Salon Magazine proclaimed “The NRA is losing” in 2015. The subhead: “New poll showing support for ‘gun rights’ higher than ever misses the big picture, gun-safety activist tells Salon”.
Mother Jones proclaimed, “These Women Are the NRA’s Worst Nightmare” referring to Bloomberg’s “Moms Demand Action”.
Yup. That must be why Moms Demand Action and the Brady Campaign were utterly shut down in West Virginia as the legislature there over-rode the veto of Democrat Governor Earl Ray “Slimy Politician” Tomblin, and enacted Constitutional Carry.
The new measure will take place on our about June 5, 2016.
Congratulations, gents. Grassroots doesn’t get any better than this.
One thing’s for sure: We aren’t losing – and Moms Demand Action are far from our worst nightmare.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! We have much to be proud of here in Illinois as well, with groups like GSL, Sangamon Co. Rifle (now part of the GSL Family!), State Line Rifle up north, and the award-winning ISRA taking the fight to the paid shills wanting our gun rights!
Almost all on our side are volunteers, unlike the ICHV goof balls, the Brady twits and Everytown’s idiots. Fighting for freedom is honorable and noble. Our nation’s founding fathers knew this too.
NICE! The suits look royally unhappy. I hope their employers say, “YOU’RE FIRED!” Donald Trump style.
We need more of the real people trumping the establishment political class – in more ways than one.
Thank you WV state legislators for doing the right thing.
Now export some of that common sense to Illinois, would you please?
When I first read the headline I didn’t realize “trump” was being used as a verb. I thought it was going to be about grassroots volunteers revealing that Donald Trump was paying anti-gun activists. Cleared up by the article but I wonder if others will have the same thought without bothering to read beyond the headline.
Was my initial thought as well.
Thank you. Changed
That picture brought a big smile to my face. Bravo!
We need a national law restricting the use of armed security to licensed CCW/CCL holders only? You’re simply outsourcing the defensive use of a gun. How is that any different than a straw buyer? That would solve reciprocity and a whole host of carry issues. I can’t see why the anti-gunners would have a problem with more licensing, right? The more regulation the better is their motto.