
He should have been at home, in bed, to be ready for school the next day.  But instead, the 13-year-old was out at midnight with three friends looking for someone to carjack.  Why not?  Four bad guys against one or two innocent, productive citizens is good odds if you’re a bully.

It probably wasn’t their first foray into the world of armed robbery, only this time there was a sudden and profound error in the victim selection process.

Junior apparently didn’t know that about one in five Floridians have a concealed carry license.

Think of it:  If you’re a criminal, it’s like taking a smoke from a pack of cigarettes where four of the cancer sticks are laced with cyanide.  I know what you’re thinking…  is this one one of the Lucky Strikes or is this one of the cyanide ones?  Go ahead…  Do you feel lucky, punk?  Well do you?

Well, ignorance is bliss.  When Dindu Nuffin and his friends tried to ‘jack a woman and her boyfriend in a Honda Civic (of all things to ‘jack!), the boyfriend drew his heater and fired two rounds into the wayward punk, perforating him well.  Unfortunately, our good guy didn’t get the taxpayer relief shot and junior will be out when he turns 21.

Teen shot after attempted car-jacking

NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (WSVN) — ..Fernandez was a witness to the aftermath of, what North Miami Beach Police called a thwarted carjacking attempt at the intersection of Northeast 159th Street and 16th Avenue.

One of four suspects, a 13-year-old, approached the Honda Civic. The woman behind the wheel yelled to her passenger that the suspect had a firearm. “At that time, the passenger drew his firearm and shot two times,” said Detective Cora Mann of the North Miami Beach Police Department. “He was afraid for his life. He was protecting himself and his girlfriend.”

The 13-year-old was rushed to Ryder Trauma Center in stable but serious condition. The other three suspects ran off. Neither of the two passengers in the Honda were injured.

…The 13-year-old boy is now recovering and will be charged once he is released. “He’ll be charged when he gets out the hospital with attempted carjacking with a firearm,” Mann said. “First of all, what is a 13-year-old doing out after midnight? They should be in bed ready for school.”

9 thoughts on “HAPPY ENDING: 13-year-old carjacker gets hot lead instead of hot ride”
  1. Shot placement, shot placement, shot placement!
    Another missed opportunity. We will give him an ‘A’ for effort anyway.

  2. There seems to be a proponderance of 13 year olds doing stupid things in the
    “Gun Shine State” earlier this week one was arrested in Tampa after breaking in to a daycare business stealing a van driving about mile to a cell phone store attempting to break in getting run off by the owner, going back to the daycare stealing a second van and going again until he was arrested not far away. This is what our nation will suffer from until men become Dad’s and not just fathers! children need positive role models in the home, they’ll find the negative on the street and at school!

  3. I know this may sound cruel, but this young thug should be tried as an adult and given the usual 20 year sentence that Florida law stipulates for violent crimes of this nature….I know a bunch of you “mamby pampys ” will tell me that it is cruel and unusual punishment for such a harsh sentence to be handed down to someone as young as 13, but you have to do something to deter this kind of crime besides putting away dangerous criminals…..going to prison for short sentences and returning to your peers is considered by these gang bangers as a “rite of passage into manhood”….you are looked up to by your peers while those same peers scorn those who do well in school and go on to college… the time our 13 year old perforated fool gets out of prison at age 33(assuming he can survive for 20 years in an adult prison with all kinds of hard core types) he will long be forgotten about and most of his peers will either be dead or incarcerated….problem solved.

    1. don’t know if he is black….the article didn’t say…..anyone brandishing a firearm in the commission of a crime should be dealt with harshly and decisively regardless of race or religion.

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