Some of you may remember Charles “Stretch” Ledford and the video he made about the GSL Burma Signs back in 2012 – “Handguns and Humor in the Heartland.”  As you might imagine, we were a little skeptical about this professor of journalism that came to us wanting to literally peek inside our world (and inside my gun safe!).  We guardedly allowed him in and the final products were beyond superlative and we were impressed with the fair shake Stretch gave us.
The video (click here) was picked up and prominently featured by the BBC and The Atlantic, and led to interviews from a London-based reporter and videographer who came to Rantoul, IL to report on our group, and another team from Moscow reporting for Russia Today. In fact, it marked the beginning of a host of video features and documentaries on Guns Save Life seen throughout the world.
New Project
Now Stretch is working on a new project and has asked for our help. “I’m putting together a collection of photographic portraits of families who have kids named after firearms manufacturers,” he said. “I’d love to find a bunch of little girls named ‘Beretta’ or boys named ‘Winchester.’ Maybe there’s a ‘Ruger’ or a ‘Sig’ out there, too.”
Before he was a University of Illinois journalism professor Stretch traveled across the country for USAWeekend shooting portraits of kids who were born on 911. “That’s the kind of thing I want to do again, this time with families who are unapologetic about their love for firearms and the Second Amendment,” he said. Â He’s shared some of the 911 babies photos here –Â – and we’ve reposted a few here as well, with his permission.
So if you know of anyone who would be interested in him making a nice family portrait (he’ll come to you), e-mail or call him – or 804-643-6747. (Ideally in or near Illinois, of course!)
John if you are vouching for this guy the family that includes Maverick and Remington are going to take part.
Stretch is good people. We couldn’t have been happier with the fairness and unbiased nature of his work.
Stretch was very fair in his documentary, enjoyed talking to him when he was around GSL meetings. He filmed the first? ICHV “meeting” at the Champaign library, I got in but they limited the attendees by holding it in a meeting room with occupancy of only 20 as JB couldn’t get in even though there were 2 empty chairs and he had his “press” credentials with him. It was very humorous to listen to the presentation, I would love to see what Stretch filmed. Can you get a copy John? I think it would be entertaining to show it at a meeting sometime (haha).
Dave M.
Thanks so much for this post, John. Your marksmanship is exceeded only by your writing skills. 🙂
I remember those videos. It was refreshing how they didnct attack GSL.
It could have been bad…. like a hit piece bad. Well done production as well. 60 Minutes couldn’t have done better on production, but yoh could bet they would not have done it without inserting their hate for guns.
My kids and gkids aren’t named after guns, but if they were…
OMG. Agun as a Christmas ornament? Now that’s hardcore.
I think I’ll have to do the same this year! Talk aboit a conversation piece.
I can personally vouch for Stretch. Not only did he do a wonderful job on the GSL pieces, but he also shot all the photos for my wedding! He’s welcome in my home anytime.
Please, no kids named Hi Point.
Or Bryco
Not sure if there are a lot of kids named after peoples favorite firearms, but maybe we can start a new trend. In 20 years it will be hard to argue with a guy named Busta Cap Jones.
Cute kids named after guns? Sure, why not. Sounds like fun.
It beats kids named after venereal diseases, right?
I worked for an old farmer as a kid that had a hound named “Bullet”, think he was named after Roy Rogers’ dog, a shepherd, and Roy’s horse was named “Trigger”, does that count? The hound was far from “fast as a speeding Bullet”, as he was old, think it was a “play on words” to have named him such. He was a good dog, think he had Basset mix in him.