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Gun sales in February 2016 were big.  Really big.

Remember how last year’s gun sales were the biggest ever in recorded history?  With 23.1 million pre-sale background checks conducted, 2015 was almost 15% bigger than 2014’s numbers and a clean double of those in 2007.

This February, gun sales were 40% over those from last FebruaryIn fact, February 2016 stands as the third biggest month for gun sales, EVER.


Click for full-size.

2613074 NICS checks in February 2016.
1859584 NICS checks in February 2015.

2016 is shaping up to be the biggest year for gun sales ever, with sales on track to exceed 30 million for the first time ever.

More and more Americans embrace the proven benefit of firearms ownership in keeping their homes and families safe.

4 thoughts on “FIREARM FEBRUARY! February gun sales were big. Peek inside to see just how big…”
  1. I haven’t. Heard Sillery. Mention taking our guns away for awhile Betcha. They told her to be quiet about that — of course , One doesn’t. Forget that. ,, you only need to hear that once to take a stand ..

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