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What is ethics?

(used with a singular verb) that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.

Last week how we told you Gabby Giffords’ gun grabbing group “Americans for Responsible Solutions” had bought themselves a contract lobbyist – who as of a week ago wasn’t in compliance with Illinois ethics rules and regulations.  Yep, leave it to ARS to hire an ethically non-compliant lobbyist.  Birds of a feather and all that.

Mark Kelly, Gabby’s husband, went to the sypathetic mainstream media in Chicago – the same mainstream media that’s trusted by 6% of Americans – to plead his case for more gun control.  He wants dealer licensing in Illinois, and background checks on all gun shop employees.

Nevermind that anyone touching a gun in Illinois must have a FOID card – which is issued after an extensive background investigation.  Marky Mark knows this, but he doesn’t care.  He plays fast and loose with the truth, as he’s done plenty of times before in his side job pimping gun control schemes.  He’s hell-bent on not letting facts get in the way of promoting a fresh, new gun control scheme.

So, we’ve got an ethically-challenged Mark Kelly-Giffords, hiring an ethically-challenged lobbyist, talking to ethically-challenged mainstream media:  Notice a pattern here?

Here’s some of the sewage he spewed to the Daily Herald editorial team.

Requiring all employees of a gun shop to be background-checked, instead of just the person holding the business license, will cut down on gun violence in Illinois, Kelly told the Daily Herald Editorial Board Friday.

Because unbackground-checked employees are committing predatory criminal violence in Chicago and throughout Illinois?  Is there such a thing as an non-background-checked employee, given that ANYONE who touches a firearm in Illinois must have a Firearms Owners Identification Card?

“There are often people who work at licensed gun dealers (who) traffic in firearms,” Kelly said.

Often?  Then you won’t have a problem providing proof of that, right Mark?

“They might sell guns out the back or be aware of straw purchasing that is occurring and either … allow it to continue to occur or often are involved in it,” he added.

You might molest little schoolgirls and/or schoolboys in your spare time, too, Mark.

“Straw” purchasing is the term for someone buying a firearm for someone else.

Because that’s not already a federal crime.  (That’s sarcasm.)

Kelly said 40 percent of guns found at crime scenes in Illinois came from gun stores, and a lot of those guns had been illegally trafficked.

That’s like saying that 100% of criminals had consumed milk before they committed their crimes.  Indeed, at some point in the distant past, pretty much everyone has consumed milk.  Sure, most guns came from a gun store – at some point in the past few decades.  He makes it sound as though criminals bought 40% of their guns at their local gun store and then went rushed out to commit crimes with them.  (And then we’re completely ignoring the flaws in ASSUMING that all guns that are traced are crime guns, when in fact many if not most are not crime guns)

His bill, called the Gun Dealer Licensing Act, would also mandate Illinois gun store employees get training on identifying gun traffickers, and would allow Illinois to audit the state’s 2,400 gun shops to ascertain compliance with state and federal laws.

The anti-gunners like to say the federal government isn’t providing the manpower or the money to properly monitor gun dealers.  Like Illinois has extra money and manpower?  C’mon.  We can’t even pay our bills.  Or pension obligations.

The full text of the bill will be available for review after it is introduced in the state house when the session resumes May 2. Kelly said it is sponsored by state Rep. Kathleen Willis, a Northlake Democrat, and state Sen. Don Harmon, an Oak Park Democrat.

Ah, far-left urban Democrats carrying the water for gun grabbers.  Who would have thought it?


8 thoughts on “ETHICALLY CHALLENGED: Space cadet Mark Kelly pimps gun control to sympathetic media”
  1. Is this that “common sense” stuff you hear so much about? How do you identify a gun trafficker? They all wear a tee shirt with “Gun Trafficker’ wrote on it? One more question: Is Mark Kelly full of shit?

    1. Why yes, yes he is.
      Since he and his useless wife don’t live in IL, why the hell are they trying to influence our politics? It’s bad enough the left can’t see what’s right in front of their face, their failed gun control in Chiraq, without another libtard mixing things up.
      It’s one of the major problems in this country, pseudo-celebrity thinks that because empty-headed sheeple follow their every move and hang on every word, they actually have something to contribute to society other than a few minutes of entertainment. Once they step off stage or their show ends, their opinion is just that, their opinion. If they want to enact change they need to enter politics and stop spewing their mindless rhetoric and let the people live their own lives without the mind altering drivel pouring from uninformed pie-holes. [/end rant]

  2. BATF just admitted that gun shops are not the source of illegal guns.

    Looks to me like Mark Kelly is just engaging in the world’s oldest profession.

  3. Lies, liars and damn statistics.

    Mark Giffords-Kelly should shut his pie hole and take care of his wife Gabby. For being an astronaut, he’s pretty slow-witted.


  4. I almost feel sorry for him. #1, its obvious that all the time spent in a low oxygen, gravity free environment has caused him to incur brain damage, which leads to #2, he married to that leftist nitwit. I’m guessing problem #1 led to problem #2 or maybe he was just born stupid. I’m just thankful they live in another state.

  5. Didn’t this guy have trouble on a straw sale a few years ago? He bought guns,said he was going to give them to someone else and the seller canceled the sale,I think it was in Arizona.Isn’t that a felony,the first question asks if you are buying for yourself. That’s bad enough but parading your brain damaged wife around to meet an agenda(make big money)makes him a pawn. He’s in it for the money.

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