, when a black felon brought a couple of guns to his posted “NO GUNS” workplace in Hesston, Kansas and started shooting up the place, police made a quick response.  The first officer to arrive didn’t wait for backup or the SWAT team, he went in and brought the angry super-predator to heel by shooting him dead.

Sadly though, the employer Excel Industries, had guaranteed the spree killer an defenseless victim pool by posting the workplace “NO GUNS”.  Maybe if they hadn’t posted that sign, the convicted felon would have thought twice about his wicked plan.  After all, spree killers are cowardly bullies.  They fold as soon as they are faced with meaningful resistance.

Four dead, including gunman, in Kansas workplace shooting

Four people were killed and 14 others injured in a Thursday afternoon rampage through a rural Kansas county that ended with the death of the gunman at police hands.

The gunman, identified by several Wichita news outlets as [scumbag’s name redacted], was a disgruntled worker at Excel Industries in Hesston, which suffered all the fatalities.

Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton told reporters late in the evening that the gunman killed three Excel workers people before the first officer called to the scene shot him dead.

Thankfully the spree killer gave police a heads up he was on a rampage by starting his rampage on the streets and working his way to the plant.

…Sheriff Walton said the gunman fired at people from his truck in nearby Newton streets and wounded one person. Another person was shot on Highway 81 on the way to Hesston.

He arrived at the Excel parking lot and shot one person, before going inside the plant and began shooting.

Wait, you mean that “NO GUNS” sign didn’t stop him from entering and using his guns for evil?

Sheriff Walton said five of the victims were in critical condition Thursday night.

…“Someone said this guy got fired, got upset and just came back and shot people,” a second eyewitness named Marty Pierce told KAKE.

…Excel Industries is apparently a gun-free zone.

“We got signs saying ‘no guns,’ but this guy’s got an AK and began spraying,” Mr. Pierce said.

“You never know these days, crazy people,” he said.

Dear Excel:  The only thing that stops a bad guy with evil in his heart is a good guy with a gun.  Maybe now you’ll figure that out and take those lunatic-magnet signs down!

Russia Today has some of his criminal background:

[Scumbag’s name redacted] has a criminal history in both Harvey County, Kansas and Broward County, Florida where he is originally from, according to online court records. On December 17, 2010 in Harvey County, he was arrested on charges of parole violation, domestic battery, drug possession, possession of drug paraphernalia, traffic violations and theft, though it is unknown if he was convicted. In Florida, he was convicted of fleeing police, battery, and grand theft.

Will the Kansas NAACP President now call him a “deeply beloved” member of the community and that the police officer who killed him be charged – and the police chief fired?



Photo via kwch12

He apparently was fired earlier in the day.

He also was served with an Order of Protection mid-afternoon (3pm?) and began his rampage around 5pm.

Here’s a photo of his trailer last night.  Seems he was a little pissed about the Order of Protection.

8 thoughts on “FITS A NARRATIVE, JUST NOT THE LIBERAL ONE: Black felon’s spree killing at gun free workplace in Kansas”
  1. Why wouldn’t Black Lives Matter come to town and demand “justice” in this latest example of an obviously racist cop shooting down a beloved member of the community!

    No justice, no peace!

    He was executed in cold blood!

  2. No guns = this establishment is anti good guy. As a matter of fact, I see “No Guns” as hate speech, and because the vast majority of legal gun owners are white, its racist too. Those signs are blatant micro-aggressions, so every time I see one I seek a safe-space and shop elsewhere.

  3. Excel Industries, had guaranteed the spree killer an defenseless victim pool by posting the workplace “NO GUNS”.

  4. Now will the employer be held accountable by the families of those killed and injured for not providing the protection they deserved.

  5. Another community black chemist gone. If only the ” NO GUNS ” workplace had a fish net safe place play pen for the employees.

  6. I am waiting for our joke of a president to get on the air waves with his patented “crocodile tears” that he does so well.

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