
Yes, Drudge has forwarded a report on how radical Muslims have sent 400 trained goat romancers to the Western World to continue their Muslim jihad against civilization.

My bad.  They aren’t trained in the art of goat romancing (hat tip to a GSL contributor for that colorful description), but in conducting bombings and other attacks against soft targets.

There are two ways to prepare ourselves for this barbarism.

We can arm ourselves with information, skills, attitudes and tools for meeting their assault on our very way of life and defeating it soundly and permanently.

Or we can post signage to prohibit such terrorist activity.

no bombing

Yes, this is the same philosophy offered by gun grabbers to “protect” us from criminal misuse of firearms.


Those signs are proven to stop criminal violence!

11 thoughts on “MUSLIM TERROR COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU: Two philosophies for countering the terror threat”
  1. Why don’t we have the UN send REALLY STRONGLY WORDED LETTERS? Or better still, make “Resolutions!”

    That’ll show ’em!!

  2. Have you heard SOBama’s latest dash of brilliance? “If we reduce gun ownership the infidel hunters won’t commit any acts of terror against us” I paraphrased but that’s basically what he said. If I was computer savvy enough I would provide the link that I read on Red State. Unbelievable to say the least. Carry on and carry always.

  3. Unfortunately, carrying concealed won’t do much against a suicide bomber. You generally wouldn’t even know they are there until it’s too late.

  4. Problem #1 with that sign?

    The goat lovers were practicing their goat romancing when they should have been learning how to read. How are they going to know what that wording means?

  5. The Daily Mail is reporting that 5 Muslim men gang raped a 7 year old girl in Germany.

    I would say Muslim Terror is world wide and is already here

  6. The liberal theology would surrender the West to the Muslims in the name of diversity, but these same hard-core moonbats have no tolerance for the conservative viewpoint held my most Americans.

    In theory, signs would stop people from doing things proscribed. However, not everyone is a well-adjusted, responsible human being.

    And the real world isn’t like a liberal utopia.

    If in doubt, just look at Chicago, Baltimore, or Brussels.

  7. Why haven’t the Israelis blanketed their country with those signs? Maybe asking nicely fails to work.

  8. If we could only have signs that prohibit criminal activity…

    Just like those stupid “no racism” signs I see at the outskirts of my town.

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