
The radical Islamic savages have been busy, launching coordinated attacks in Brussels yesterday.

They’re going to hit America again.  They may even hit your hometown.

Are you ready?

You don’t have to be a defenseless victim.

Empower yourself.  Become a gun owner.  Get a carry license.  Get training.

Make yourself a hard target.

It’s better to die fighting on one’s feet than pleading for mercy on one’s knees.

24 thoughts on “TERROR: It’s going to come back to America. Are you ready if it comes to your hometown?”
  1. This is what the Hildabeast wants to bring to America, well, her and the rest of the liberal demonicrats.
    Arm yourselves, train your selves, and get your CCL and carry at all time possible. You can’t this type of attack, but you can stop others. Remember, Chicago can’t handle all of their homegrown thugs so they are exporting them south.

    1. …..and they are coming to a home town near you especially if you live in the I-57 corridor along the Amtrak route from Chicago all the way down to Carbondale and if you live in a college town along that corridor you may notice many empty housing units as college students are leaving Illinois by the truck load to out of state schools…..landlords are desperate to fill these empty vacancies as they are bleeding cash and are willing to accept these refugees from Chicago as long as they can procure federal housing vouchers for these new inhabitants……the demographics are changing rapidly and this rapid change can’t be good if no new jobs are created for these new arrivals…..you are going to have a lot of folks hanging around town with a lot of time on their hands with nothing to do….just a thought

    2. Cruz also wanted to increase the numbers:

      “Under the Cruz plan, yearly legal immigration would have gone from 740,000 to 1,675,000. He said his idea was to actually help kill the bill not boost the numbers.”

    3. Cruz also wanted to increase the guest worker program by 500%

      I was listening to a talk show today and a caller said his friend and others are losing their jobs to Syrian refugees by design and being paid more than the people they replace.

  2. I may be a senior citizen, but I will put the hurt on any goat lovin’ Muslim terror thugs that shout allah snackbar around me.

    If those savages try this crap in America’s heartland, I pray someone like me is there to save innocent lives. And if it is me and they kill me before I can wipe them out, well that’s okay. I’ve lived a good life and can’t think of a more noble way to die. Sure beats a nursing bome.

    1. I’m with you 100%, it will be a new day for the goat romancers if they try there evil ways here in Giveashitville. To hell with the damn nursing home, I’m not that crazy about tapioca to begin with.

  3. That’s all fine and good, but what about states that restrict CCW? Or where there are gun ban zones practically everywhere, like in the city of Chicago city limits? Nothing like needing a permission slip to exercise your 2nd Amendment right! Unless of course we only think these attacks will happen in areas where you can “legally” carry. Last I checked, you can’t carry in some airports. But hey, better to be law abiding and follow the “rules of CCW” than to take a chance and get caught in a gun free zone with that weapon. Or in a state where not having that permit or reciprocity could get you arrested by your friendly neighborhood good guy with a badge and gun. Just saying!

    1. No, but do you suggest a “why bother with anything” approach? You’re correct about the blast zone, however if you survive the surrounding area, what will you do then? Run, hide and try to fight with a chair like the DHS suggest? I have been carrying for almost 30 years. Started when I joined the Marines, continued when I joined the Sheriff’s Department and now as a Federal Officer. I’m not worried about my abilities to carry, defend and fight. I’m worried about yours!

  4. Thanks for the kind words. I didn’t think it that profound.

    Just because America suffers from lots of crybaby pajama clad sissies who are profoundly crippled by microaggressions doesn’t mean we are ripe for goat humping savages to defeat our way of life.

  5. John I your training do you address defending against rape, even if your unarmed?


    1. I’ve got something for Muslim males who are feeling excited at seeing a woman’s ankles, or their uncovered faces: They can rape my pistol and I’ll help them make the “climax” memorable.


  6. Supposedly they have 400 of these human bombs trained to attack civilization this summer. Is it time to start playing Cowboys and Muslims yet? The more I see of Islam, the more I believe it to be the religion of Satan.

  7. sooner or later, the world will launch the last crusade.

    My money is on Israel thinning the Muslim herd by a few hundred million before I expire.

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